FRANK SINATRA comp., "Nothing but the Best", released 5/13/08

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by PaulKTF, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member Thread Starter

  2. Benno123

    Benno123 Forum Resident

    I wonder if you have to buy it from the post office to get the first day cancellation? Not that it's a big deal to me, but still it would be a fun collectable to have!
  3. PaulKTF

    PaulKTF Senior Member Thread Starter

    Just don't buy it expecting it to become valuable (remember the Elvis stamp?).
  4. Benno123

    Benno123 Forum Resident

    Yeah, I don't want it for value or anything, I would just like it to have as a keepsake. One of those things, 50 years down the line when you see it you say "Oh yeah, I remember that!"
  5. sharedon

    sharedon Forum Zonophone

    Boomer OK
    Somewhere on here did I see that Starbuck's was going to sell a version with "The Coffee Song" as a bonus track??
  6. christopher

    christopher Forum Neurotic

    another FRANK SINATRA comp., "Nothing but the Best", out 5/13

    looks like a mixture of capitol and reprise recordings:

    later, chris


    Attached Files:

  7. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist

    They always have to put in a unrelased cut on these comps to bring the collectors in.

    Wish they did that with the Beatles as well!

  8. RoyalScam

    RoyalScam Luckless Pedestrian

    What's the Capitol track? "Come Fly With Me"? Could be a live or re-recording...everything else looks like Reprise to me.

    Can't wait to see who remastered (or butchered) it...
  9. serge

    serge Forum Resident

    Arlington, VA
    this looks reprise to me...
  10. kensc1nj

    kensc1nj Forum Resident

    Warwick NY

    With a Capitol-era Photo!
  11. John DeAngelis

    John DeAngelis Senior Member

    New York, NY

    Yeah, nice touch! ;)
  12. MMM

    MMM Forum Hall Of Fame

    Lodi, New Jersey
    Remixed (though I'm not sure about a few of the newer songs) and mastered by Larry Walsh. BEWITCHED is from the once thought lost 35MM MAGNETIC MULTITRACKS!!!. I've only heard BEWITCHED so far - you'll s**t when you hear it... :) Can't wait to hear the rest...
    CBackley likes this.
  13. Sean Keane

    Sean Keane Pre-Mono record collector In Memoriam

    The song selection is just another re-hash of Sinatra on Reprise best-ofs that have been released in the last 10 years; Romance, Love Songs, The Very Best Of Frank Sinatra...

    There are a lot of Reprise tracks that- though not as well known (and harder to come by)- could have been included on this CD. Would anybody take exception to having I Can't Believe I'm Losing You here?
  14. Wow. I hadn't heard the 35mm had been found. If they can ever redo "The Concert Sinatra" in entirety from those, I'll do a handstand.
  15. Sean Keane

    Sean Keane Pre-Mono record collector In Memoriam

    Martin, I recall reading on the Sinatra Family Forum that those mags were in such bad shape they were unusable.

    Why are you eager to hear the rest? The 1997 Very Best sounds excellent. Some guy other than Lee Herschberg remastered it. I forget his name and am not near my collection now.
  16. 12. Somethin's Stupid

    More like someone's stupid (at CDUniverse). ;)
  17. Sean Keane

    Sean Keane Pre-Mono record collector In Memoriam

  18. MMM

    MMM Forum Hall Of Fame

    Lodi, New Jersey

    I never bought that set or have heard it. Keith Blake did it, right?

    I am curious to hear what Larry did with the mixes on the rest of these.

    The description of the 35mm condition on the Sinatra Forum was basically that the stuff needed "help" to be playable, IIRC. The results are worth it though...
  19. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    What's up with this title:

    Who is this release from anyway? Why are we having to ask? :angel:

    That's interesting Martin, thanks. Larry Walsh? Gosh the last CD I recall buying he worked on was in 1994. :)
  20. MMM

    MMM Forum Hall Of Fame

    Lodi, New Jersey
    It's a real Reprise release, with a bunch of bonus track specific releases to certain retailers. Two of them even have RING-A-DING DING! bonus tracks - one from Starbucks, and another from Nordstrom. In a way, it sucks to have all these exclusives, but it's part of the game nowadays, and has been for a while. :shrugs: At least two extra songs from that album have new mixes released - I have a feeling they'll sound pretty good...
  21. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    Yeah it's my understanding that 35mm mag elements have not aged well, unlike the old tapes which can be in excellent shape if stored and treated properly. I don't know if it is the reason or sole reason, but one possible cause for issues would be that the magnetic tracks are thin layers applied onto the 35mm film. Film shrinks, warps unevenly, potentially causing flaking, shedding, so on, as well as the film being at risk of "vinegar syndrome" (a chemical breakdown of sorts) which would wreck things too.
  22. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    Thanks, I hadn't heard a thing about these yet. Do you know if it's supposed to be 5/13 at Starbucks stores? Might go out just to check if they have it... There's no Nordstrom here.

    Here's hoping about the sound. I've made no secret of my preference for Larry Walsh's work over Bob Norberg's back when at Capitol. Perhaps he can do even better in different conditions. Hopefully not forced to play the loudness game.
  23. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    Yeah :laugh:
  24. Sean Keane

    Sean Keane Pre-Mono record collector In Memoriam

    I compared a Sinatra Starbucks CD to the same tracks that Larry Walsh remastered and one, One For My Baby, sounded a little more smoother with more natural sounding bass than Walsh's. Does Starbucks get their discs remastered, or is it a matter of EQing the existing CDs?
  25. john lennonist

    john lennonist There ONCE was a NOTE, PURE and EASY...


    As the Forum's resident Ol' Blue Eyes guru, please give us your thoughts on sound (and mixes) when you've heard the whole thing!

    Maybe even a song-by-song breakdown! :love:

    Thanks. :wave:

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