Speed Of Life: David Bowie Song-by-Song Thread

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by prymel, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. eeglug

    eeglug Senior Member

    Chicago, IL, USA
    Don't Let Me Down & Down. Ouch. The groove is like 70s Marvin Gaye or Al Green reinterpreted through a Yamaha DX7. It’s very 80s sounding, which is unfortunate to say in 1993. Actually it’s like a very careful recreation of Roxy Music’s Avalon album. The best thing about it is Lester. In spite of it all, there is some passion about it. But it’s way too long, like everything else on the album. 2.5/5
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Al Gator and 13 others like this.
  2. threeheadedmonkey

    threeheadedmonkey Forum Resident

    The Netherlands
    Can we go back to Tin Machine? I liked that.
    CN211276, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 16 others like this.
  3. pocketcalculator

    pocketcalculator Forum Resident

    New York City
    "Don't Let Me Down & Down" -
    I don't have much to add beyond this. Except that it is a little interesting in just how many bad decisions went into creating this, from the choice of the song, to the weird quiet vocal in the first part, to the lack of energy and almost dirge-like pace of the groove, to the absence of charm - the one thing you could usually rely on Bowie to supply even when he was phoning things in in the '80s. 1/5
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Al Gator and 15 others like this.
  4. NekoM

    NekoM Seriously not serious.

    Shouldn’t it be “Dont let me down & down & down” ?
  5. Davido

    Davido ...assign someone to butter your muffin?

    To be fair "Don't Let Me Down & Down" eschews much of the busy production touches on those latter '80s records - but it is still MOR fodder not quite worthy of what had appeared to be a bit of a significant DB comeback. And you say the song was offered by his blushing bride? Tough spot for Mr. Bowie to be put in. Makes me better understand "Boss of Me", a stridently wonderful song that would come along 20 years later.
    CN211276, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 13 others like this.
  6. croquetlawns

    croquetlawns Forum Resident

    Bowie tries cruise ship cabaret music: 1.5/5.
  7. Putrifiers II

    Putrifiers II Forum Resident

    London, UK
    And is found wanting 1/5
  8. Jamsterdammer

    Jamsterdammer The Great CD in the Sky

    Málaga, Spain
    "Don't Let Me Down & Down"

    Meh. Not much to say about this. It's not bad, but it's not good either. 2.5/5
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Piiijiii and 10 others like this.
  9. Cat People

    Cat People Forum Resident

    West Midlands

    Wow, really don't hear this song the way others are. To me it is light and easy and relaxing shift of mood.
    Probably what album needed. Always thought it was lovely and linked to the wedding track in some sense.
    Also contains that wonderful explosive change of vocal style.

    KangaMom, Ken.e., Al Gator and 13 others like this.
  10. DTK

    DTK Forum Resident

    It does have a feel of "ok I will do it, whatever makes you happy".
    But even the esteemed bride must have been disappointed at this half-cocked showing.
  11. alugjk

    alugjk Senior Member

    Atlanta, GA
    Don't Let Me Down & Down
    This sounds like something that could fit in on Prince's album from around this time (the symbol album). In other words, it's atrocious. This song wishes it was good enough to be on Tonight.
  12. SMRobinson

    SMRobinson Forum Resident

    United States
    Dont Let Me Down and Down Etc

    Well this is some wild ****

    Primo 1992 smooth r and b balladry transforms into a desperate plea for fidelity. The odd edges of the production (those gasping balloon leaking backing vocals) and the wild shape to the vocal elevate this one far above its station.


    Edit: reading and enjoying everyone's hilarious responses to this one. Sometimes sincerity is the boldest most experimental move
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Al Gator and 14 others like this.
  13. croquetlawns

    croquetlawns Forum Resident

    KangaMom, Ken.e., grendel322 and 4 others like this.
  14. mythnormadman

    mythnormadman Someone has to smoke the sky

    Don't let me.......
    It's ordinary. I would feel more kindly towards it if it was a b-side 3/5
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Piiijiii and 9 others like this.
  15. Brian x

    Brian x the beautiful ones are not yet born

    Los Angeles
    Don't Let Me Down & Down

    and SNAP the spell is broken. this definitively could not ever be on Lodger or Scary Monsters, it might squeak onto Never Let Me Down as one of its more disappointing tracks; just when I thought he'd left the lush overproduction behind here it is again, and once again paired with a bored, draggy vocal delivery. And yeah he takes it up a couple of notches at the end of the song but.... I mean compare that bit to the fade on yesterday's song... it feels like he just flipped the "add emotion" switch and dragged his voice up to "passionate" without losing a bit of the boredom and ennui.

    Maybe it was all to be able to say "yes, doing something my supermodel wife's princess friend wrote."
    KangaMom, Ken.e., Al Gator and 13 others like this.
  16. Jimmy Jam

    Jimmy Jam Forum Resident

    Don’t Let Me Down & Down

    A song this bland and boring should really illicit nothing more than a "meh" and a shrug of the shoulders......but it really is almost offensively dull.

    And I never knew it was a cover! Christ almighty all the songs he could cover and he does this drivel, textbook old fart music, awful.

    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 15 others like this.
  17. Jimmy Jam

    Jimmy Jam Forum Resident

    My god thats it! I absolutely despised Boyz 2 Men and that kind of slow motion, over emoting "RNB" ****e back in the day......no wonder I hate "Don’t Let Me Down & Down" so much! Great call.
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 6 others like this.
  18. Purple Jim

    Purple Jim Senior Member

    Don’t Let Me Down & Down
    Oh dear, this a terribly bland thing. A strange vocal too.
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 12 others like this.
  19. richard a

    richard a Forum Resident

    borley, essex, uk
    Yes it’s too long, yes DB sings in an extremely mannered way with an odd accent to boot on the first half, yes it’s soppy as hell but the second half of Don’t Let Me Down and Down and Down and Down and Down is absolutely marvellous. Bowie’s vocals are stupendous. It’s a welcome change of pace and style for the album and although it’s not a song I’d pick out as a highlight, it certainly holds my interest when I play the album.
    And, in keeping with the vague wedding theme, DB recorded this for his lovely wife. What a romantic!
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 14 others like this.
  20. Amnion

    Amnion Forum Occupant

    Ontario, Canada
  21. sillyboyblue

    sillyboyblue Forum Resident

    Don’t Let Me Down & Down

    You know, with few exceptions, I usually love Bowie’s cover versions.
    The back story and motivation for covering this is so interesting and quite endearing.

    Hearing the original for the first time today, have to say that I love the instrumentation and its minimalist style, obviously don’t understand the language, but find the vocal quite captivating.

    However, here’s the big but…

    The Bowie version is like a throwback to the worst of the 80s, on a par with God Only Knows.

    First there’s over three minutes of an unusual choice of vocal style that is just…err…awful.

    Then at 3 minutes 20 we suddenly get a wonderful soaring vocal to lead us through the last 90 seconds or so, as if he’s been messing with us all along…but it’s been so awful up to that point that the change is far too late.

    Musically it’s pretty awful too, so much so that even Lester Bowie’s trumpet can’t save this.

    It’s unfathomable how this has actually been stuck in my head all day…thought maybe I was beginning to like it, but…

    1/5 for its unfathomable ability to be catchy
    Jimmy Jam, Brian x, KangaMom and 15 others like this.
  22. omikron

    omikron Avid contributor to Paul McCartney's bank account

    Lexington, KY
    You know I really tried to earn one of those today with the Skinemax reference. Thought for sure in a Bowie thread that would put Hans over the edge.

    So disappointing.
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 5 others like this.
  23. Amnion

    Amnion Forum Occupant

    Ontario, Canada
    Earn.. I'm deeply gratified you look on his appearances that way.
    However, he and I have standards of outrage. And perhaps Skinemax doesn't "rise" to that level..
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 2 others like this.
  24. moomoomoomoo

    moomoomoomoo WhoNeedsRealityWhenThere'sMoreSleepToLookForwardTo

    Don’t Let Me Down & Down 1.5/2

    Meh. I'll be using that phrase a lot until Earthling.

    To mimic a better Bowie 80's song....... THIS IS NOT BOWIE!
    Brian x, KangaMom, Ken.e. and 6 others like this.
  25. grendel322

    grendel322 Forum Resident

    Yea, I wonder what Hunt Sales might have brought to this tune? :winkgrin: It’s stuck in my head, I’ll give it that. Maybe he should have called this The Wedding Album? 2/5

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