Raising Subscription Price to $6.99

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by LtPepper, Dec 1, 2006.

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  1. bluesbro

    bluesbro Forum Hall of Shame

    If doesnt change the prices too, many of the promotions constanttly offered at bmgmusic would make their CDs cheaper than yourmusic.
  2. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    It's better than Deep Discount CD, which also has free shipping. I don't understand the massive bailout either.

    (Although I hope it encourages them to reconsider!)
  3. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I haven't checked their selection in awhile. It's dwindling? I thought it was increasing.
  4. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    I just got the e-mail five minutes ago myself. :sigh:

    I'm bailing out too. I've been keeping some collection-fillers in my queue for the time being, and I almost gave it as a gift subscription to someone this holiday season. Collection fillers for $5.99 was OK, but at $6.99, I don't think I need them that bad.

    My big issue is that the selection is so poor. I got all the SACDs I wanted from them, and they carry very few of the classical Living Stereo SACDs. So, there's really nothing left. My music purchases are usually way outside the mainstream offerings BMG carries. A couple of box sets, but even those are no big deal--I can always rejoin if I ever want to buy them.

    I'm going to make one last sweep through the site with my want list, and then pull the plug for awhile.
  5. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Thanks, Sam. I thought maybe they would have gotten some older titles. Oh well.
  6. Phishphreak

    Phishphreak New Member

    Well, I just spent about 150 bucks on the Harry Nilsson discs, a couple of Miles Davis boxsets, and a few other discs. Most of the titles I had on my queue were just things that I "kind of" needed. Nothing huge. I've bought tons of stuff from them, but I agree with some of the others here, the selection isn't that great and I bought just about everything of interest. Looks like I will drop them later this month and check back every now and then to see if there is anything I want.
  7. jblock

    jblock Senior Member


    For me I usually end up picked CDs that I wouldn't normally buy, but at $5.99 I would.
  8. CraigVC

    CraigVC Senior Member

    Portland, OR
    I'll probably cancel as well. The $1/each difference (about a 15% per disc increase) is significant to me. I grabbed what feels like hundreds of discs at $5.99/each over the last year or two, so I'll take the attitude that it was good while it lasted.

    I do have about 300 items in my queue right now so I'll have to PDF that page or something so I have a record of what was in my queue in case I decide to rejoin at some time in the future. However, there's nothing in my queue that's "must have" - just filling in some holes in my collection or taking a chance on some new stuff.

    Now seems like a good time to bail out and go spend some more time with all the $5.99 discs I got.

    Like others, I feel that $5.99 is a fair list price that we should be seeing in traditional retail outlets for many of these back catalog discs. at $5.99/disc represented what I feel should be business as usual pricing for the retail music industry. $6.99 is not too far off what you can get some of these back catalog discs for at places like J&R Music.

    I hope the bean-counters are paying attention to the cancellation rates at the word gets out about the policy change.

  9. Jeff Minn

    Jeff Minn Senior Member

    Midwest USA
    I just ordered 5 titles from the 35 in my queue. I am also going to cancel my subscription and take a break for awhile. If, for no other reason, than to demonstrate my displeasure. :)
  10. avalanche

    avalanche Forum Resident


    I'm going to purchase the rest of my queue and then it's time to quit. $5.99 for a brand-new CD was great, but at $6.99, I can probably find better used.
  11. kevinsinnott

    kevinsinnott Forum Coffeeologist

    Chicago, IL USA

    Interesting point. This is, of course, true of most buying clubs. If we're looking for a specific title, this is a good price. If we are music lovers in search of new and different, it gets a little expensive.
  12. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    They'd get more money out of me if they would let me put double disk sets in my queue.
  13. If we give someone a 12-month gift subscription before January, it would be at the old $5.99 rate, wouldn't it? With a 2nd e-mail account, that could be a way to get 12 of next year's releases at $5.99. Might not be worth the trouble and expense, but it would work, wouldn't it?
  14. dprokopy

    dprokopy Senior Member

    Near Seattle, WA
    You can't "buy ahead" on (can you?). It just gets billed to your credit card every month. So your December rate would still be $5.99, but in January, it would go up to $6.99.
  15. This is what I'm talking about:
  16. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    I'm out. I can do as well waiting for BMGmusic sales, and then I don't get a selection automatically every month.

  17. bluesbro

    bluesbro Forum Hall of Shame


    GLUDFSSR Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    Never thought of the gift subscripition deal, it looks like you don't pay tax on it as well. If this is the case, I would cancel the account and buy a 12 month subscription.

  19. I agree. The only real benefit would be that you could get CDs that aren't available now, but will be available next year.

    It would basically end up being coming up with $71.88 now (just before the holiday), just to save $12 in the future. I'm not that thrifty.
  20. mickeyfrith

    mickeyfrith Forum Resident

    I will stick with them for now, but one more increase and they will definitely lose me. Since I'm in TN, I have to pay tax as well, which makes it even more of a significant increase. And I will also start weeding stuff out of my queue.
  21. dprokopy

    dprokopy Senior Member

    Near Seattle, WA
    Yea, the "gift' thing seems kinda pointless, since you're paying the same upfront for it as if you just bought 12 discs out of your cue or cart...

    And I'm not sure I'd bank on there being 12 "new" titles in the next year that I'd be interested in, at this point. :winkgrin:
  22. Lee

    Lee Forum Resident

    Memphis, TN, US
    Paying $6.99 for a CD seems to be a bargain, if they have CDs that you want. My que has over 80 CDs, so I have been happy with their selection. They have also saved me money by reducing my desire to make impulse purchases in stores. I say to myself, "That is on a label that may come out on YourMusic." I need all the holding back I can get. Also $6.99 comes out to well under $1.00 a song, which seems to be the price comparison (ie Itunes).
  23. brainwashed

    brainwashed Forum Hall Of Fame

    Boston, MA
    But a dollar more would cause you to cancel your subscription? Seems a rather modest increase... and I don't think any other online provider has the selection of boxsets they do. Hey, I'm all for keeping prices as low as possible, but $6.99 for a new CD.... how can you beat that? I guess if you buy in bulk from BMG, or take advantage of titles on sale, you can get a slightly better rate... but jeez. Ron
  24. bluesbro

    bluesbro Forum Hall of Shame

    I think the price increase is significant when considering box sets. It would be a $1 increase per disc, so that could be 4 - 5 extra bucks.

    I will be getting all the boxes I need in the next month and then its bye-bye :wave: .
  25. ec461

    ec461 Forum Resident

    I'll stick with, thank you very much. I need to save all the money I can.

    I had a question though - if my Queue date is the 7th and I cancel on the 30th of December, will I be charged for January? Does anyone know?

    Thanks :)
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