Yes Fragile MFSL

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by vinyl diehard, Jan 26, 2008.

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  1. Kayaker

    Kayaker Senior Member

    New Joisey Now
    I really like the sound of the new Mofi - nicely detailed, but my preferred version is still the DVD-Audio surround.
  2. mrbooboy

    mrbooboy Forum Resident

    I listened to the MFSL version for the first time yesterday (twice in fact) at fairly loud levels and didn't notice any problems. No harseness whatsoever. Incredible sounding version.
  3. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    It is a good sounding disc. But is it the best? Hmmm. :)
  4. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist


    I feel the same. This is the best version I have heard.

  5. mrbooboy

    mrbooboy Forum Resident

    I don't know if it is the best; however, it sounds so good it is the last version I will ever need to buy.
  6. abernathy

    abernathy Forum Resident

    Santa Fe, NM, USA
    Hi everyone - this is my first post on the forums! I searched this topic out after listening to the MFSL Fragile in my car today... I was surprised how it hurt my ears... had to keep the volume down. So I just compared it to my old Gastwirt version on my pretty good beyerdynamic DT250 headphones. I agree with the "ear bleed" comment re: the MFSL version - I'm surprised that anyone could think it isn't harsh or crispier, but each to his own ears! I can put the Gastwirt Fragile on and crank it up - sounds smooth and clean but still exciting to me. It's very easy to compare these two versions because the apparent levels are almost identical. What an incredible album - I still remember the first time I heard Roundabout - truly changed my life!
  7. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    I haven't heard the MFSL but I found I couldn't crank the Gastwirt up. The original Diament mastering however, is eminently crankable.
  8. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    Because there's no top end on it.
  9. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    Nah, because there's no digital compression on it.
  10. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    There's no compression (analog or digital) on the MFSL, and it's louder than the Gastwirt so maybe there's no compression on that one either.
  11. curbach

    curbach Some guy on the internet

    The ATX
    Both actually ;)
  12. Jeff Carney

    Jeff Carney Fan Of Specifics (No Koolaid)

    There is some very light compression on the Gastwirt.
  13. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    But less EQ than the MFSL and the Mo-Fi is louder.
  14. Jeff Carney

    Jeff Carney Fan Of Specifics (No Koolaid)


    And btw, the compression on the Gastwirt is apparent if you look at the waveforms for it and the original CD, but the overall levels are not maxed out at all. This is a case of using a bit of compression as an artistic choice and not peak limiting for the sake of getting the CD to be as "loud" as possible.
  15. street legal

    street legal Senior Member

    west milford, nj
    I haven't read through this entire thread, but has anyone compared the MFSL to the Analogue Productions LP mastered by Steve? I can't imagine this album sounding better than the AP LP, myself.
  16. imagnrywar

    imagnrywar Senior Member

    San Francisco
    I don't know if Steve knows something we don't know, or if this is his opinion, but FWIW, here's what he said about Mofi's Fragile:

    "I'd stake my reputation on the fact that there is NO added compression on the MoFi. What you are hearing is a mix artifact."

    Another post from the same thread, in which Rob LoVerde (who now works for Mofi) states that Shawn Britton mastered Fragile without using compression, and that Mofi never uses compression:

    "...I've spoken to Shawn recently regarding this album and he didn't use any compression.
    This isn't news, of course...MFSL NEVER use compression."
  17. Tyler

    Tyler Senior Member

    I have Steve's LP and the MFSL gold disc. I've never listened to them back to back, but I love listening to both of them. Those two versions are the definitive versions (for me) on their respective formats. My digital system is far better than my analog system, so the MFSL is the one I listen to more often.
  18. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    I haven't heard the MFSL but the Gastwirt sounds mildly compressed compared to the original Atlantic to me. The latter is clean and smooth to ear-splitting volumes, while the Gastwirt cannot be cranked to anywhere near that level before an overall harshness sets in IMO. I'm talking about that hardness, edginess, grittiness in the overall signal, so probably affecting the midrange more than anything else, that I usually attribute to digital compression.
  19. zen

    zen Senior Member

    The MFSL gold disc sounds great. Rhino's was an "ear bleed."
  20. Sorge

    Sorge Member

    Thanks to all participants in the discussion for clarifying the situation and saving me - and others, possibly, - some $$$. :wave:

    This forum rocks :righton:

    P.S. I'll go for the MFSL :D
  21. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    The Gastwirt is the best digital version out there. The original is just too muffled and dull. Not a very exciting listen. The MFSL is fine but has a bit too much upper mids for my taste.

    The Gastwirt is the closest you'll come to Steve's LP.
  22. vinyl diehard

    vinyl diehard Two-Channel Forever Thread Starter

    The MFSL is excellent, but I do find the same thing Jamie Tate has mentioned; a few of the songs do exhibit a bit too much upper mids. But, overall, very enjoyable.
  23. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    Despite the lack of top end on the original I find it a more exciting listen than the Gastwirt because of the fully intact dynamics and the ability to listen at louder volumes.
  24. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    I really like the MFSL but the DVD-Audio is my favorite. Steve's LP is very good also.
  25. LesPaul666

    LesPaul666 Mr Markie - The Rock And Roll Snarkie

    New Jersey
    Just did an extensive comparison of all different CD versions, and my new fave is MFSL Gold disc.:cool:

    It has the goods, and all of the difference between these masterings are not subtle in the least. This one sounds that way I always thought should of in the first place. I still like Barry's for overall honesty, but the resolution of this disc is great, and very open. I lyke dat.:D

    The Gastwirt is a little too squeez-y. The newer Rhino remaster...well, I'm not even gonna get into that.:eek:

    Actually, all the new MFSL CD and SACD titles I've gotten from the recent catalog are *excellent*.

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