Why do people spend good money collecting Capitol Beatles' albums?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Steve Hoffman, May 5, 2003.

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  1. daveidmarx

    daveidmarx Forem Residunt

    Astoria, NY USA
    They're pretty easy to find here in the US if you check out used record stores:

  2. culabula

    culabula Unread author.

    Belfast, Ireland

    Gettus one, there’s a chap.
    fogalu, FJFP and AlienRendel like this.
  3. daveidmarx

    daveidmarx Forem Residunt

    Astoria, NY USA
    Would you please re-state that in American English?
    AlienRendel likes this.
  4. abzach

    abzach Forum Resident

    ... I thought april fools day was a month ago...
  5. culabula

    culabula Unread author.

    Belfast, Ireland

    Cannat spik it, Sor.
    Mugrug12, Damiano54 and The Beave like this.
  6. The Bishop

    The Bishop Forum Resident

    Dorset, England.
    Sometimes it’s good to be British.
    AlienRendel likes this.
  7. The Beave

    The Beave My Wife Is My Life! And don’t I forget it!

    You know what would be incredibly great. A list that shows, chronological l.p. Issues that included changes and what those changes were ie: Capitol reissue ##### Beatles 65, New upgraded version of so and so song.
    It could be done but would be a massive project, but man what a cool research tool that would be eh???
    Because, we know there were many times Capitol would ' Upgrade' an LP s mastering to include SOMETHING that they thought was better quality.
    In my case It would be nice to know what changes were done to my later pressed Abbey Road RE 1 that made it an upgrade.
  8. The Beave

    The Beave My Wife Is My Life! And don’t I forget it!

    Well him one of yours for heavens sake!!
  9. aoxomoxoa

    aoxomoxoa I'm an ear sitting in the sky

    The US Rubber Soul is the only American album that I would call essential.

    What about the VEE JAY albums? Are they from copy tapes?
    Brendan Mulhaire and dlokazip like this.
  10. MarkTheShark

    MarkTheShark Senior Member

    Question for our host: can I take the above as confirmation that at least some of the lowest-generation tapes sent to Capitol from England were retained and archived by Capitol?

    (There has been quite a bit of speculation about this in other threads, as to whether Capitol even would have retained the source tapes.)

    In other words, Capitol might still have, for instance, the dry stereo mix of "I Call Your Name" without the reverb added for the "Second Album?"

    Were any of these tapes used for the U.S. Albums box? Do they even know they have them, and what they are? For that matter, do they even still have them?
  11. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host Thread Starter

    I'm not at liberty to say, sorry.
    g.z. and MarkTheShark like this.
  12. MarkTheShark

    MarkTheShark Senior Member

    Thanks for the reply all the same.
    AlienRendel likes this.

    SKATTERBRANE Forum Resident

    Tucson, AZ
    Stumbled upon this revived old thread. Not only do I agree with the OP, but I concur! The only answer I can offer is some people value "nostalgia" over sound quality.
    EdogawaRampo likes this.
  14. Mugrug12

    Mugrug12 The Jungle Is a Skyscraper

    AlienRendel likes this.
  15. vinylbeat

    vinylbeat Forum Resident

    I can honestly say that I'm getting less enthusiastic about looking through bins 2 feet deep of mainly US Beatles LP's at stores and record shows. Finding any Beatles import vinyl locally is a rarity these days. A store owner I spoke with recently, said that if he gets that stuff in it's usually put on eBay.
    Cronverc likes this.
  16. MrSka57

    MrSka57 Forum Resident

    Syracuse, New York
    Box set! Box set!
    The Beave and Clark V Kauffman like this.
  17. DRM

    DRM Forum Resident

    Thank you.

    I've thought of this recently. But I view Abbey Road as having suffered the same fate as some of the other later albums. I don't put Sgt. Pepper's in this category because of the artful stereo separation and well thought out use of instruments and vocals. The philosophy that sometimes Less is More. Please Please Me is at the top, in my opinion, of best sounding albums. Beatles for Sale as well. And the equivalent Capitol Albums, of course...

    That's my memory too, that Mr. Hoffman has been quoted more than once as not being satisfied at all with the sound of the Beatles recordings. Although it's clear that he prefers the U.K. albums by a long shot.
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
  18. Denim Chicken

    Denim Chicken Dayman, fighter of the Nightman

    Bakersfield, CA
    I like my Capital albums and I’m an 80s kid.

    First off you get the singles included on LPs so that’s awesome. And then you get different track listings that keep things fresh. It’s not like having to listen to the same album over and over, you can switch it up.

    I prefer the track listing to Meet the Beatles over Please Please Me or With The Beatles. And sometimes I prefer the capital Rubber Soul to the U.K. one.

    Also you get the movie scores for a Hard Days Night and Help!
    Michael, If I Can Dream_23 and DRM like this.
  19. DRM

    DRM Forum Resident

  20. bldg blok

    bldg blok Forum Resident

    Elmira, NY
    Regarding your second paragraph, as far as singles that I have found to be served very well by the Mono Masters comp. I realize the 67 singles are on MMT, but that's part of the benefit of digital, they can ripped from the mono MMT CD and added to a playlist. I would think that would fit in with your idea of "switching things out".

    Third paragraph, you're comparing two UK albums to one US and one of the UK LPs is the Fabs true first album. "There's A Place", best song on the album IMO, didn't appear on a US album until Rarities in 1980. As far as the US Rubber Soul, there is a charm to that one. I have a mid 80s pressing. But I prefer more songs and since we know Drive My Car is a quality opener, like it was on Yesterday and Today, I am comfortable with it on the UK RS.

    As far as the soundtrack albums, I will take all Beatles songs over incidental tracks from the movie on every other track. Given that we live in a day and age when most every home in first world nations have a DVD, if not Blu-ray, player, one can easily view the film when the urge hits.

    Yeah I grew up with the Capitol records for about 24 years of my life, but I have become very comfortable with appreciative of the UK catalog for the last 30+ years.
    A well respected man likes this.
  21. jwb1231970

    jwb1231970 Ordinary Guy

    Sentimental- I grew up on them and once I started collecting again I bought those over the British
  22. DRM

    DRM Forum Resident

    Exactly. The Second Album's selection of songs and reverb achieves an ambience and vibe that's full of smokin' rhythm and blues mixed with serious rock. Not the inoffensive and proper white boys' rock and roll of the early 60's. "Money" roars in with that guitar very early on...and the instrumental interlude in the middle gets the smoky cavern shakin'. And rattlin'. It rocks. The reverb helps in creating this great vibe. And to me, "I'll Get You" never sounded better. John is featured significantly on the album. And they left out Paul's lighter ballads.
    ohnothimagen and Peter Harrar like this.
  23. Cronverc

    Cronverc Forum Resident

    That was my experience as well for quite some time in NYC record stores. Who actually buys all this Capitol crap? OK, 5-7 years ago they at least were priced like $10 at most. But today I see $20-$25 stickers, I really don't get it.
  24. DRM

    DRM Forum Resident

    I would be wary of ANY vinyl over 50 years old. Even 40 years old. But others feel differently and maybe know something I don't.
  25. vinylbeat

    vinylbeat Forum Resident

    I see bins full of used Capitol stuff priced @ $10-$20 and a lot of it is sitting unsold. If someone is new to vinyl and is looking for decent quality Beatles records to listen to. Just buy the remastered LP's @ $25. Or if you can get the mono's.
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