What's the latest with the Elton John SACDs?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by audiodrome, May 16, 2007.

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  1. ec461

    ec461 Forum Resident

    I thought they had to be stereo too? If it's only 5.1, then no. Sorry :(
  2. Captain Groovy

    Captain Groovy Senior Member

    Freedonia, USA
    It's true - but I wouldn't call it "pathetic". It is what it is.

    I have been offered high-up jobs in the corporate world and though I love and respect the system, I avoid them. I work WITH them all the time, but I try to be on a project to project basis.

    This is for a different thread, but there are benefits to being employees of corporations and drawbacks.

    I am now working on a way to get these masters out of the hands of Uni and into the hands of a smaller company that would be happy to release Elton in surround only.

    I think the Elvis model is the best going in the business right now in general.

    They have the mass market CDs at decent prices that appeal to the masses... then they have the FTD site that is more expensive but caters to the die-hard fans and completists.

    I wanted to do this with Randy Newman, but the number of die-hards compared to Elvis are minuscule and should technically come under the "Rhino Handmade" banner which is an excellent thing, but in the hands of people who may not have certain artists as their top priority.

  3. Captain Groovy

    Captain Groovy Senior Member

    Freedonia, USA
    That's the problem.

    If you are competing with a release that is ALREADY in stereo (they have stereo discs in print) then it would be much more difficult to get, I believe.

    See? Our audience is dwindling already. :help:

  4. Batears52

    Batears52 Senior Member

    Near Baltimore, MD
    Does anyone know which titles we're talking about here? As I recall, the original "Classic Years" designation included everything thru Here And There. Of course, I'd love to have them all, but honestly, at this point, I'd settle for Don't Shoot Me. The "hole" in the series drives me nuts!

  5. Dave W S

    Dave W S New Member

    Yeah sorry, I only want the stereo. But if it can be done for the others that have 5.1, then I say yes. Of course I'll be on the forum within moments of their release logging my disgust, but that's just my irritatable bowl syndrome talking half the time. :laugh:

    Give the project to Silverline, they hate stereo.
  6. YES.

    (This reminds me of the "DTS Era" of surround audio.)
  7. dolstein

    dolstein Senior Member

    Arlingon, VA

    But you're not really competing. Seriously, is there anyone who would be happy with the CD who'd pass that up for the DVD? I suspect that 99% of your market already have the CD (heck, the probably have several different masterings) and what they are interested in is hi res.

    Besides, I thought every DVD-Audio disc has to be stereo compatible, even if it only offers on-the-fly downmixing from 5.1. So if you're going to have stereo, it may as well be real stereo.
  8. ec461

    ec461 Forum Resident

    That's what I thought too. But now that I think about it, it may only be true for SACD...
  9. romanotrax

    romanotrax Forum Resident

    Aurora IL

    I would buy EJ 5.1 even if they were DVD-V with DTS though I would prefer DVD-A or SACD. I will take em however I can get em.
  10. Jeff, I would buy them in DVD-A 5.1 only, in a heartbeat.

    Probably 99% of the DVD-A's, and SACD's I've bought were for the 5.1 mixes. I have plenty of great sounding red book CD's for the 2 channel stereo, that I can always pull out when I'm not in the mood for 5.1.
  11. rstamberg

    rstamberg Senior Member

    Riverside, CT
    You're right ... but do you really think any of the executives at any of the major record companies give a s**t? 'Cause they don't.

    But that's okay, because the majors are becoming more and more irrelevant and will soon die. But that, too, is okay 'cause music and music lovers won't die and something new will happen ... hell, it's already happening with the rise of Internet-based music, the death of copy-control all over the place and the rise in great indie music, etc.

    I mean, even Paul McCartney knows this, right? I'm serious.

    Back on subject, I'd definitely by more SACDs and DVD-Audio discs if they got released. It's a shame Elton doesn't sell enough to merit consideration by his label anymore. His last album was GREAT as was SONGS FROM THE WEST COAST. I read an interview in Rolling Stone with Rod Stewart a few months ago where Rod told a sad story about how Elton had told him personally that he really believed THE CAPTAIN AND THE KID was "the one" that was going to reverse his fortunes, record-selling-wise -- he felt it was that good.

    Of course, it didn't sell well at all, hence his umpteenth Greatest Hits album got released recently.

    I was listening to some old, middle-period Elton John albums recently -- 21 AT 33, THE FOX, JUMP UP! -- and they all have their respective moments. JUMP UP! especially. Great record.
  12. rb66

    rb66 Member

    Count me in as a yes to dvd-a 5.1. I agree that missing Don't Shoot Me and Caribou when they are already done is frustrating.
  13. Captain Groovy

    Captain Groovy Senior Member

    Freedonia, USA
    Well, that may be the upside. Mixing already done.

    I'm just theorizing about surround-only so far. I've never attempted that - though I have gotten "yeses" for gold audiophile releases and "no's" for audiophile releases with unreleased bonus tracks... so who knows what this one will turn out like?

    Good thing I'd be the first customer for this - none of this audiophile or niche stuff makes anyone rich. You gotta love the music to fight the frustrating uphill battle. And they all are.

  14. Jeff, just want to let you know there are many of us who appreciate what you are trying to do, and are willing to back you up. Win or lose. :)
  15. Captain Groovy

    Captain Groovy Senior Member

    Freedonia, USA
    I honestly usually lose, but I do leave a trail of dead behind me! That's for sure!

    We were this close to getting an SH mastered "Complete 12 Songs by Randy Newman" on Gold disc - 20 full tracks (almost all bonus tracks unreleased) on gold disc approved by Mr. Newman himself. I fought for months and months...

    I appreciate your comment, Scott - hopefully we'll see some good stuff soon that we want mastered properly.

    I made my first contact regarding Elton and the 5.1 mixes this afternoon. No matter what it becomes, it'll be a long, exhausting process. Let's hope for the best!

    You gotta love the music first and have a separate income because financially and mentally, these battles aren't worth it. Thankfully, I have both.

  16. I'm thankful you have both too. :agree: :)
  17. bangsezmax

    bangsezmax Forum Resident

    Durham, NC, USA
    I already said "yes," but I'll say it again:

    What might also be cool (if you could do it) is to also have DTS 5.1 that could be played on DVD-V (so that anyone with a 5.1 system could listen to it). Don't know if you have to pay extra license fees for each technology. But either way, I'd be all over any surround that Greg Penny did through Blue Moves in heartbeat.
  18. Blair G.

    Blair G. Senior Member

    Delta, BC, Canada
    Any more Elton on hi-rez would awesome....as long as there is a stereo layer.

    I have at least 50 DVD-A & SACD with multi channel tracks. Have yet to actually play the MC on a single one of them.
  19. YorkeS9

    YorkeS9 Forum Resident

    Germany / NRW
    I want STEREO!

    There was a (hardware-)article in a german hifi magazine. Whe are seeing more and more affordable STEREO-High-End-gear from japan again (maybe 1000-2000 US$). The manufacturers noticed that there are very few multichannel high end customers at all. The sales figures of big multichannel amplifiers are pretty bad all in all. But there are still huge quantities stereo highenders.
  20. SoonerCaniac

    SoonerCaniac Forum Resident

    Wow Jeff, I don't know what to say. I would do anything to have the rest of the mixes and it is just awesome to me (being outside the industry) that there are people on this forum with the right connections to at least look into issues like these. The fact that you are willing to make a significant effort to make something happen is impressive. While it may not mean much, you have my support!

    Keep us posted, and we promise to not get our hopes up. ;)
  21. audiodrome

    audiodrome Senior Member Thread Starter

    North Of Boston
    I want hi-rez stereo - I don't have a surround system.
  22. dwmann

    dwmann Well-Known Member

    Houston TX

    What he said.
  23. oxenholme

    oxenholme Senile member

    Yes, and I'm happy to pay a realistic price for them as well...
  24. bangsezmax

    bangsezmax Forum Resident

    Durham, NC, USA
    We should have a separate thread for people who only want HiRez stereo.

    Obviously, UMG doesn't want any competition on the 2-channel front. This is NOT what this thread is about.

    Has anyone posted about this on QuadQuad?
  25. mrtanner

    mrtanner Active Member

    Yes. I'll take two copies of each one and if you direct me where, I will pre-pay for them immediately.
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