What is your favorite Rolling Stones Studio Album?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Jacob Bailis, Feb 9, 2005.

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  1. shepherdfan

    shepherdfan Western European Socialist Music Lover

    Eugene, OR
    I'd have to break it down by periods. Then I'd have to break it down to what flavor I liked from one day to the next within their classic stuff from the beginning up to '72. Then I have to part away the sentimentality that I attach even to the albums which were not so great(and came out after the aforementioned classic period) and come out attempting to sound like a well-rounded music critic and then pull the rabbit out of my hat. I'll let Bullwinkle say it for me. It is Beggar's Banquet. My God! The Rolling Stones are truely an institution deep within the heart of this little wretched soul.
  2. Uncle Al

    Uncle Al Senior Member

    Long Island, NY
    I went with Exile.

    Admittedly, the Stones made better RECORDS around the same time - Sticky Fingers and Let It Bleed were produced better, and both had a very low filler content. Beggars Banquet was a return to the "roots music" that had made them famous after the foray into psychedelic pop of BTB and Majesties - but never on any of those albums did they raise the funky, swampy sweat of Exile.

    They had made better RECORDS in the past, but they never sounded more like a BAND playing out of some unimaginable desperation than on Exile..... as if they needed to PROVE the '69 intro hype of being the "greatest rock n roll band in the world". The truth is.... Exile always sounded like Ya-Ya's to me - this what this band SOUNDS like (with some horns, background singers and a "guest" here and there). I understand that some people will never "get" this album, but some people prefer Sly and the Family Stones "Stand" over "There's a Riot Going On". "Riot" and "Exile" have a lot in common, both albums had less "hit potential" than their predecessors, but both distilled the very essence of the music that had come before; less slick - but condensed like Campbell's soup in a can.
  3. ksmitty

    ksmitty Senior Member

    Sticky is my all time favorite Stones Album . Yessir it is just full of good tunes !
  4. Gregory Earl

    Gregory Earl Senior Member

    I said "Some Girls" followed closely by "Let It Bleed" and "Tattoo You".

    "Steel Wheels" is a very underrated album. I love it also.
  5. Brian Cruz

    Brian Cruz Forum Resident

    Franklin, TN
    This was tough, but I picked the U.S. version of Out of Our Heads because I can listen to this album anytime. I need to be in a certain mood for the other albums.
  6. MikeM

    MikeM Senior Member

    Youngstown, Ohio
    I don't think I can name one favorite to the exclusion of all others.

    When I was in my prime, I listened to Aftermath and Between the Buttons constantly, so they may have the closest place in my heart. I also greatly love Their Satantic Majesties Request for exactly what it is, and -- heretical though it may seem -- have probably listened to this, in the end, more than any other Stones album (so I had to vote for it in the poll).

    I recognize the greatness of Beggar's Banquet and Let It Bleed and much of Sticky Fingers and Exile, but tend to focus more on the individual songs on them as opposed to the albums as a whole. I think it comes down to liking them young and snotty a bit more than I do when they're jaded and worldly-wise.
  7. ChristianL

    ChristianL Senior Member

    Berlin, Germany
    I've voted for Tatoo You. Start Me Up was their last signature song, IMO.
  8. Hawthorn

    Hawthorn Forum Resident

    As the list was from US albuns, I've voted 'others' cause my favorite is the UK Aftermath.
    (hm.. or maybe I should have just voted for 'Aftermath'..?)
  9. shakti

    shakti Senior Member

    Ramnes, Norway
    This is really about ranking the 68-72 albums, isn't it? ;)
    For me, Let It Bleed is *it* - the album I first heard, and that made me a music addict. Beggars Banquet is very close - some days I like it even more, but in the end Let It Bleed has this menacing aura (Gimme Shelter, Midnight Rambler, Monkey Man etc) that's so iressistible. But it's very, very close.
    Sticky Fingers probably gets the nod after this. Exile is more even, but Sticky has the standout tracks of the two albums.
    After those, it's probably Aftermath, Some Girls, Between the Buttons (UK), Goats Head Soup, It's Only Rock 'n Roll....the earlier ones are a little hard to rank, I think, with the US/UK confusion.
  10. goodyear61

    goodyear61 Member

    "Tattoo You" is a little masterpiece
    so is "Some Girls", my vote goes to Tatto You though
  11. Andreas

    Andreas Senior Member

    Frankfurt, Germany
    The big four are leading, not a big surprise. I voted for Beggar's Banquet. Aftermath UK would have been my second favorite. (Overall, the Rolling Stones are a better singles band than an album band, in my opinion.)
  12. vintageonevinyl

    vintageonevinyl Forum Resident

    Columbia, SC
    I'll go against the grain and say:

    Their Satanic Majesties Request

    Gotta' love it! Touche, Beatles.
  13. Wufnpoof

    Wufnpoof Well-Known Member

    Boston, MA
    Wow ! 3-way tie for second place:


    all with 33 votes each - and all very close behind BB which is in the lead with 35 votes ! :thumbsup:
  14. Matt Ellers

    Matt Ellers Senior Member

    I can't do it - especially when so many great tracks from the 60's weren't (and still aren't) on their corresponding albums. Besides, Sometimes I'm in the mood for the exotic whimsy of Yesterday's Papers and sometimes I need to crank up the all out Faces swagger of Crazy Mama. Or chill out to Jigsaw Puzzle, or be mesmerized by Street Fighting Man, or reach for the skip button when the instrumental section starts on Gomper. I mean, I can't vote for Their Satanic Majeties' Reqeust because there are long sections of horribleness on there. maybe if you excised those and added the We Love You/Dandelion single it would be a contender. Also, the UK Aftermath is great but would be better if You added Paint It Black and axed the last 7 minutes of Goin' Home.
    Likewise imagine Beggar's Banquet with Jumpin' Jack Flash and Child Of The Moon. Obviously I could go on, but suffice it to say I listen to my own compilations mainly. Get Yer Ya Ya's Out is great because it sets a vibe which it maintains throughout the record.
  15. Elegy

    Elegy Forum Resident

    Midland, Michigan
    By a whisker.....Let It Bleed.
  16. Dreadnought

    Dreadnought I'm a live wire. Look at me burn.

    Toronto, Canada
    Ahh crap...choosing between Let It Bleed and Beggar's Banquet is an impossibility for me and that's with Exile a breath behind (pungent breath).
    I abstain.
  17. Vinylbob

    Vinylbob Forum Resident

    Ambler, PA
    Exile, by far
    Beggars Banquet
    Between the Buttons

    All very different from one another
  18. Ed Bishop

    Ed Bishop Incredibly, I'm still here

    Hard to choose a fave, but over the years, the patchwork 12x5 has probably gotten the most play....just something about it...

  19. easyge

    easyge Senior Member

    Sioux Falls, SD
    Tattoo You was the first Stones album I ever owned. I love this album. So my sentimental vote is for Tattoo You!
  20. bob g.

    bob g. Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    What Stones album doesn't come from the studio???????
  21. Bryon

    Bryon Forum Resident

    Let It Bleed
    Beggar's Banquet
    Sticky Fingers
    Exile on Main Street

    The big four - in that order but very hard to choose between them.

  22. Roland Stone

    Roland Stone Offending Member

    Uh, the live albums. Well, ostensibly live:

  23. grx8

    grx8 Senior Member

    Santiago, Chile
    While reading all the answers I realize how many great albums they have...but I went with "Sticky Fingers". A timeless masterpiece..
    No votes for "Bridges to Babylon" :shake: , probably my favourite Stones album right now. Very, very underrated.
  24. bluesbro

    bluesbro Forum Hall of Shame

    Man I hate that album. The worst Stones album for me. Just to show that everyone has an opinion ;) :angel:
  25. Gregory Earl

    Gregory Earl Senior Member

    Actually I like "Bridges Of Babylon" also. I believe all the LPs starting with Steel Wheels and on have been pretty decent compared to what some newer bands are putting out.
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