*UPDATED* Message from Allan Rouse @ Abbey Road BEATLES CD's (SEE POST 84)*

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Gary, Aug 26, 2009.

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  1. Duophonic

    Duophonic Beatles

    Thanks for this post Mr. Rouse!
  2. deville

    deville Forum Resident

    Riverside, CA
    This past month has been like going back to that one special Christmas as a child.
    The day after Thanksgiving, the anticipation starts, and it just keeps growing... getting sweeter and more intense by the day.

    Finally, the Beatles' catalog is getting the attention it so richly deserves.

    It's all I've been able to think about. And this forum is only making it WORSE! :D

  3. Allan, many thks for the message.
  4. JA Fant

    JA Fant Well-Known Member

    Thanks! for the update, Allan.
  5. Thanks for the information Allan--I think that you've put a lot of concerns (and speculation) to rest. I'm looking forward to both the mono and stereo remasters. All of us here appreciate the hard work and often difficult decisions regarding the work on these masters that you and others have had to make but, ultimately, also recognize that while your expertise was often called upon that sometimes you folks didn't have the final say about things. Thanks for making the original stereo masters of "Help!" and "Rubber Soul" available as well and for your efforts in obtaining a release for them. I realize George Martin's concern about these masters but that's the way they were done and to be honest the mixing of that never bothered me much as a kid (and actually I thought it was kind of cool). I continue to value them the way they were prepared originally.

    When listening to the discussion about the remasters via amazon.com to me at least it was apparent (and I'm sure that others felt the same way) that you folks put a lot of effort, creative thought and love into recreating these.

    We appreciate it even if we sometimes don't seem like we do. :)
  6. RemarkablyInsincere

    RemarkablyInsincere Active Member

    Very much appreciated. Thanks for clearing some things up for us Mr. Rouse.
  7. musicfan37

    musicfan37 Senior Member

    13 more days...

    ATSMUSIC Senior Member

    MD, USA
    I was hoping to find out why they were worried about making the stereo version louder with compression. What was the point?
  9. Joel Cairo

    Joel Cairo Video Gort / Paiute Warrior Staff

    Portland, Oregon
    I don't know that anyone was **worried** per se, but it was considered more desirable in today's market to have the CDs play at a level that's consistent with other products that are out there.


    ATSMUSIC Senior Member

    MD, USA
  11. Joel Cairo

    Joel Cairo Video Gort / Paiute Warrior Staff

    Portland, Oregon
    Well, it **does** prevent a lot of people calling and e-mailing to say "How come these Beatles discs play at a lower level than my Mariah Carey CD?"



    ATSMUSIC Senior Member

    MD, USA
    Makes no sense to me. Would of been a great opportunity to explain why with some kind of form letter. Oh well, over now and done. Just wanted to know from the people who did it but this is probably why.
  13. the Saint

    the Saint Forum Resident

    Venice, Ca.
    But why so few mono boxes?
  14. AudiophilePhil

    AudiophilePhil Senior Member

    San Diego, CA
    This Forum is making a huge buzz in the music business!
    Thank you Gary for posting this.

    Thank you Mr. Allan Rouse, Mike Heatley and the rest of the Abbey Road team for proposing the inclusion of the original 60's stereo mix in addition to 1987 George Martin stereo remix.
    This inclusion is one of the main factors in my decision to get the mono box set in addition to the stereo box set.
  15. Nobby

    Nobby Senior Member

    Just a`quick note to say thank you to Allan for posting here, and another “heads up” for the Record Collector interview where Allan’s sense of humour shines through.

    Of note (to me, anyway) in the RC interview:

    Analogue EQ and limiting

    Noise reduction used mainly on intros and gaps

    20 songs have no EQ or limiting applied

    100 have 1dB or less of EQ
  16. Curiosity

    Curiosity Just A Boy

    United Kingdom
    Many thanks Allan for your information about what you and the team did in preparing the re-masters. I really liked the bit where you mentioned the use of the Full Track head for the mono's as it was a great idea!
    I have been very impressed with what I've heard personally - you all sure seem to handled the presentation of the catalogue well - and am looking forward to playing the discs.
  17. KennyG

    KennyG Forum Resident

    I must say that Allan's message has addressed a lot of my questions about the new remasters and that I will be buying them on 09/09/09 with a lot of confidence.

    The one thing I am still wondering about though is what attempts, if any, were made to fix problems with the two most-problematic early tracks, Please Please Me (Stereo) and She Loves You?
  18. semidetached

    semidetached Monkees Mixographist

    Bucks County, PA
    A friend of mine is a musician who did a few albums on a major label. In this iPod world, it's competing with the other songs on shuffle - your song can't be 6dB lower than everyone else's. That's all it is. Unfortunate though it is...
  19. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Bloody Ipod's fault, most decent Mp3 players have a 'normalise' button, Apple computers should build more responsable features into there players instead of fancy games and graphics IMO:shake:
  20. JohnnyH

    JohnnyH Senior Member

    we all appreciate you taking time out to talk about your impossible task* with the Beatles' remasters, thank you

    *pleasing everybody:)
  21. iPods do have a normalise function called SoundCheck.

    Other people use MP3Gain which makes the loudness the same irrespective of what MP3 player is used.
  22. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    :goodie: In that case there is no reason for Cd's to not be a certain loudness, and the shuffle argument does not hold IMO
  23. semidetached

    semidetached Monkees Mixographist

    Bucks County, PA
    Actually, each feature can work differently - some calculate a song's peak and adjust level; some a song's average volume. So some fail miserably. Not to mention that a lot of kids listening on an iPod may never even bother to go into the settings to check something like that.
  24. dobyblue

    dobyblue Forum Resident

    It's okay if they made the stereo ones a little louder, as long as they've avoided dynamic range compression, clipping and brickwalling then everyone's okay, which is what it sounds like they've done.

    Amazing info from Allan, thanks very much. I completely understand why he can't talk about any other possible format releases over the next 2~3 years (vinyl, Blu-ray 24/192)....one thing at a time.
  25. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    To Allan Rouse and your AR team; you may never be "household names" to the general public but, around this little corner of the Internet, I suspect you will be always held in high regard indeed. Thank you.

    And, who knows what tech advances will occur over that time? Blue Ray, 12/192, all these things may be old hat by 2012 or so.
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