Tony’s “Amazing Led Zeppelin Experiment”

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Tony Caldwell, Apr 22, 2008.

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  1. shepherdfan

    shepherdfan Western European Socialist Music Lover

    Eugene, OR
    I, III & IV are the ones which have always had a hold on me above the others.
    Holy Diver likes this.
  2. Tony Caldwell

    Tony Caldwell Senior Member Thread Starter

    Well I never got around to doing the live stuff. I just picked up the bbc sessions cd set really cheap so hopefully I can finally finish this project before I die.
  3. Tony Caldwell

    Tony Caldwell Senior Member Thread Starter

    I stopped and picked up all three of the 2cd versions on the way home tonight.

    I'm looking forward to hearing the remasters of the albums, but the selling point for me was the studio outtakes.

    I'm surprised that the price is basically that of a single cd. I was expecting $20 plus.

    I will add these versions to the thread as I hear them.
  4. Tony Caldwell

    Tony Caldwell Senior Member Thread Starter

    I’ve listened through the first disc of the 2cd package of LZ1. I compared the first three tracks to the LZ1 from the “Complete Box Set”. It was obvious to me that the new remaster is more to my liking. I’ve never heard an LP copy of this, or the original cd. Basically I would describe the sound of the remastered disc as slightly more natural sounding, less harsh, and more open sounding. The decay on the cymbals seems more natural, which I like. If the rest of the remasters are this good, I will certainly part ways with my “Complete LZ Box Set”.

    I believe this to be the first time that I have listened to the first album since my original post in this thread back in 2008. I did enjoy this album quite a bit better than back then. It could be the better (to my ears) sound presentation, but I would imagine that it has more to do with the fact that I've heard the entire studio output at this point. And yes, I count my self as a LZ fan now - which I would never have imagined. I’m happy that I did this project, and I will continue to plow through the 2014 remasters as they are released.

    As for the bonus disc of the Paris live show, I don’t expect to listen to it again. All of the early live material that I have heard sounds pretty sloppy to me. The first track almost caused me to file this puppy away, but I thought I should give it one good listen all the way through. I was able to retain my sanity mainly by focusing on the playing of JPJ and John. Mostly, it is Robert wailing like a banshee, and Page playing as if he may not be able to hear the rest of the band (or perhaps just doesn't care). I can’t imagine a scenario where I will listen to disc two again, but stranger things have happened.

    My recommendation is that if you are a fan of LZ, you should pick up the remastered single disc version of the first album, unless you just gotta have a near bootleg quality recording of an “energetic” performance by the lads in their early days.
  5. Holy Diver

    Holy Diver Senior Member

    Those are cool. I like II, IV, HOTH, and PG, myself.
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