Those of you looking for a lush sounding CD player can go ModWright...

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Steve Hoffman, May 17, 2005.

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  1. daveman

    daveman Forum All Star

    Steve, I thought you've said that CD players (or whatever source, for that matter) should be neutral and the other components should be the ones that add the coloration. Why is this a good thing? Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding?
  2. pdenny

    pdenny 22-Year SHTV Participation Trophy Recipient

    Hawthorne CA
    It's your dough. Enjoy! :angel:
  3. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    One man's dough is another man's "D'oh!" :D
  4. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    I'm thinking more along the lines that some users out there might like a player that is modded on all 5.1 outputs, not just two of them. Multichannel listeners are not a sub-human species. ;)

    No worries from me--it's about 10x more than I could ever afford in my lifetime anyway. :D
  5. Peter Harrar

    Peter Harrar Senior Member

  6. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas
    Hi Rudy,

    I think you just explained a large part of the reason why they aren't doing it. Their price for top-notch 2 channel is 10x your budget, how much would top-notch 5.1 be?

    Take care,
  7. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas
    Hi Peter,

    I hear ya..... i have something like 19 tubes in my cdp>pre>amp chain and it's hard on the A/C down here in South Texas!

    Take care,
  8. Danny Kaey

    Danny Kaey New Member

    Long Beach, CA
    I love Dan's stuff... if I may weigh in here a bit... :)

    Dan modified a Sony 999ES w/ the full package except for the clock upgrade and one way or another (long, different story), it is now the reference player for our very own Bob Levi... While I haven't heard the Denon I can vouch for the awesome work Dan did with the 999; its very effortless playback without any signs of forced playback or other harshness...

    Dan knows what he's doing and his reputation is impeccable!

    If it weren't for the fact that Sony discontinued the 999ES and I wasnt able to get a silver one in, I would have had one a few months back. Alas, I now may consider the 3910...

    I think its safe to say that the top-line mod of either player can safley be considered reference material regardless of price point.

  9. merc

    merc New Member

    I just wanted to stop in and second what Steve has mentioned.

    I too just got a Modwright 3910 and although it is still running in with less than 20 hours so far, I can tell it is as Steve says, lusher as compared to the base 3910... but, it is also quieter and more resolute, and if it is rolled of in the treble, I haven't noticed it yet.

    The instruments and voices all sound natural and "musical" without a bit of sibilance or harshness, unlike the base 3910.

    That said, this is my second Modwright player, and this one is less lush, less tubey than was my modded Pioneer. However, I think that is a good thing based on what I am hearing.

    My unit is a work-in-progress mod, and does not yet have either the X03 clock mod, nor the Revelation PS cable, so my initial impressions are based on a unit without those usually included Modwright mods.

    The plan is for me to evalute this unit as is.. and then swap out the copper PS cable with the Revelation silver one and then finally add the Superclock mod... while noting the improvements(or not?) those final two mods make to the sound.

    It should be fun! :)

    Also with regard to whomever wondered about doing a 5 channel tubed mod to a Universal Player... I think I had the only one ever made by Modwright, or anyone???
    Here is a pic of it:
    Full Monty tubed Uni-Player
  10. thegage

    thegage Forum Currency Nerd

    My TRL modded 3910 arrived yesterday. 24 hours on it (Paul W. says wait three weeks to see what it really can do), but a transformed unit so far. I've never heard a Modwright or APL unit, but would love to do a shoot-out.

    John K.
  11. merc

    merc New Member

    John K.

    Where are the Western Hills?

    If you are anywhere near San Fran Ca, you could get your wish for a shootout?
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