THE THREE STOOGES: Looks like Sony is putting color where it don't belong

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Bobo U2, Aug 1, 2004.

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  1. Evan L

    Evan L Beatologist

    I think you're right, Stan would probably have approved of that(I read that as well).

    Back to the Stooges, I do not intend to buy, rent, or watch these. They were lighted for B&W, and colorising them just ruins the original artistic intention of the studio and artists.

  2. JonUrban

    JonUrban SHF Member #497

    Colorized "A Hard Days Night"? Holy smokes, I don't think I could take that, sorry. :eek: :eek:
  3. Uncle Al

    Uncle Al Senior Member

    Long Island, NY
    The funny thing about colorizing black and white movies is that I cannot think of ANYONE that prefers it. Maybe little bitty kids, but they aren't buying the discs. Even my kids (oh well - they are 18 and 20 - and one of them is a film student) never were upset by a black and white movie....
  4. indy mike

    indy mike Forum Pest

    Any word on if the straight black and white option is from negatives or clean prints, or will it be the washed out grey looking image (like when you turn the color off a colorized movie)?
  5. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    When will they ever get around to colorizing the beginning and end of the Wizard of Oz?
  6. AKA

    AKA Senior Member

    Right after the colorized version of Clerks is released.
  7. fjhuerta

    fjhuerta New Member

    México City
    Casablanca... yep, it could be that one, thanks!
  8. Joel1963

    Joel1963 Senior Member

    There was at least one re-coloring that worked-the 1990s job on the old 1930s-early 1940s WB Looney Tunes cartoons (which were black and white until '43 while the Merrie Melodies were color from 1934 on). It was a heck of a lot better than the Korean re-colouring done in the 1980s-that sucked.Thankfully, Cartoon network has also shown some authentic B and W Looney Tunes as well.
  9. reechie

    reechie Senior Member

    Turner colorized The Marx Brothers' Room Service back in the 90's. They made Harpo's wig blonde even though his red hair is mentioned a few times in the movie.

    They also got the color of Chico's coat wrong, but that's another show... ;)

    The recent DVD reissue of Reefer Madness also featured both the colorized and restored black and white versions. At least here, they had a little bit of fun with the colorization, giving each character a different colored "reefer smoke", etc. Problem is, you could only listen to MST3K's Mike Nelson's commentary track with the colorized version. I understand they're doing something similar with Night Of The Living Dead.
  10. Steve-oh

    Steve-oh Senior Member

    Michigan, USA
    Yup, and they're issuing colorized Stooges as well:
  11. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    There are colorized VHS's of Night of The Living Dead and this is another movie where colorization would be out of place.
  12. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    The only good thing about Turner's colorization activities is that they took the time to search their vaults and identify the best available elements so as to make the most pristine digital copy from which to start their "painting". It was definitely a case of doing the right thing for the wrong reason, but it may have benefited certain films like "Bringing up Baby" in that the available elements were identified, cataloged, and properly stored, so that the film is in no worse state today than it was in the late 80s or whenever they decided to ruin it with color. :) Other films probably had to wait another decade or so before anyone did their archival due diligence.

  13. bartels76

    bartels76 Forum Hall Of Fame

    I think colorization is a waste of studios' money. Why bother? I don't think sales are that brisk to bother.

    I remember back in the 80's when they colorized Laurel & Hardy and how they keep the inside of their mouths black & white when they talked. I was so distracted by that.
  14. Jamie Tate

    Jamie Tate New Member

    I'm colorblind. Take THAT Sony!!! :D
  15. bartels76

    bartels76 Forum Hall Of Fame

    As I said in the Star Wars thread, I'm going to pick this Stooges DVD up right along w/ the new Star Wars set.

    I would love for Sony to put Stooges DVD's year by year for them. I would get them in a heartbeat. I don't like how they just randomly throw shorts together on a DVD.
  16. RDK

    RDK Active Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    I'd be curious to see these. The improvements in colorization since the 80's have been impressive (you do realize that several recent films, LOTR among them, are extensively colorized/toned to help create their look). Personally, I have no need for colorization - I love b&w - but if some folks will watch these only if they're in color, well whatever. As long as the b&w versions are included on the same disc.
  17. RDK

    RDK Active Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    I'd say there's the real reason why Sony is colorizing these old films...
  18. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    I was told that StereoScout's 80 year old mother prefers the colorized movies and is sick of seeing them in B&W.
  19. Beatlelennon65

    Beatlelennon65 Active Member

    They have new colorization techniques now guys. They are using set pieces, clothes, pictures and other things from the Stooges shorts (haha)to make sure they colorize everything correctly. This is different than anything you've seen before. Try watching O' Brother Where Art Thou. They have a cool doc on how they colorized that movie. I know it was shot in color, but they still completely changed the colors.
  20. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    IIRC, wasn't that the reason Turner colorized all those MGM classics as well?
  21. reechie

    reechie Senior Member

    Sorry, I know you liked what you saw, but unless the colorization somehow makes the Stooges funnier, there's no point to it.

    It's the visual equivalent to Duophonic.
  22. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    Digital grading for the production of films such as "O Brother..." and "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" is not the same as colorization even if the same software is used. It gives a cinematographer the ability to go way beyond what they could do with conventional photochemical color timing of a film source and is a creative tool.

    Colorizing a black and white film is analagous to a film studio going back to the "O Brother..." negative and releasing a "natural color" version of the film without consulting the Coen Brothers or cinematographer Roger Deakins.

    The production design, costumes, lighting, and make-ups for black and white films are chosen based on how they will register with black and white photography, so matching original costumes and props will not necessarily yield a desirable effect. The blood going down the shower drain in Psycho was chocolate syrup, after all. :)

  23. Steve D.

    Steve D. Forum Resident

    I find colorized films very distracting. Actors with grey teeth are a turn off. I believe the first use of this process was a tv bio-movie about Eisenhower in the 80's.They use the new colorized format to turn the stock WWII b&w battle footage into color. There was a 3 Stooges short shot in two strip Technicolor in 1933. It was an MGM release titled: "Nertsery Rhymes". There was the usual Stooge antics and several elaborate dream sequence production numbers. If I remember correctly, the threatened colorization of "Citizen Kane" killed the original process.
  24. eelkiller

    eelkiller One of the great unwashed

    Northern Ontario
    To quote that great philosopher Moe Howard (From the Brighto sp? episode)

    "What are there colourized Stooges DVD's for?
    They are for sale" :D

  25. indy mike

    indy mike Forum Pest

    Green River Soda, anyone??? ;)
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