The TAMI Show is ready for DVD release!!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Steve Hoffman, Nov 7, 2006.

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  1. sharedon

    sharedon Forum Zonophone

    Boomer OK
  2. Marty Milton

    Marty Milton Senior Member

    Urbana, Illinois
    It's not looking good for any release in the near future. I had pre-ordered this from Deep Discount in February. I just checked my account and noticed that the order has been canceled. I hope this gets "back on track" for release, soon.
  3. :cry: :cry: :cry:
  4. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    Here's the official news courtesy of an e-mail sent to me: Hi Brad,
    Here is some recent info on why the TAMI Show DVD has been temporarily been put on the back burner for awhile. Although Dick Clark has the right to release this on DVD, the music publishing companies involved have not OK'd the music published in this DVD. (Licensing fees of course). And this is the same reason why Paul Shaffer's British tribute DVD recorded at B. B. King's nightclub was shelved too. The money raised by this DVD was partially going to go to help pay some of Mike Smith's medical bills.

    If you want to Brad you can post this news on that TAMI thread at SH.
    Thanks !
  5. Chip TRG

    Chip TRG Senior Member

    Oh my Lord....I am so sick of this license fee run-around garbage.

    I'll stop now before I type something that will get me Gorted. :realmad: :realmad:

    Thanks for the detective work, Brad!
  6. Hawkman

    Hawkman Supercar Gort Staff

    New Jersey
    Here's what really gets me....

    For God's sake, the man needs the cash. Be a little humanitarian, will ya? Lighten the frig up with your licensing fees. :realmad:
  7. Marty Milton

    Marty Milton Senior Member

    Urbana, Illinois
    Thanks for the update. I hope the delay won't be too long. I would really like to see this come out before the end of this summer.
  8. jjhunsecker

    jjhunsecker Senior Member

    New York city
    I worked in this aspect of the music biz, so I ask this question...
    why didn;'t they get this publishing liscensing fee issued worked out earlier ?? It should have been the very first thing they did before putting the DVD together
  9. Hawkman

    Hawkman Supercar Gort Staff

    New Jersey
    I don't know how the business works but I certainly would have done that.
  10. Jay Casey

    Jay Casey New Member

    City, State

    Judging from all the stuff that just sits in the vaults, I would argue that the business does NOT work.
  11. johnny33

    johnny33 New Member

    I am sure the folks involved with this project are frustrated and disappointed also but this really ****es me off. It seems like this thing was just dangled in front of my nose and then jerked away.For petes sake this is frustrating.And they wonder why people turn to the "grey" side.
  12. jkauff

    jkauff Senior Member

    Akron, OH
    They've gotta grab that one last cocktail at the Titanic bar before the band starts playing "Nearer My God To Thee".
  13. Casino

    Casino Senior Member

    Yeah, and we just had a thread where I and others argued against longer and longer copyright extensions and a few SH forum members expressed that they think these copyrights/licensing fees/publishing fees, etc. should pretty much go on forever. This stuff should have been at least "nearing" public domain by now, but Disney and others continue to grease Congress for their own purposes.
  14. hipster006

    hipster006 Forum Resident

    was this ever released?
  15. Cheepnik

    Cheepnik Overfed long-haired leaping gnome

    I don't think so.

    I pre-ordered it so long ago that I have no idea where from.
  16. BeatleJWOL

    BeatleJWOL Carnival of Light enjoyer... IF I HAD ONE

    The what show? :confused:
  17. Cheepnik

    Cheepnik Overfed long-haired leaping gnome

    TAMI = They (these DVDs) Almost Made It (into stores).
  18. Bill

    Bill Senior Member

    Eastern Shore
    (Deleted- sorry; information was wrong!)
  19. mark319

    mark319 New Member

    Raleigh, NC, USA
    A few years ago, Steve Binder sent me one of his copies that had all of the Jan & Dean introductions to the acts.

    But what's really interesting, is that there were originally comedy sketches worked out for Jan & Dean. I have part of the original script for that stuff . . . and I've always wondered if any of it was filmed and cut . . . or if there was simply a change in direction, and those bits were dropped.

    One of the original scripts for the duo's dialog (introducing the various acts) had them clowning around, mangling the lyrics to "From All Over the World." And one of the early scripted bits called for Dean Torrence to be dressed as an angel, complete with wings and a wire halo . . . classic J&D shtick.

    I've interviewed Steve . . . but we talked more about Electronovision vs. the filming of the Jan & Dean opening sequence.

    Here's an image from part of one of Jan & Dean's original early scripts for the TAMI Show:


    Mark A. Moore
  20. Roland Stone

    Roland Stone Offending Member

    It seems bizarre that a licensing issue would affect this release, since that would be the first thing anyone would investigate before committing any more money to the project . . . Who would go to the expense of restoring something they don't know can be released?
  21. rod

    rod Senior Member

    I have a copy released commercially on beta in the early 80's with everthing except the "Beach Boys"..
  22. To the best of my knowledge, the whole show in its original format has never been released commercially. What you most likely have is the "That Was Rock" comp tape consisting of TAMI and TNT (the show that took place the following year) performances, with newly filmed intros by Chuck Berry. Seeing the original shows in their originally broadcast form is quite a different experience.
  23. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    It seems that what the music publishers originally quoted as the licensing fees was changed "substantially" upwards to the point where they made a decision to postpone it. The good news is however renegotiations are presently taking place.
  24. Marty Milton

    Marty Milton Senior Member

    Urbana, Illinois
    No, it wasn't. I had pre-ordered it from DeepDiscount and without any explanation my pre-order was cancelled a couple of months ago. I think there might be some explanation in earlier posts in this thread if you wish to look through the postings.
  25. Larry Geller

    Larry Geller Surround sound lunatic

    Bayside, NY
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