The Beatles: Magical Mystery Tour EP

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Maidenpriest, Aug 23, 2011.

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  1. DPSysBerry

    DPSysBerry Forum Resident

    My thoughts exactly - I much prefer the more basic version of 'Blue Jay Way', those odd overdubs detract from the number IMO. I feel the mono YMSK is a much more coherent and stronger mix compared to the stereo.
  2. rewind1964

    rewind1964 Forum Resident

    I prefer it in >MONO< and so do the guys that originally recorded and created those mono and stereo mixes.
    (Geoff Emerick and Ken Scott)
  3. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :) Thread Starter

    Hello, can you provide a cite that both Emerick and Scott prefer the Mono mix compared to the Stereo of the MMT EP, I am interested to read there thoughts and have them posted in this thread ? :wave:
  4. Hamhead

    Hamhead The Bear From Delaware

    A buddy of mine whos a pilot who jets back and forth from the UK to Miami found me a mint mono for the same price a few years ago. I enjoy the mono EP, it's the way the band and George Martin ment for it to be heard.
  5. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Is it the early or the later version ?
  6. vonwegen

    vonwegen Forum Resident

    I do hear a change on the mono version when the radio comes in -- Lennon's vocal suddenly gets drenched in reverb, while the radio play is dry, which makes for an interesting effect, with the vocal melody as background for the dialogue at low volume but in the foreground.
  7. dwmann

    dwmann Well-Known Member

    Houston TX
    Mono. When I was a kid I preferred the stereo for the weird panning effects, but nowdays I find them irritating.
  8. kap'n krunch

    kap'n krunch Forum Resident

    Madrid, EspaƱa
    We all know that the Mono mixes are the "Beatle" mixes and that G Martin did the stereo ones on his own.
    And I agree that "Flying" is wider and more enveloping in Stereo.

    But , I cheated-Even though I have only the MONO EP, I have the (generally poo-poo'ed by people with bad taste in this forum) great MFSL LP -obviously in Stereo.

    It's a close call , but if you are into what the boys were intending to do , go for the Mono.
    My vote is for the Mono.

    IMO, mixing ALL THAT STUFF to Mono is certainly way more difficult than mixing it to Stereo, so kudos to them for "funneling" all that info into ONE channel (the left one if I recall correctly)...
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