Steve, what are your thoughts on HDCD? (Asked in reference to upcoming gold CDs.)

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by KeithH, Nov 4, 2004.

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  1. lschwart

    lschwart Senior Member

    Richmond, VA

    Thanks. That's mostly been my approach, but every once in a while I hear someone say that it makes a difference, and since the *relatively* small number of HDCDs that I have (that is, a few dozen in a collection of a few thousand) do cover some music very dear to me, I've wondered if it might be time to upgrade with HDCD and other matters in mind. So I'm trawling for opinions!

  2. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    My opinion - on a short budget, don't spend money on digital doodads. Save it for more music! :D
  3. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    I just read the rest of this thread.

    Look, if you like your HDCD discs that's great. I'm sure some of them sound wonderful. I was just commenting that the HDCD playback didn't exactly match the sound of the analog tape in our test. I didn't say it sounded bad, maybe it sounded better than the actual tape. I don't care.. When I work on something I want the end result that is spit back to me to sound like what I heard GOING IN. Nothing else matters to me. If I want something "enhanced" I'LL DO THE ENHANCING thank you; if I don't have total control of the finished sound, YOU are getting cheated.
  4. BIG ED

    BIG ED Forum Resident

    My "love affair", with PM's HDCD digital filter, sprang from reviews from What HiFi. I was researching DVD-A players, way back in '98. In a comparison review of, then current, DVD-A capable players, the reviewer notice HIS fondness for the more open presentation presented by the HDCD units (especially the topend, on DVD-A. The reviewer even speculated, that the HDCD filter's need/ability to handle HDCD encoding, aided it in handling 24/96 as well), over their non-HDCD counterparts. The PM's digital filter has been recognized by many reviewers & manufactures too be the superior digital filter, for many years. Hence, the perceived 'improved' playback of non-HDCD's (red book) on a HDCD equipped unit. To my mind, it's only been in the last three years, that other producers of digital filter's, have caught up (or surpassed).
    There are so few HDCD titles, that the red book playback has alway's been why I seek out source and/or preamp's with HDCD.
    Your mileage may very!
  5. reb

    reb Money Beats Soul

    Long Island
    I will NOT buy the box set solely for the reason that it is HDCD encoded. Recently, I purchased the Jerry box out of weekness, even knowing it was HDCD. They will sit unplayed, passed over for the original cd's and vinyl. Which I will play quite regulary.
  6. BIG ED

    BIG ED Forum Resident

    Steve, alway's the fair guy!
    I remember (yikes!) Steve saying on an endless Door's thread, that there were NO bad sounding Door's CD's. Which, at the time, included the PM's discs.
  7. GregY

    GregY New Member

    Your loss, as the bonus material is as good or better than some of the original material on those albums.
  8. PMC7027

    PMC7027 Forum Hall Of Fame

    Hoschton, Georgia
    I've been thinking about this. Maybe I like HDCD because I do not have 15 inch Tannoy speakers. Apogee Duetta Signatures couldn't be farther from Tannoys.

    I guess they must be much worse. I'll live with them. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. Or maybe I just haven't had a drink of the Kool Aid yet.

  9. Mick Jones

    Mick Jones Senior Member

    DVD-A players in 1998? Some mistake here surely?
  10. RDK

    RDK Active Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    Not being able to actually compare HDCD and non-HDCD tracks (of the same remaster), I've come to think of HDCD encoding sorta like gold discs. I think we all realize that the gold itself doesn't impact the sound quality, but that it's the more careful mastering that goes into making a gold disc that's important. I think HDCD discs may be "better" (not necessarily, as Steve points out, more "honest") because of more careful mastering going into because the producers know that they can market them as HDCD, which suggests a sort of audiophile quality.

    Then again, I could just be full of it... ;)
  11. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    So, when you say "record an analog tape to digital" you mean you physically burnt 2 cds, one HDCD encoded, one not and played them back on cd players, correct? If so, then I thank you for putting things into perspective for me and I will evaluate HDCDs in a different light from now on. I just have found them to be more analog sounding than regular cds. Maybe the joke's on me. :sigh:
    I never knew that there was any enhancement going on, I always thought that HDCDs were just delivering some of the bits that were lost on regular cds. :o I agree about getting cheated. :sigh:
  12. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Remember, when I give you my opinions, they are just that; opinions.

    Some of you take it so personally, I don't know why. Sometimes being on the "inside" shatters a few illusions or whatever but that is the cost of being in the know. I should not have said anything whatsoever about any of this!

    I remember when I told someone that a famous master tape was uncovered after being thrown on a stack of junk for 30 years that person got hostile. "You can't tell me that", he stated. "I'm sure the tape was stored in a air-cooled case lined with velvet or something".

    Uh, yeah.

    Sometimes it's best not to say anything about anything, but since you all hang out here I think you can "take it".
  13. Drifter

    Drifter AAD survivor

    Vancouver, BC, CA
    Steve, I am glad you did talk about this - I like to learn as much as I can about audio and mastering, even if it's not necessarily always what I want to hear (or read)! I'm not going to sell all my HDCDs or anything, I just am going to pay more attention to what I'm hearing. :) I value the opinions of those on the "inside". I don't have to always agree with those opinions. :angel: I have found this to be a very interesting topic and appreciate what you shared with us.
  14. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member


    People really expect perfection from an imperfect industry... :confused:
  15. mcow1

    mcow1 Sommelier Gort

    Orange County, CA
    One of the reasons we're all here is for your opinions. So, I sure hope we can take it. In any case, don't stop.
  16. lschwart

    lschwart Senior Member

    Richmond, VA

    I, for one, am grateful for your comments on this. If I understood them correctly--and I think I did--they helped me to understand more clearly the relationship between what HDCD does and what, in the end, makes a remaster good or bad (it turns out that it depends on what you're trying to achieve). It wasn't clear to me, for example, that the issue for a mastering engineer like yourself would be how it affects the transfer to digital, and therefore how it affects how you can or cannot do what you want to do with your mastering (I'm really a dummy about some of these things). So this, to some extent explains why an HDCD remaster can sound good, but also why it won't sound like the kind of thing *you* strive to achieve (a thing, by the way, that I value a great deal).

    I'm still learning a lot about the process. Now I know something I didn't know before. One more better educated listener! That kind of demystifying information is exactly what I hang around here for.

  17. BIG ED

    BIG ED Forum Resident

    Was it ALL the way back to 2001???
    My BADD!!!
  18. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Here's my understanding of HDCD (the technology, which I didn't know anything about until after I decided that I wasn't hearing an improvement).

    HDCD steals 1 bit of the music, about 5% of the time. So what was once 16-bit music is now, a small amount of the time, only 15-bit music when played on normal CD players. But they say we can't hear the bit theft. Anyhow, so this gives them a very small additional amount of data (only a couple of megabytes on an entire CD) to play some games with. They use this data to control some additional filters and other processing on the back end to boost the dynamic range and total signal/noise in a matter that they think approximates 20-bit audio.

    Some think that these are 20-bit CDs. That would require magically, losslessly compressing 4-bits of additional resolution into about 1/20th of one bit of 80-to-1 lossless compression ratio. Not possible. These are not 20-bit CDs. They (imperceptibly?) degrade the 'regular' playback in order to get a little bit more data for controlled processing on the back end with HDCD CD players and DAC. That's not 20-bit CD.

    If I've got this wrong, somebody feel free to correct me.
  19. Bob Lovely

    Bob Lovely Super Gort In Memoriam


    Thank you. In some way, this process reminds me of DBX expansion...

    Bob :eek:
  20. Todd Fredericks

    Todd Fredericks Senior Member

    A New Yorker

    In a world of hi-res it's like trying to squeeze that last bit of mayo from the small jar and then wishing you brought a big jug at the supermarket. Too much effort. I never was a fan of the whole HDCD concept. It's almost like the super-bit DVD's. The moment HD-DVD's come out everyone will be scratching their heads about what the (tiny, tiny) difference was....
  21. reb

    reb Money Beats Soul

    Long Island
    I agree that the bonus material is excellent. But the loss is for all, not just me. Maybe, I'm just a little less tolerant these days after suffering many such losses. Please realize, I'm not saying HDCD is unlisteneable. There are much, much worse types of digital processing in use today.
  22. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas

    I still disagree. Me thinks the new cd releases are sonically superior to the original cd's. I have extreme respect for SH's mastering skills & opinions but there's more to the mix than just the encoding...... The Pizza Tapes and two new GD boxsets are very good, imo. Please feel free to send me your Jerry box that "will sit unplayed" b/c i'll gladly play the hell out of it. Will you take $20 for it? Might as well! :)

    Take care,
  23. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    As much as I'm not an HDCD 'believer', I don't let it stop me from buying anything. The performance, recording, and mastering are far more important than whether they use HDCD encoding.

    And I'll pay $23 for the Jerry box. :D
  24. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas
    Hi Michael,

    Be nice..... that box is mine! :laugh:

    Take care,
  25. TMan

    TMan Forum Resident

    Washington, DC
    Thanks. THAT makes sense and is consistent with what others (esp Steve) are saying. It is a digital "enhancement". Whether or not it is an improvement is obviously a matter of personal opinion and is surely a case by case issue. If the comparison is made on two different machines, the HDCD decoding capability is not the only factor that could cause the CD to sound different between them.

    Does anyone make an HDCD capable player where it is defeatable?
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