Speed Of Life: David Bowie Song-by-Song Thread

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by prymel, Apr 30, 2023.

  1. APhillyKid

    APhillyKid Forum Resident

    Orlando, Fl
    I know its gone happen

    Not much to say way too melodramatically sung for me.
    I know that was the point so probably perfectly executed, but just not for me.

    I do like the guitar solo

  2. Beechlander

    Beechlander Forum Resident

    West Sussex
    "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday"

    Mixed feelings about this one. There are times I hear this and really get caught up in it ("very grand" was how Morrissey described it) and other times it just sounds so ridiculously OTT and ill-fitting on the album. I think it depends on my mood so for an overall rating I'll go down the middle. Such a shame that's not Ronson on the solo, bringing the whole Ziggy thing full circle.

  3. prymel

    prymel Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday

    A very good performance by David on a not-so-very-good song. The track seems designed as a dramatic vocal showpiece, but it's clunky and boring. David is mostly great, but sometimes his voice gets that vaguely cartoonish lilt to it when he goes for the peaks, and it's a little distracting. 3/5
  4. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday

    I do actually love the Smiths and a lot of solo Morrissey as well and this was never one of my favorites. I was sort of surprised at the time to see that Bowie was covering a Morrissey track and that THIS was the one he chose. I could probably have come up with a dozen better choices without even really thinking about it. He does sing it well and all but just… disappointed (which coincidentally is a GREAT Morrissey song and would have been better to hear Bowie tackle!) 2/5
  5. Cat People

    Cat People Forum Resident

    West Midlands

    Marvellous. Rock n roll suicide updated and with a different coat and re performed by our maestro, who is in fine form and fettle vocally. Also oozes charisma and character in the vid.

  6. Davido

    Davido ...assign someone to butter your muffin?

    Shouldn't this have been a hit, a glorious nod to the past and present that would bridge generations? Not sure I'd heard this before. Overblown but impressive on first listen though my fave Morrissey cover will remain C. Hynde's version of "Every Day is Like Sunday"...
  7. Cat People

    Cat People Forum Resident

    West Midlands
    'Aw naw lav, you're not alone..!'
  8. Bink

    Bink Forum Resident

    I like I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday (by both artists).

    What I like about Bowie's version is the way he twists it. He takes a Morrissey song which he saw as being indebted to Rock and Roll Suicide, but rather than doing it as if it was recorded in 1972, he does it as if he was singing it on the 1974 tour.
  9. Putrifiers II

    Putrifiers II Forum Resident

    London, UK
    I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday


  10. DTK

    DTK Forum Resident

    I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday

    Laying low here as I'm not a fan of Smiths or Morrisey. I do love Every Day Is Like Sunday - as performed by Chrissie Hynde.

    Yes the production sounds like a facsimile of early 70s Lennon (POB, Imagine).

    Wouldn't it have made more sense to have the "epic" guitar solo performed by Ronson, who produced the original track? Instead of an anonymous studio cat.

    While this is a showboating vocal displaying Bowie's vocal power, he overemotes at times (I thought of Krusty The Clown at one point).

  11. Johnny Feathers

    Johnny Feathers Forum Resident

    I don’t hate this or anything—I quite the song in its original version—but there is a bit of “why are we doing this?” here. Has any other artist ever deliberately covered a song that so blatantly nicked their own work? I’m genuinely curious. It sort of emphasizes that “why?” question—is it vanity? In the end, I’m not sure Bowie does anything better than Moz did originally, so it comes off more as an exercise than a genuine performance.
  12. omikron

    omikron Avid contributor to Paul McCartney's bank account

    Lexington, KY
    "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday "

    One of those weird instances where it probably looks good on paper but comes off as trash.

    'Gonna Happen Someday' shouldn't have happened at all.

  13. aphexj

    aphexj Sound mind & body

    It's a bit like James Brown nicking "Fame" for his song "Hot (I Need to Be Loved, Loved, Loved, Loved)"... just reminding everyone who was the real originator
  14. Johnny Feathers

    Johnny Feathers Forum Resident

    I don’t know that one, but that sounds right. I’m also reminded of seeing Nile Rogers interpolating hip hop songs over his originals that were used as samples.
  15. DBMethos

    DBMethos Forum Resident

    I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday - Wasn't aware of The Smiths or Morrisey the first time I heard this track back in the mid-90's (I've made up somewhat since then on The Smiths front...The Queen Is Dead is now firmly in my Top 50 albums). So I did get some "Rock and Roll Suicide" vibes, but I didn't know the reason why. Taken on its own merit, this is a melodramatic Bowie vocal over a fairly minimalist arrangement, so we're not exactly setting the world on fire here. The fact that it's a cover of a song that intentionally aped the original artist in the first place just makes it...odd. Another head-scratcher. 2.5/5
  16. aphexj

    aphexj Sound mind & body

    Or Bowie's story about someone in NIN's audience asking "Why is he doing a Vanilla Ice cover?"
  17. aphexj

    aphexj Sound mind & body

    The song "Gonna Happen Someday" itself is... fine. As Bowie said, it's silly one, but he pours his soul into the vocal, which is amazing. Choral backing and the Wild T. Springer guitar solo are both pretty cool. I can't abide the early fade out, however... apparently they only did it because Morrissey himself was visibly bored after hearing the first four minutes. Imagine: lopping off the big finish, because you wanted to impress that petulant brat! In the grand scheme of things, I guess that isn't the worst thing he's ever done (by quite some margin), but... freaking Bowie out enough so that we lost the full "Rock n' Roll Suicide" ending with horns etc. on this recording is a pretty outrageous artistic scandal in my view. 2/5
  18. CN211276

    CN211276 Forum Resident

    Cardiff, UK
    I know its gonna happen someday is my favourite track on this dire album and it is not one of his best covers. 3.3/5
  19. Al Gator

    Al Gator You can call me Al

    Don’t lose faith, I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday to you. A simple message delivered in this slow song. A choir provides some vocal highlights, mostly wordless but singing the lines don’t lose faith a couple of times. Somehow David’s vocal doesn’t quite convince me on this one, as he’s oversinging in places. But it does build nicely and makes for a very welcome change of pace. 3/5.
    CN211276, Ken.e., KangaMom and 14 others like this.
  20. mythnormadman

    mythnormadman Someone has to smoke the sky


    I guess some might hear a seemingly powerful and epic vocal performance, I hear Vegas tribute act. If this was an undiscovered studio outtake, my ears might perk up, but as an album track I feel cheated that the space could have been better used. 2/5
  21. dba69

    dba69 Forum Resident

    i know it's gonna happen someday

    georgeous, absolutely over the top, but i love it. one bowie's finest vocal performances.
    Paul Mazz, Ken.e., KangaMom and 13 others like this.
  22. Absjc

    Absjc Forum Resident

    I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday


    I am a big fan of the Smiths - incredibly original band imo. Morrissey Solo stuff I’m far less keen on though the first album was good. This isn’t a great track and I’m surprised it was chosen as the cover - plenty of others would have been preferable.
  23. richard a

    richard a Forum Resident

    borley, essex, uk
    Grandiose. Tick.
    Overblown. Tick.
    Fabulously OTT vocal. Tick.

    I didn’t know the original and I rather like Bowie’s Young Americans style Vegas schmaltz version.
    It begins with the stereo spectrum as wide as can be for the first minute or so before suddenly whacking everything central. A trick which which has the effect of shining a big ol’ spotlight on our favourite singer. He doesn’t disappoint. What a towering vocal.
    I can understand why people don’t like it though. But I feel that it’s meant to be that far over the top, so absurdly show-offy that the parody that was already a parody becomes something else entirely.
    I don’t like the sudden fade out. A song this BIG needs a big finish too.
    But it’s rather enjoyable in a weird way.
  24. Johnny Feathers

    Johnny Feathers Forum Resident

    I hate to admit it, but I was way more familiar with Ice Ice Baby than Under Pressure when I saw that show. I was a complete Bowie noob. Wish I could go back and see it knowing what I know now.
  25. Tecno

    Tecno Forum Resident

    It's okay (fourth best on the album for me). I'm not really a big fan of The Smiths and I wasn't familiar with the original. The vocal is mostly great but the song itself is honestly nowhere near the same level as ''Rock 'n' Roll Suicide''. I still think that Bowie mostly peaked with his vocals in 1980 - 1982 with Scary Monsters and Baal.

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