Rush - Original CD release vs remasters

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by vinyl diehard, Aug 11, 2009.

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  1. kevin5brown

    kevin5brown Analog or bust.

    Either Austrian or Australian CDs are next. Can't remember which.

  2. ricks

    ricks Senior Member

    I do not think Rush grails have shifted as opinion was always widely varied on the catalog. Meaning there really never were any grails although for a brief time the 25 8p's did rise in price and demand due to what was a BS house of cards. As for the WG Atomic's, except for the 1st 3 albums, supply has always been high and anyone who spent more than $15 on them was merely being impatient.

    Most here, like myself, never knew [due to at least one outright false report that they all were same masterings as the Atomics] the Canadian versions were mostly unique masterings. When that news got out many wanted to give them a go. For me the low price of them, at least at the beginning was a factor. I paid under $10 shipped for at least 3 of the discs, and the rest with one exception were under $15. The prices I'm sure now are a bit higher due to rather tiny supply of the Canadian Vank's, Wank's and especially ANC's coupled with what has risen to modest demand. Bottom line no one really had they them most are unique mastering which many feel have a nice sound.
    artfromtex likes this.
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