RIP Brad Delp

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Bud Shaver, Mar 9, 2007.

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  1. gener8tr

    gener8tr Senior Member

    Vancouver, WA USA
    I'm at a complete loss, now.

    On our little forum alone there is 17 pages dedicated to Delp's death. I don't think he knew just how many people actually cared for him as well as his music. I wish he did... maybe things would have been different?

    This one is going to take a LONG time for me to get over. I've said it before and I'll say it again... I am honestly sick to my stomach over this.
  2. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Agreed. It's called communication. One should always consider the source of information, but I am comfortable with media reports from the "inside" (i.e., Delp's suicide notes and thoughts from friends and family).
  3. Tim H.

    Tim H. Forum Resident

    Cottonwood AZ
    Unfortunately, in many cases, to the depressed person it ultimately comes down to how he/she feels about himself/herself. They may not feel deserving of the love of others, or they know they're loved by others but it reaches a point where that love can't overcome the depression.

    Perhaps the love of family, friends, and fans delayed Brad from doing what he did for some time.
  4. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
    I dont need to know anything that was in that note. Leave him some dignity.
  5. thgord

    thgord In Search of My Next Euphoric Groove

    Moorpark, CA
    Or how about ignoring them?
  6. Billy Taylor

    Billy Taylor Forum Resident

    I think that after Goudreau, Hashian, and Sheehan were let go, Boston was a different animal, more of a vehicle for Scholz' ego. He always dismisses those guys as having nothing to do with the records, but after those first two records, it wasn't the same. I saw the band 4 times in the 70s, and that band rocked. I think Scholz would have loved to do everything himself, but Brad's voice could not be replaced. Scholz knew that, and dangled Brad's name on that "Corporate America" album to make fans believe Brad sang everything on it. Brad was practically invisible on that record. I could go on and on, as I am very upset with this event. It was so obvious over the last 25 odd years that Scholz ran the show, and while I agree that he is a major talent, he ruined the career and lives of those original members by his actions. Rest in Peace, Brad.
  7. shnaggletooth

    shnaggletooth Senior Member

    I was hoping Brad's suicide had nothing to do with Boston, but unfortunately it appears to have been a factor in Brad's thinking. Say what one might about Tom Scholz' actions over the years as leader of Boston -- the unspoken implication in some of these reports that he's somehow responsible for Brad's decision isn't something he deserves to have hanging over his head.
  8. mudbone

    mudbone Gort Annaologist

    Canada, O!

    The Gorts do not want to close this thread.

    Can we stop the speculation?

  9. EddieVanHalen

    EddieVanHalen Forum Resident

    I posted here five minutes ago expressing my feelings to Tom Scholz and though I think I used a correct and polite languaje, my post doesn't appear.
  10. mudbone

    mudbone Gort Annaologist

    Canada, O!

    I pulled it.

    Not appropriate for this thread with "political" implications.
  11. shnaggletooth

    shnaggletooth Senior Member

    It's not speculation simply to note that some in the media are trying to create speculation. My point was that I don't appreciate some of the articles so far released. We're already on the same wavelength on this.
  12. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Then don't read the news. Obviously Delp's family and friends wanted to set the record straight and end the speculation. They also realized that fans wanted to know. I don't find it disrespectful to Brad Delp to reveal how he died. Respectful fans will show compassion and not think anything less of him. Anyone who thinks less of him because he was human and had problems has their own problems to deal with.
  13. Pug

    Pug The Prodigal Snob Returns!

    Near Music Direct
    Wow, people can't even stay on topic for an RIP thread. :sigh:

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