Quad electrostatics - opinions shared

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by james1969, Apr 26, 2005.

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  1. emotivefred

    emotivefred New Member


    Do what you can to track down a set of the Quads Unlimited rebuilt 57s. These may shift how you feel about the 57s' limitations. Regarding the newer models (as in everything after the 57s) they all lack the extreme resolution of the 57s from the upper bass to the lower treble. You can hear actual musical information with the 57s that is simply not there on the 63 USA monitors (and newer). As for width and depth of the sound-stage, I think this is also an issue of amplification and placement. As you've mentioned, Quads like to have some room to breathe. But, to hear what the 57s can REALLY do you must have a very good amp (tubes preferred). With the Quad II amps, you get the midrange magic, but this is just a taste of what they are all about. Yes, small scale music is wonderful on the Quads. But, good re-built Quads go large also.
  2. Ben Sinise

    Ben Sinise Forum Reticent

    Placement was a major issue for me Fred, you definitely need some spare room to work with. I've read a review of the One Thing Audio rebuilt 57's in a British magazine and it sounds pretty similar to what you're reporting with Quads Unlimited. For me it would be a matter of importing a rebuilt pair, most likely from the UK, as the same transformers can be used here. It's good to know that there's a handful of specialists out there that can restore these speakers to better than new condition.
  3. sab

    sab Forum Resident

    LA, CA 90049
    Quad 57s

    Interesting thread, particularly as I have a pair of 57s "on order" which will be sent after being serviced by QS and D.

    I won't be using tubes, but I do use a Quad 99 pre/909 amp and QS and D will be adding the protection circuit to the 57s.

    I've heard 988s under optimal conditions and they sound great, but there was a slightly forward nature to the 57s I heard once which were captivating.

    Even though I'm very happy with what I'm currently using (Harbeth C7s in the "main" system and Spendor s3/5 for the tv/bedroom, and I still like my old Spica TC-50s), my long and skinny room seems ideal for the 57s and I have a Velodyne servo sub which will hopefully match well.
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