Post photos of your systems/rooms here! Part 4

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Craig, Jul 10, 2008.

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  1. Great set-up and listening room - congrats. :cheers:
  2. Hypnotoad

    Hypnotoad Active Member

    Chicago, IL, USA
    Very cool, scorpio.

    What sort of plinth and what sort of arm do you have for the Thorens? What are your thoughts on your two TTs?
  3. scorpio

    scorpio Member

    Ottignies, Belgium
    The plith is a composite of layers of realtively cheap ply, I got it with the table when I purchased it. All I did was recut it to a nicer proportion and covered it with hardwood for a nicer look and finish. The arm is a Rega 300 B with cardas wiring and Michell techno weight.

    Both tt are fine, I would be hard pressed to say that one is better than the other (intersting since the scheu, even if a bargain, is over twice what i paid for the TD-124!). They sound different, but have different arms and cart (the Scheu has a scheu arm with a standard DL-103). For the moment, I clearly suffer from the pre-amp which is not to the standard of the tables. I'm looking for an upgrade to that component, only then do I feel that I may sense significant differences between the two.

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  4. klonk

    klonk Forum Resident

    Wow, I really like your Th. 124 tt. If it sounds as nice as it looks. Good look with your search for a new pre.
  5. Tweeters on the INSIDE? That always sounded strange to me.

    I have a narrow LR, but I've gotten my Maggie IIIa's to sound pretty good
    in there. I'll post a pic when I can . . . .

  6. Barry, aren't those tweeters on the inside? Is that desirable?
    Mebbe I missed the memo.
  7. bdiament

    bdiament Producer, Engineer, Soundkeeper

    New York
    Hi Cloth Ears,

    It depends on the situation. In most of the rooms I've heard Maggies singing their best, they happen to have been with the tweeters inside. (To my ears, unless they're really close too each other or the room is very narrow - i.e. minimal separation - they just work better this way.)

    In my own room, I found the center image more solid this way, with no loss of imaging or soundstage at the extreme left or right.

    Best regards,
  8. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    This is my experience as well but the company does claim the phasing is better with them on the outside. Oh well, I'm happy with the inside setup.
  9. Russ

    Russ Outlaw

    Anglesea, NJ
    meh...i have a dorm room inside my wife's house.

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  10. BZync

    BZync Senior Member

    Los Angeles

    Just finished building out the garage as an office / recording studio. Nothing fancy, but I have my own recording space at last.
  11. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    What happened? Did he phone home? :laugh:

    Steven Spielberg called. He wants his ET back. :laugh:

    I'm here all week folks. Tip your waitress.

    TONEPUB Senior Member

    Portland, Oregon
    Eminent technology...

    The tonearm is an ET 2 or 2.5. Great straight
    tracking arm and they are making them again in
    limited quantities, so if you are a fan, get one
    while you still can!
  13. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Yes, I know Jeff. Just injecting some levity into this place...:D
  14. bdiament

    bdiament Producer, Engineer, Soundkeeper

    New York
    Hi Lee,

    That's interesting. I've never seen that claim.

    Anyway, what I've found is that the required toe-in changes if the tweeters are inboard. That is, a bit more toe-in is needed to keep everything right.

    I believe this eradicates any issue of phasing.

    Best regards,
  15. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Yeah it's odd. I believe Steve Winey told me this once. I think best policy is just experiment with what works.
  16. BigE

    BigE Forum Resident

    Too much talk, more pictures!!!:goodie:

    We remodeled since Part Three so here are some new picts.

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  17. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan

    Nice tube action! :righton:
  18. StephenGR12

    StephenGR12 Forum Resident

    San Diego, CA, USA
    Which frame more accurately displays the color of the room?
  19. Very nice tube action indeed. :righton:
  20. BigE

    BigE Forum Resident

    I assume you're talking to me?

    The brown wall is semi-gloss "Mahogany" by Ralph Lauren. It looks like melted chocolate. The rest of the room is "Cathedral Gray" by Ralph Lauren and is a gray/green that changes shades as the natural light changes. Trim is Cream Stone to match the tile grout.

  21. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Nice speakers, BigE.
  22. The more important question is how the changing shades impact the acoustic in your listening room? :D
  23. I recognize the PrimaLuna, Music Hall, NAD, and Channel Islands Audio gear, but I do NOT recognize the speakers. What are they?
  24. BigE

    BigE Forum Resident

    The speakers are Monitor Audio GR-20s. Sweet sounding speakers. They match up really well with the rest of the equipment. (got a killer deal at Saturday Audio to boot!)

    I looked at the GR-60s but they would have been too much speaker for the room.

  25. Barry Wom

    Barry Wom New Member

    their earlier carnation the 20s were What HIFI magazine's reference speakers for years in the 90s
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