Pioneer 563A sacd/dvda player, I"ve made the jump!!

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Geoman076, Aug 28, 2003.

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  1. StyxCollector

    StyxCollector Man of Miracles

    Actually, it's no big deal. I've heard quite good stuff at lower price ranges that beat the pants off of more expensive things. No doubt about it.

    But all Pioneers I've owned or heard - and from the reviews I've seen here and elsewhere - is that while the 563 may (or may not) be better than the 45a (opinions seem subjective), it's not like night and day different.

    I was quite content with my 45a sound until I got the 8260.

    And for what it's worth, I was looking to replace my CD player which died recently, and wound up with a better SACD/CD player. I thought the 45a was mediocre at best for CD playback, and I have yet to hear a sub-$200 CDP that wows me. Good for the price range, and I am not going to break the bank, but I've usually budgeted $500 for a CDP. I wound up getting the 8260 for $650. I couldn't see paying $1500 for a DV-8400 since I already had a universal player.

    My 45a will still happily play my DVD-As just fine and my DVD-Vs.
  2. StyxCollector

    StyxCollector Man of Miracles

    BTW, the type of converters in there definitely contributes. The Burr Browns are not bad, and some prefer those. Marantz I'm pretty sure uses the Cirrus Logics if I'm not mistaken. They are different sonically, so it winds up being preference anyway.

    I'll say it again: the 563 is a bargain. I would have gladly bought it had I not already owned a 45a. I still would have bought the 8260 for CD playback and the fact that it's a good SACD player to boot is a bonus.

    Ultimately, your ears must decide. I've been doing A/Bs all day here. The Pioneer is a great little player. I bought it the first week it came out. When I bought it, I didn't get the 47ai because my receiver didn't have the firewire in AND it was the same audio output (sans firewire); the video stuff was essentially different. I happily plunked down my $500. Never regretted the purchase. Prior to that, I owned a Sony NS-500V. That was a great cheap player, too. So I know the value of a DVD player around $200 that is versatile.
  3. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    Who considers this unit "a reference redbook and SACD player"? In stock form, it's a nice machine, and $650 is the right price, that's for sure - but there is real quality sound lurking within. Check this out:

  4. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    With technology evolving so fast, it is wise to not make judgement on gear based on price. DVD-A and SACD are still fairly new. A $200 player may beat an $800 from the previous year. It is also wise not to listen too much to the judgements of others. What some feel is subtle, others feel is substantial.

    Also, combining functions in a single unit does not always reduce quality compared to other players that do not combine. A properly designed player is not like a receiver, where one unit is trying to do many different things at the same time, usually using the same power supply. With a good design, much can be done to isolate different functions.

    My SACD player cost a whole lot more, but you won't see me making judgements and absolute statements based on something I haven't heard.
  5. Joe D.

    Joe D. Forum Resident

    Oak Forest, IL
    I guess I had a real crappy CD player because even redbook CD's sound wonderful as far as I'm concerned. I not in love with the 563A but, I think and that's all that matters to me, is that the 563A is the best thing for me and it was very affordable. I'd rather spend the cash on software than hardware.

    Audio hardware is always in a state of flux just like computers. The latest and greatest item is always on top for a short time, to be replaced in not too distant future.

    I not saying that the 563A is the latest and/or greatest!

    I like it and I'd recommend it to anyone.

    Have fun, I know I am!

  6. Claus

    Claus Senior Member

    One of my favorite multi-players...

    I also can recommend the new TEAC DV50... pic:
  7. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

    I agree, but find it a bit contradictory how you deride receiver. A properly designed receiver need not have a reduction in quality either. When I went from my separates (B&K pre, QSC amp) to my Sony DA4ES A/V receiver, I heard an immediate increase in sound quality, even though my power amp alone was nearly US$200 more than the Sony and the B&K pre. was over half the price of the Sony. So for almost half the price, I got better sound and more functionality. . Let us not rush to judgment on any piece of gear.
  8. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

  9. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    I probably didn't choose all of my words wisely; not all receivers should be assumed to be worse than separates. I do think receivers pose some interesting design challenges.
  10. Gary Freed

    Gary Freed Forum Resident

    It's been an exciting weekend as evident by the flurry of posts above me.:agree:

    On Thursday I picked up one of these Pioneer 563A's and in between all the usual family activities, managed to sneak in a couple of hours this
    evening to really give this player a good listen.

    The 563A is a neat little player and I really like it a lot. Since Friday, I
    left it running in SACD mode for a total of 10 hours on Friday, and then 8 hours each on Saturday and today with the volume on my pre-amp set way down. I realize that this can hardly be considered a break-in, but I guess it's better than nothing. I will continue to break-in the different
    audio sections over the next 3 weeks before posting any further reports.

    If you're in the market for a DVD player, the 563A does a nice job.
    A little bit of the red chroma bug is evident but still it gives a nice picture nonetheless.

    If you are looking for a universal player that puts out good sound, then you won't be disappointed purchasing this unit. The sound is very good. Not off the wall amazing but very pleasing to listen to. :thumbsup:

    I will say however that at this point in the break-in the 563A will not be replacing my current Sony SACD player. Not by a long shot.

    Not for SACD playback and especially not for Redbook playback.

    That being said:

    The 563A is an overperformer in every sense of the word. It is one of those
    rare bargains that occasional comes along where the manufacturer really does something right at a price point you got to love.

    Thank you to Dave who first mentioned this player to me several weeks ago and thank you to Mikey for sharing your excitment with everyone here at the forum.

    This is truly a great place to learn.

    All the best,

  11. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

    I agree to all of the above.

    I have been running my player several hours a day since Saturday morning, alternating between 96/24 DAD's, DVD-A's in multichannel mode and DVD-A's in 192/24 stereo mode. I have not bothered with SACD's or CD's since it will not be replacing my C555ES for any of those formats. I must say that, after having burned it in all day Saturday and all Sunday into the late evening, I already heard somewhat of an improvement in sound when playing back DVD-A's. A Night at the Opera sounded tremendous and the DVD-A of Ravel, Debussy, and Fauré string quartets, (which is a full digital 192/24 stereo, 96/24 multichannel recording) sounded very good. I'll say it again - I'm very happy with this player. A true value indeed.
  12. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

    That is true, but they are not impossible to overcome. :)
  13. wynnwikman

    wynnwikman Senior Member

    West Michigan
    Someone noted on the ICE board that all DVD players are on sale at Best Buy this week, and the player is priced around $170.00. Not a giant discount, but you could buy a used cd with your savings.
    I have been considering one of these myself, thanks for all the discussion.
  14. metalbob

    metalbob Senior Member

    New Jersey
    What's funny is that I had just recently brought a "defective" player into BB to be serviced and it was THANKFULLY replaced (it never played CDs - including the HDCDs it was supposed to play - without skipping at least once). With NO wrangling at all (actually encouragement from the sales rep - "it's the most expensive one, go for it!"), I managed to get this one as a replacement. Man, I have been missing out on SACD
    and DVD-Audio! I dug out the small collection of SACDs and DVD-Audio discs I have been accumulating and put 'em in and they sound amazing. My Stones sampler and The Police on SACD sound killer compared to the Deep Purple "Machine Head" DVD-A I have, but it might be apples to oranges in that regard. I can't wait to give some DVDs a whirl in this machine.

  15. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

    Cool Bob, glad to hear you're enjoying it. Your were fortunate to get this player as a replacement, it's a very good value with quality sound.:thumbsup: Welcome to the world of Hi-Res.:)
  16. metalbob

    metalbob Senior Member

    New Jersey
    What is everyone's opinion with this machine as a standard redbook player? I did some Beatles LP transfers that seemed to detect clicks that I may have missed....

    Also, what is the point of "breaking in." This isn't tube equipment like a guitar amp that needs to be "warmed up" a bit. I did notice a few ticks etc. in a few SACDs (one track on the Police GH for example) and thought that might be it, but when I backed up a bit and replayed the section, it was there. I think earlier in this post it was mentioned that ticks are part of the breaking in process.
  17. RetroSmith

    RetroSmith Forum Hall Of Fame<br>(Formerly Mikey5967)

    East Coast
    Yes, there IS a breaking in period. I used to not believe it, but its true.

    I think what needs to happen is that the chips need to get up to full spec by being "on" for 100 hours or so. I guess the result is full fidelity.
  18. RDK

    RDK Active Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    In skimming this thread it sounds like the 563 is indeed a real bargain. Does anyone know if Pioneer makes (or is making) a 5-disc DVD-A/SACD *changer* version of this one?
  19. RetroSmith

    RetroSmith Forum Hall Of Fame<br>(Formerly Mikey5967)

    East Coast
    I tried to find that out, I came up with nothing.

    I'd say, "Be happy" and pick up the 563-A !!!!
  20. GoldenBoy

    GoldenBoy Purple People Eater

    I was wondering the same thing, but I just said 'awe heck' and went with the 563a anyhow. :)

    On another note: how is everyone coming along with burning this player in? I've been running it for at least 12 hours a day since this past Saturday, and I think that I already hear an improvement in the sound when playing back DVD-A's. SACD's are another matter, but I'm not worried about that.
  21. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    I'm waiting for a 300 disc changer for this baby!! :D I'd like it just for movies alone...but don't want separate changers for both audio and video. (They already sell a DVD carousel changer...even for keeping the kids' hands off of the discs, it would be worth it!)

    I do not suspect it will take Pioneer long to decide on it...they already have a killer under-$200 universal player on their hands. It's not that much more difficult to adapt the electronis to their 300-disc player.
  22. RetroSmith

    RetroSmith Forum Hall Of Fame<br>(Formerly Mikey5967)

    East Coast
    Geez, Rudy, at 169$ shipped, why WAIT?
  23. Mike V

    Mike V New Member

    Mikey, are you on commission?? :D

    I bought one of these about a month ago, and I just love it. It's a fantastic introduction to the world of hi-res, and it does best my Denon CDP comparing redbook layers to Hi-res layers of some SACDs (Zombies, Steely Dan). But redbook to redbook comparisons between the 2 players clearly demonstrate, to my ears and in my opinion, that there is room for improvement on the 563a, at least for redbook playback. No big deal - I just kept the Denon and now have the best of both worlds. And at $170 for the Pioneer I am NOT complaining!! Even my wife LOVES this purchase (it's a very marriage-friendly value).

    PS: Mikey, thanks for the original heads-up on this player.
  24. metalbob

    metalbob Senior Member

    New Jersey
    I am still a bit skeptical over the "breaking in" process, but can someone make a recommendation on how to best accomplish this? Should EACH format (i.e. SACD, DVD-A, DVD, CD etc.) be done individually?
  25. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    I don't have this player, but I've had a couple of SACD players, and you need to get mileage on both formats. Fortunately, you can run it while you are out with the preamp off.

    Don't do the 24 hours thing for 7 days. Turn it off and on a few times. Swap discs. Leave it off for a bit, then run it while you are out. Put it through its paces.

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