Pearl Jam - Backspacer: Another Release Ruined By The Loudness War!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Marcust99, Sep 22, 2009.

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  1. RadioClash

    RadioClash Senior Member

    The first step is to admit when an album has been hurt by bad mastering. Does not matter to what degree it has been hurt, only that is has been. The compression on this particular CD is quite bad. How one can see it any other way is beyond me.

    At any rate, we will not agree. I do like this album and am looking forward to spinning the vinyl and giving it a good listen. :thumbsup:
  2. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH
    this is the correct response.
  3. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH
    could someone post the vinyl waveform of "supersonic" for comparison?
  4. vonwegen

    vonwegen Forum Resident

    Time to use Audition to lower the overall volume by -3dB.

    Not the perfect solution, but it would make the songs more listenable--I've done it on several recent CDs, and now I can stand to listen to 'em.

  5. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH
    funny you say that - I actually rip everything to 320kbps mp3s and then use MP3Gain to lower the volume - for this release, I am lowering by 6dB. I agree, it does make the album sound a little better...but that could just be my imagination.
  6. Modern_Mannequin

    Modern_Mannequin Active Member

    Northeast USA
    Exactly. Why would it matter how anything else sounds? This thing, judged in and of itself, should sound better. The end! I'd rather see people go over the top about poor sound quality (which I don't think they're doing) than to be apologists for it.
  7. keef00

    keef00 Senior Member

    Black... round... hole in the middle. Doesn't the phrase "I'd like to see what the vinyl looks like" just seem wrong?
  8. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH
    ugh. I'd like to see what the vinyl WAVEFORM looks like. I felt that was pretty obvious in the context of the sentence, but I'll spell it out for the logically challenged.
  9. hamishd91

    hamishd91 Forum Resident

    I don't see what lowering the volume will do...especially when somethings already clipped. Surely you're just doing the same thing that turning the CD down is doing.
  10. RadioClash

    RadioClash Senior Member

    Seems that way to me too. It would be like converting an MP3 back to a WAV. All the info that was tossed out from the initial MP3 compression would still be missing when converted back to a WAV.
  11. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member

    Anybody do a needledrop yet? Is the vinyl squashed as well?
  12. This is silly. The loudness race started years before the first iPod was released.
  13. B.Burl

    B.Burl New Member

    Vancouver, Canada
    I think this thread proves is not an audiophile forum.
  14. keef00

    keef00 Senior Member

    Geez... it was a joke, which some folks don't recognize without a smiley. It was also a comment on how you may may judging the sound by looking at a waveform rather than actually listening to the record. Sorry it all went way over your head.
  15. ceddy10165

    ceddy10165 My life was saved by rock n roll

    Avon, CT
    i gotcha -- thanks for explaining. you're correct, there's no dynamic range. i was listening for the tonality, since I never expect a PJ release to have dynamic range in the first place. thanks for the post!:wave:
  16. TerryB

    TerryB Forum Resident

    Calais, VT
    Here it is. Not a bad sounding record, although that first song wails you right out of the gate. Not a mastering thing, IMO, it's just an intense song. The drums sound great on this one, which is my #1 reason for getting the vinyl and doing needledrops.

  17. George P

    George P Notable Member

    Thanks. Can you upload a larger version of that image to a filesharer like imageshack?
  18. But is it the final mastering or the actual master tape that's the problem? I find it hard to believe that Pearl Jam recorded a set of gentle multi-tracks and mixed them down to a lovely dynamic two track master tape, and then Bob came along and compressed the hell out of it. Surely the excessive compression is a result of the way the album was recorded and mixed? And I suspect that type of sound is what the band/producer wanted from the get go, and it's not just Bob's tinkering at the end of the chain.

    If a recording has been excessively compressed at the recording and mixing stage, then no mastering techniques can fix it.

    What do people think?
  19. bonjo

    bonjo Forum Resident

    Being an audiophile doesn't mean giving up music just because it isn't audiophile quality.

    Not all of us want to hear Dire Straits 24/7.
  20. 5-String

    5-String μηδὲν ἄγαν

    Sunshine State
    Just being curious.
    Has any of you ever been to a Pearl Jam concert?
    Was it loud? Did it bother you?
  21. mattdm11

    mattdm11 Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH
    I've said recently on this forum how I think In Rainbows by Radiohead sounds great, even though if you look at the waveforms, it looks like a compressed mess. I have albums that are the other way around, too - wavs look great, but the sound is crappy. I have listened to Backspacer 2 or 3 times and it sounds better than their last album or the Ten remix, but is still compressed and could sound better (just like most of their albums).
  22. Planbee

    Planbee Negative Nellie

    This is a Beatles forum masquerading as an audiophile site...

    I'll take good music over good sound any day. Obviously, I'd like to have both at the same time.
    Anonamemouse likes this.
  23. Dan C

    Dan C Forum Fotographer

    The West

  24. Dan C

    Dan C Forum Fotographer

    The West
    Bob Ludwig has gone on record countless times against the 'loudness' trend, but he does in the end work for clients. If they want it loud, or hand him a loud master, what choice does he have?

    I still have a ton of respect for the guy. His name is on so many great records. Even his 'loud' masters seem to make the best out of tonality, warmth and clarity.

    I think he's riding out the 'loudness wars' with everyone else, and to me this record looks like we're heading in the right direction.

    IMHO of course. And I haven't heard the record yet, but I hope to pick it up this weekend.

    dan c
  25. I listen to everything on a computer. You can ReplayGain, WaveGain, MP3gain, or AACgain everything so it is almost the same perceived loudness. On many modern rock CDs this will involve a reduction of 6 - 10 dB. CDs released more than 20 years ago often don't need any adjustment.
    That vinyl waveform looks like it was cut from a source that has had digital limiting applied.
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