Paul McCartney Super Bowl haftime lipsynch?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by ted_b, Feb 7, 2005.

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  1. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    There're some big differences:

    -Ashlee got slammed because so many people were pre-disposed to hate her. Her lip-synching just reconfirmed for many that she was a manufactured no-talent. I don't think Paul needs to prove anything to anybody

    -Ashlee made it worse due to her BEHAVIOR. If she'd just stopped the song and cued things up again, people would've snickered a little and that would be that. She freaked, danced a jig, and fled. THAT'S what made the whole thing such a cause celebre.

    It's not like we don't already know that people lip-synch - folks like Britney don't sing live much at their real shows, much less at a Super Bowl. It was the way the whole Ashlee thing went down that made it legendary...
  2. davenav

    davenav High Plains Grifter

    Louisville, KY USA
    I said, "...could possibly..."

    When "fans" start in with the presumptuous kind of speculation we've seen here, it *could* lead to a bigger thing. That's all I'm saying.

    BTW~~I feel sorry for anyone who thinks that was boring. What do they want? Probably the latest cookie-cutter rap group.
  3. Vinyl-Addict

    Vinyl-Addict Groovetracer Manufacturer

    :hide: :hide: :hide: :hide:
  4. Tullman

    Tullman Senior Member

    Boston MA

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Where is Grant?
  5. Jose Jones

    Jose Jones Outstanding Forum Member

    Detroit, Michigan
    Oh hogwash! A Job? You can't be serious. The guy has more money than all of his fans put together. He didn't do the Super Bowl for rent money. If the "presentation" was the key, than they may as well have put some babe with a boob job up there because that would have looked better.

    I guess I thought PROFESSIONAL meant something more than being paid to fake it on cue. Silly me....
  6. JonUrban

    JonUrban SHF Member #497

    Of course I'm serious. I did not say he did it for the money, that's not what I implied. Being professional means doing what has to be done in a professional matter, be it singing live or rehearsing to a tape. If you don't think that was a "presentation", then your expectations are as misconstrued as your "dream set list"!

  7. olsen

    olsen Senior Member

    los angeles
    OF COURSE it's a job. A dream job, in which you get engaged to perform. But TV is on a timer, and being "professional" means getting the job done right. Jose, there are many levels to being a pro musician: being on time as a baby band at the club, soundchecking as a big star at the arena, getting your 12 minutes to look and sound brilliant as a living legend on worldwide TV - with 10 minutes of set up time.
  8. Jose Jones

    Jose Jones Outstanding Forum Member

    Detroit, Michigan

    You took that "dream set list" seriously? Shame on you! Like McCartney is going to perform a song off the McCartney II bootleg........ha!
  9. JonUrban

    JonUrban SHF Member #497

    It's MY JOB to take everything seriously! :wtf: :whistle: :agree:

  10. jpm-boston

    jpm-boston Forum Resident

    Boston, MA
    McCartney was contracted to perform at the Superbowl, so therefor it was his job. Whether he needs the money or not is irrelevant to your argument. He is an entertainer and he agreed to the format set up by the NFL/Fox people in charge of the event. McCartney has nothing to prove (regarding vocal ability) and frankly I enjoyed seeing him perform great songs in the middle of a great game (I'm a patriots fan). Lastly, McCartney is the ultimate professional. He was the hardest working of all the Beatles and has toured the most. I'm glad he still is out there performing and touring. We'll all miss him and his talent when he is gone someday.
  11. Gregory Earl

    Gregory Earl Senior Member

    Break it up folks, break it up.....nothing to see here. Move along. Let's move along. :shh:
  12. EditDave

    EditDave New Member

    Columbus, Ohio
    Exactly. We all know that had the "alledged" prerecorded tape Paul and the band were using suddenly malfunctioned, they'd be able to keep going as if nothing had happened. We KNOW Paul can still sing — and play — better at 62 than most performers half his age (just watch any episode of American Idol if you don't believe me).

    Ashlee's problem was being completely LOST without her tape because she IS the product of studio manufacturing.

    There's nothing wrong with lip-synching if that's what the program and logistics call for. Afterall, lip-syncing has been around since the marriage of film and recording. But to confuse the Ashlee Simpson lip-sync malfunction with Sir Paul using a prerecorded guide track for whatever reason is mixing apples and oranges (for a tangy taste treat)! One has nothing to do with the other.
  13. jligon

    jligon Forum Resident

    Peoria, IL
    All You Need Is Love used pre-recorded backing tracks.

    That's not a big deal (pre-recorded music-to some extent) but there is no way McCartney is going to lip-synch on the most widely viewed event of the year. No Way. And I don't particularly like Paul McCartney but I know he's above that.
  14. Tullman

    Tullman Senior Member

    Boston MA

    Yeah right! :rolleyes:
  15. Dave D

    Dave D Done!

    Milton, Canada
    I didn't see it as I said, but it's sure fired up some red hot discussion!

    The NFL and Superbowl organizers are the ones that want it perfect and cheesy (unintentionally, but it's always cheesy), so don't be pointing fingers at Paul or squawking about his credibility.
  16. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas

    I've certainly debated this matter BUT i've never demanded that Paul do anything. It's his life, he can do whatever he wants.

    Sorry, i'm not going to blindly believe every word that somebody writes because "they work in freakin' Hollywood". You're MUCH quicker to label one poster's comments to be "facts" and another poster's comments "grand theories" than i choose to be.

    Take care,
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