New Studio Tool Expected to Bring More Super Audio Titles!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by LeeS, May 27, 2004.

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  1. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan Thread Starter

    I think David is referring to later SACDs which may only have a PCM master. According to his engineer all the ones released so far have been from analog masters. Currently, Chesky is only doing 24/96k masters during the session. They stopped running an analog tape machine. I guess it's possible that some very recent sessions put on SACD may have come from PCM but Barry would have mentioned this to me. I specifically asked about New York Reunion and the early titles and Barry said they were definitely analog masters used.

    Unfortunately we may see pop and rock albums processed in some bastardized fashion, but I think the majority of jazz and classical and older records will choose to make relatively, if not completely, flat transfers.

    This is why I have been saying that there are benefits from Super Audio remaining a niche format...

    Gabe, please PM me or call at the number I provided. Very interested in talking with you. Thanks. :)
  2. Raf

    Raf Senior Member

    Toronto, Ontario
    That's like saying Marshall amps cause hearing loss.

    Pro Tools is just one of several digital audio workstations currently being used in the industry, and like the other DAWs (or most any other tool ever used for recording, mixing and mastering since the advent of audio recording), it doesn't make anything sound like crap until the people at the controls use it for that purpose.
  3. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Later? Very recent? That quote is going on three years old.
  4. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan Thread Starter

    I spoke with David Chesky and it appears both Gabe and I are right. :)

    Chesky Records has done both types of transfers, according to David Chesky himself who I just spoke with by phone.

    I've got most of them and they all sound pretty good. The Miles tribute and New York Reunion are my favorites however.
  5. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    So what did David say about those first ten albums? The ones that Gabe says are PCM and you disputed it.
  6. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan Thread Starter

    We were specifically addressing those ten SACDs. In fact, I am not sure much more than ten SACDs were released. David said some of these were PCM and some were analog.

    I guess his contact at airshow told him incorrectly as Barry had unintentionally told me.
  7. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    They've got 35 SACDs on their website catalog.

    So it isn't just "later SACDs which may only have a PCM master" that have been transferred from PCM?
  8. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan Thread Starter

    If Gabe would respond to my inquiries, we may be able to determine the specific titles done from PCM sources and those done from analog. Barry specifically mentioned that New York Reunion was from analog.

    It appears that what Barry told me was not correct. But what was I to do? He is the recording engineer doing the work after all...who would know better than he?

    The main point here is that many labels are doing analog to DSD transfers. The PCM sourced SACDs sound good as well.

    Gabe, can you get a list of titles from PCM from your contacts at Airshow?

    Chesky Records should include the source used in their liner would be nice to pass this info along to Stephen Best so he can add in the data to his website.
  9. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Better not to know...some find that once they know a disc is PCM sourced, it doesn't sound as good any more...
  10. LeeS

    LeeS Music Fan Thread Starter

    Really? Who would that be?

    Everyone I know bases their decision on what the sound is like on playback, not based on sources. Over time, we build up knowledge as to what sounds better and become better at selection, but letting any biases in could lead to bad conclusions and future decisions.

    Gabe, you out there buddy?
  11. Michael St. Clair

    Michael St. Clair Forum Resident

    Yep. :)

    Maybe he's just offline right now. Lots of us have times where we can't check the forum for a while.
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