New Series The Walking Dead on AMC this Fall

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by sbroache, Aug 24, 2010.

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  1. stumpy

    stumpy Forum Resident

    South of Nashville
    Why did he saw his hand off instead of the cuff-links?
  2. Bender Rodriguez

    Bender Rodriguez RIP Exene, best dog ever. 2005-2016

    He probably didn't have time enough to saw through the metal handcuff. Sawing through flesh and bone is faster.
  3. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
    Not everybody remembers that AMC was just like TCM.
  4. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    Yeah, but how did the zombies get through with the padlock and chain still in tact? Were some able to squeeze through? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    Nice find with that Google Earth image, Chip.
  5. maxnix

    maxnix Forum Resident

    He wasn't exactly thinking too clearly on that rooftop, judging by the first few minutes of the episode. Man, there's crazy, and then there's Michael Rooker-crazy. Love that guy.
  6. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    I thought the third episode was a bit slow. I hope we see some reason soon to not want to simply toss both Michael Rooker and his brother off a building and be done with part of crazy town.
  7. JohnG

    JohnG PROG now in Dolby ATMOS!

    Long Island NY
    I guess we will find out what that helicopter in ep two means.
  8. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    At least the one guy is valuable as a hunter. I'd rather toss the deadweight wife beater than either of the redneck brothers.
  9. jlc76

    jlc76 Forum Resident

    Austin, TX, U.S.A.
    Yeah, in that kind of world losers who can hunt and kill become more valuable than that wifebeater. Plus I imagine that life is so precious that you just can't sacrifice any living human.
  10. I thought that was odd as well but I think it was to show he was so desperate BUT I wouldn't think it would be easier to saw through bone and flesh rather than the metal of a handcuff then again as someone else pointed out he wasn't thinking too clearly at the time.

    I don't think the dead go through the door but he didn't know that they wouldn't unless one wiggled through and we didn't see any evidence of that.
  11. jlc76

    jlc76 Forum Resident

    Austin, TX, U.S.A.
    Ah this is fun, here is the rock quarry where they are staying, you can even see the buildings of Atlanta in the distance like in the show. Stone mountain is off to the right.

  12. mdm08033

    mdm08033 Senior Member

    I thought it was a wonderful homage to Mad Max.

    [the Kid is handcuffed to a car that's about to explode]
    Max: The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel. It'd take you ten minutes to hack through it with this. Now, if you're lucky, you could hack through your ankle in five minutes. Go.
    [the hacksaw is dropped next to The Kid, and Max limps off]

    Cheers, Michael
  13. Dr. Pepper

    Dr. Pepper What, me worry?

    I'm liking this show. It's a nice mix of Lost, Pulp Fiction, with a twist of Omega Man/I Am Legend!
  14. rene smalldridge

    rene smalldridge Senior Member


    I thought it was a wonderful homage to the 1st Saw movie.
  15. guy incognito

    guy incognito Senior Member

    What I want to know is what he used to cauterize the wound from that amputated hand to keep from bleeding to death.
  16. mr.schneider

    mr.schneider Active Member

    N. Beechwood Dr.
    The bigger question for me is... where did he go as there was no place to go???
    Especially with one hand. There's a degree of difficulty climbing a ladder with one hand.
  17. Bender Rodriguez

    Bender Rodriguez RIP Exene, best dog ever. 2005-2016

    I'm guessing the helicopter from episode 2 picked him up off the roof.
  18. jlc76

    jlc76 Forum Resident

    Austin, TX, U.S.A.
    The cuff may have been tough to saw through but that old rusty bolt would have taken just a few minutes. Maybe it was a crap blade. He obviously couldn't go down the stairs and didn't kill the zombies in there. I think the helicopter is a good option.
  19. dead of night

    dead of night Senior Member

    Northern Va, usa
    I agree, the scene with the "geek" inside the camp was horrifying.
  20. In fact that's why I thought he was looking up at the end of the episode.
  21. full moon

    full moon Forum Resident

    I love this show..Short season..Only 3 episodes left....
  22. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    Heavy death toll on this episode.

    I'm thinking some type of revolving cast where they lose and pick up stragglers...
  23. They're running out people to kill.
  24. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    They thinned the herd for sure. The shows have departed significantly from the books, so I feel like I don't know what is going to happen next. There are a few locations that I expect them to eventually get to (probably not until next season), but these are different characters and different stories than the source material.
  25. Ken_McAlinden

    Ken_McAlinden MichiGort Staff

    Livonia, MI
    For the first season, they seem to be fleshing out (pun intended) the first book in the series by adding subplots and characters. I hope they end the first season the way that book ended.
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