New Series The Walking Dead on AMC this Fall

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by sbroache, Aug 24, 2010.

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  1. Kym

    Kym Former Resident

    I am VERY pleased they used Wang Chung's underrated "Space Junk" from 1997.
  2. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member

    It was fun, but I kinda want my zombies fast and furious. I can't imagine watching a series about people running from zombies. Maybe a miniseries would keep me around, but an entire series I doubt will kept me tuned. With zombies, there is only one question: Will the lead characters survive. After ten or so episodes, trying to sustain that suspense has to wain. Unless there is some grand conspiracy plot introduced or some very clever twists.
  3. You will find that the story as it developes is much more than just man vs. zombie, give a few more watches and see if you agree.
  4. daglesj

    daglesj Forum Resident

    Norfolk, UK
    Yes there are far scarier things than zombies in the Walking Dead.:help:

    The zombies are the innocents.

    Shame they will only be able to use around 50% of whats in the print version.

    Reminds me I need to ask for the three latest volumes for xmas.

    I'm hoping they do a 'herd' later in the series.
  5. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    Those are budget busting, I'm sure. I doubt we'll see many of them, but I hope we get at least one good scene.

    Seems like the series is taking a slightly more sentimental approach than the book. I don't recall there being any hint in the books that these dead "walkers" retained any memory of their past life or relationships. I guess that's just Darabont. But that is fine. Really liked the first episode. I hope it gets to continue quite a bit beyond the six episodes they have made.
  6. mr.schneider

    mr.schneider Active Member

    N. Beechwood Dr.
    I'd say that was quite a large number in the downtown Atlanta sequence!
  7. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member

    I was going to enter the contest for the zombie walk-on role, but they wanted every bit of indentification but your VISA card and social security number. I hate being indexed.
  8. I watched it and liked it; it seemed a bit "slow", but I was engaged and will keep with it over the next few weeks to see how it unfolds. The gore was kind of mind-blowing though; not because it was so severe, so much as I'm old enough to remember when depicting this level of blood and guts was considered extreme in the movies, and would never be shown on television on anything other than pay-TV channels, if then!
  9. zeppage2

    zeppage2 Forum Resident

    Oakland, CA
    It's a shame it has to be on AMC. This really limits the language that can be used. I don't want 'Scarface' quantities of profanity, but a 'Sopranos' level would be more realistic.

    Plus, DirecTV does not have AMC in HD here in the Bay Area.
  10. Scotian

    Scotian Amnesia Hazed

    I'm not a zombie fan at all. i just watched the first episiode of "Dead Set" which is the regular concept of zombies starting to spring to life except they're also at a Bib Brother House in Englang. Did'nt work for me at all & found it teduious at best.

    This one (from the first episode) looks great. Looks like they're going to take the basic zombie concept & run/shuffle with it.
  11. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    Really enjoyed the first episode. Loved it when he was in the tank and the voice came on talking to him...

    Looks very promising...
  12. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    "Hey you...yeah you, the idiot in the tank!"

    Yeah, that was funny. Poor Barbaro, though.
  13. boyfromnowhere

    boyfromnowhere Senior Member

    missouri, usa
    What do you mean?
  14. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member


    What could a bunch of F-you's possibly add to the story to make it better? Does someone have to be shouting: "Die you moth@#$er" to make it effective? If television has only deteriorated so far that seeing someone shot directly in the head isn't enough, I'm worried.
  15. Chip Z

    Chip Z Forum Resident

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    I think about that a lot when i watch a show like this. Even something like CSI. I couldn't imagine that kind of stuff on TV when I was growing up.

    In any event, I think it's off to a good start.
  16. zeppage2

    zeppage2 Forum Resident

    Oakland, CA
    Actually, **** was heard in the online trailer. Adults use profanity, especially in situations of high tension.
  17. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    Yeah. It would be more realistic, as I imagine a world infested with flesh eating zombies would elicit more than a few F-bombs, plus other salty phrases. "Get that gosh darn zombie, Rick!" just doesn't seem likely.

    But its not a big deal.
  18. daglesj

    daglesj Forum Resident

    Norfolk, UK
    Have you read the comic books?

    Rape, more rape, babies/mothers cut in half with bullets, torture, guy getting his bits ripped off, pedophilic serial killers, more torture general nasty stuff.

    It never lightens up.

    One thing though, I have yet to go back and re-read all my volumes but there seems to a central core of about 5 characters and then a never ending supply of peripheral young blond women that seem to get killed off in the group every volume.

    I never remember their names or know whether they were in previous volumes.
  19. daglesj

    daglesj Forum Resident

    Norfolk, UK
    The thing with 'bad' language is that as long as its valid for the situation I dont notice it at all.

    It's when the script writer thinks it 'cool' to use as much as possible then it becomes annoying.

    As for protecting young children from bad language....I learnt all those words from young children, never adults. Think about it.

    I was 17+ before I heard my dad use the fword. I excuse him as we had just had a herd of cows rampage on our front garden and then he found he had a flat tyre on his car 5 minutes later.

    It was a trying morning.
  20. dead of night

    dead of night Senior Member

    Northern Va, usa
    I'm afraid this series is going to turn into a soap opera with zombies in the background.
  21. Reminds me of a TV movie about the Kent State shootings I saw a few years ago; one scene showed a group of student protesters chanting "1-2-3-4! We don't want your lousy war!" :laugh:
  22. mdm08033

    mdm08033 Senior Member

    I was surprised to see that on Verizon FIOS service AMC has NOT included this series as an 'on-demand' title. I had to set my DVR to record it. Is this some sort of experiment?

    Cheers, Michael
  23. Ghostworld

    Ghostworld Senior Member

    I know. When I saw the looming subplot of the Deputies' wife fooling around with the other Sheriff, I got even more scared than by the zombies.
  24. Heh. My favourite was the American network TV showing of Burt Reynold's "The End". He awakes from a failed suicide attempt and is very angry to find he's still alive and says . . .

    "gosh darn son-of-a-blip!"

    Yeah, sure he did.
  25. mr.schneider

    mr.schneider Active Member

    N. Beechwood Dr.
    When I watch a movie I give the storytellers the benefit of the doubt that they won't insult my intelligence. I expect some explanation of certain situations so that there will be some continuity and some believability. Now, I understand the whole zombie thing is fantasy & such, but here are some dumb questions and observations that have come to mind since watching the premier of The Walking Dead.

    * In movies, when a building becomes deserted are there always loose papers scattered about the hallways? I know it's for effect, but would it really happen?

    * What is the time frame that this incident was supposed to have happened from when all hell broke loose to the time the Deputy wakes up?

    -- I ask because...

    * The flowers delivered to him by his partner are all dead... 'several weeks' kind of dead, not like they 'hadn't been watered in a few days' kind of dead.

    * there's no electricity except reserve power in the hospital.

    * If man were to vanish, power plants would still produce power for quite some time. It's not as though power plants are generating energy from men on stationary bikes or gerbils on gerbil wheels.

    * The flowers delivered to him by his partner are all dead... 'several weeks' kind of dead, not like they 'hadn't been watered in a few days' kind of dead.

    * The human body cannot go without hydration for more than 3 days. So this entire zombie situation occurred in the span of 2.5 days? From the time people 'forgot' about the deputy to the time he woke up. How was he completely forgotten about?

    * The exterior of the hospital looks like it hadn't been kept up in years- leaves all over the steps, debris strewn about, etc. More decay in just a few days?

    * not to mention all the military vehicles outside and the appearance of shelling and gunfire damage done to the hospital.

    * the squad car he gets in is covered in dust and looks like it hadn't been washed in years

    * cut to the deputy's partner and his camp of survivors. He's already has a well established relationship with the wife of the hospitalized deputy. Were they knocking boots before the zombie takeover?

    * what prompted this zombie apocalypse?

    * If it takes time for this 'fever' to take hold (as explained by the surviving husband of the wife that became a zombie), how did the population become 'zombified' so quickly? With that, the level of decay within the (guessing) 3 days that this took place. The torso girl that he puts out of her misery would have to have rotted for weeks to look like that.

    * If they all eat the living and at one point everyone was alive, why aren't more (or all) of them completely dismembered? And at what point do the dead stop eating a victim that's alive?

    There's some thoughts to wake the dead! Go ahead, folks. Have some fun with those! :righton:
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