My Encounter w/Dhani Harrison About George

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by cdice, Apr 20, 2009.

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  1. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Neil Young would be the ideal candidate to take his place.
  2. :biglaugh:
  3. pencilchewer

    pencilchewer Active Member

    far and away
    aaalllllll through the thread.... I ME ME, I ME ME, NOW NOW NOW....
  4. DetroitDoomsayer

    DetroitDoomsayer Forum Middle Child

    Detroit, Michigan
  5. Fred68

    Fred68 Loves Music

  6. wodence

    wodence Forum Resident

  7. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member

    I was at all 3 days of Coachella. I saw all of Macca, all of thenewno2 and walked by the bands signing. I thought their set had a couple decent tunes, but the rest was a vaguely ok mix of rock and electronic sound that didn't go much of anywhere. Olivia(originally from LA area?) watched some of their set by the soundboard and was taking some pictures. They brought out a female singer to guest ona couple songs.

    This is not Jacob Dylan(Wallflowers) who uses the last name but prohibits family questions in interviews, connections in concert ads or play on the same concert/festival bill. Dhani did BW promo, played at GeorgeFest and did the walk of Fame for his dad the week before. He also looks like the cover of ATMP!! He trying for his own career, but doing a bad job of completely avoiding any connection. He also played the day after McCartney(who probably spent the saturday in Vegas doing a soundcheck)

    I did notice that the signing had more security that other artists(Booker T. had almost nothing). One guy standing right behind Dhani and a bouncer sized guy looking over all 5 members with an earpiece. It's easy to forget that he's the only acknowledged offspring of a very valuable estate. It was very easy to pick off the Beatle freaks in the lineup. Dhani was very generous with his time and requests for photos. I think the fans that were younger than Dhani were there for DNA reasons rather than strictly musical or because he's tiger beat material.

    Personally, the most I would ask of him would be "Is it really true that Friar Park had an underground lake?". That is a question about his upbringing and only indirectly George related.

    What really surprises me is that the family does not own at least some of the home recordings outright. Particularly the decades worth of C9-->BW material. Release that and gauge the market interest. I get the impression that his archive has many surprises, since I thought some of his albums were to maintain a cash flow and not grand artistic statements. George didn't even leave his property for music videos or interviews!!
  8. pencilchewer

    pencilchewer Active Member

    far and away
    i know that, thank you.....i was teasing Javimulder for his "ME ME ME NOW NOW NOW" rant.... i could've written "ME ME ME", or "I ME MINE" but i decided to write "I ME ME" instead cuz i knew people would get it... it was intentional :D

    dumb and unfunny, but intentional!
  9. DetroitDoomsayer

    DetroitDoomsayer Forum Middle Child

    Detroit, Michigan
    Oh, that wasn't a dig at you at all, but was a play to use George's song as a dig against those who seem to think that they are entitled to have it all.
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