McCartney II secret meaning of the inner sleeve photos

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by helter, Feb 8, 2011.

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  1. DrAftershave

    DrAftershave A Wizard, A True Star

    Los Angeles, CA
    Actually, John & Yoko were experimenting with sound effects from the Star Wars movies to use with their work. The idea was eventually dropped.
  2. helter

    helter Forum Resident Thread Starter

    If you listen to yoko's song Beautiful Boys their are Star Wars type sound effects in the background
  3. DrAftershave

    DrAftershave A Wizard, A True Star

    Los Angeles, CA

    Are you kidding??? McCartney II is Paul's best album after Ram. John could only wish to do something as off-kilter as Paul did with this album. And before you say anything, I'm a bigger fan of John than I am with Paul.
  4. DrAftershave

    DrAftershave A Wizard, A True Star

    Los Angeles, CA
    I would had probably picked up on that if I had forced myself to listen to anything of Yoko's all the way through.
  5. helter

    helter Forum Resident Thread Starter


    Temporary Secretary might be the most annoying song ever written:D
  6. leeroy jenkins

    leeroy jenkins Forum Resident

    The United States
    He wrote it because a friend of Ringo's once had a secretary.
  7. butch

    butch Senior Member

    I intimated it but you said it......Tarot doesn't have its roots in Japanese culture and it has no monopoly on psychics and putting holes in one's head! :winkgrin: Yoko was just plain weird....

    :agree: WK, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

    I'm not really a fan of either of them like others here are BUT Double Fantasy was filled with Silly Love Songs and well McCartney II was a fun,goofy,experimental album. There was a silly love long on it or two though!
    And DR A it was PM's best album IMO because it was pure unadulterated Paul for the most part. I talked to a producer that worked with him and Paul in the back of his mind seems to really want to play all the instruments and do everything himself from what I've heard. Either that or he threatens the musicians with this statement:" If you can't play it,I will."

    Any die hard Star Wars fan would know that A New Hype(sic) was called Star Wars originally!:laugh: I still call it that and I refuse to go along with Lucas' megalomania/revisionist history on that point. I didn't pay that much attention to the background really,only what Lennon was saying.....:)It sounded like Space Invaders was going on in the background....that's how old skool I roll...
  8. numer9

    numer9 Beatles Apologist

    Philly Burbs
    It is not a pic of two beetles having's two Dung Beetles rolling a ball of dung.
  9. butch

    butch Senior Member

    Too much information,mates! Seriously though, both interpretations make a statement especially the idea of the one beetle getting effed by another. However there's something more cheeky about that view.....

    Attached Files:

  10. Yovra

    Yovra Collector of Beatles Threads

    I think it's Macca fooling around.
    Funny that the Beatlesque "hidden messages"-stuff starts to leak to their 'later' solo-albums...
  11. gsmile

    gsmile Forum Resident

    To those that think the third photo is Yoko:

  12. gottafeelin

    gottafeelin Forum Resident

    Been a while since she'd waxed?
  13. mrjinks

    mrjinks Optimistically Challenged

    Boise, ID.
    Thanks for starting this thread. I'm somewhat amazed that I'd never given any thought to those images in this context previously...

    I must say, though, that the "ring" in the 2nd photo doesn't seem like something a 4yr old (Sean) would necessarily have. It DOES seem like something a 2yr old (James McCartney - pictured on the inner sleeve) would have...

    Now back to the (interesting) discussion.
  14. rswitzer

    rswitzer Forum Resident

    Golden, CO USA
    The person most responsible for Paul's drug bust was . . . Paul. (w/ help from Linda)

    BTW, what is the most recent picture of Paul with facial hair? I can't think of any after this . . .
  15. helter

    helter Forum Resident Thread Starter


    Yoko has been called ugly, simian looking and many other unattractive names.
    It's not uncommon to have a female mocked by giving her a mustache
  16. scottc1963

    scottc1963 Forum Resident

    Off Topic a bit, but watching paul's "Comming Up" video, does anyonr else think the drummer looks like Ginger Baker? lol. Sorry , back to the original topic.
  17. helter

    helter Forum Resident Thread Starter


    McCartney was probably using what he had available to work with. Either way you have Lennon specs, asian eyes and a small child image. John, yoko and Sean. Come on people !!!:goodie:
  18. Vintage Season

    Vintage Season Active Member

    Hillsborough, NC
    From the first moment I saw those photos, many years ago, I assumed they were intended as caricatures of John, Ringo and George, respectively. They simply struck me that way, and still do.

    Interpreting them as John, Sean and Yoko is an interesting spin, but personally I don't buy it.

    — M.
  19. dancarlsen

    dancarlsen Forum Resident

    Minneapolis, MN
    Everyone's missing the obvious! It's "McCartney II" as in "McCartney #2" because he's the 2nd one... the 1st McCartney died in a car crash in the mid 60s or doesn't anyone remember? :winkgrin:
  20. helter

    helter Forum Resident Thread Starter


    McCartney at that stage in his career was still with Wings and was trying to distance himself from his Beatles past. This would include only playing a handful of Beatles songs in concert unlike his shows today.

    Encouraging more interest in his Beatles connection was not anything he was trying to do, in fact it was the exact opposite situation in 1980. So I disagree but thanks for your input.
  21. You're really grasping at straws here. As stated earlier in the thread, the pics were taken before the drug bust.
  22. music4life

    music4life Senior Member

    South Elgin, IL
    Personally, I don't think they mean anything. Paul and Linda (who I assume shot those pics) probably smoked a little before the photo shoot and was just goofing around...
  23. czeskleba

    czeskleba Senior Member

    I'm sorry, but the notion that they are supposed to represent Sean and Yoko is far-fetched to the point of silliness. If he'd wanted to dress up as Yoko he would have worn a wig (like the one he sported as the guitarist in the Coming Up video) or at least shaved off his moustache. I think it's also likely that McCartney would have considered children off-limits for this type of joking. It's highly unlikely he would want to do something that could be construed as mocking Lennon's child.

    I remember reading somewhere in 1980 that the images were supposed to represent the other three Beatles. I'm not saying that proves it's true... I think the place I read it was a record review, and the guy was likely just speculating the same as we are. But it goes to show that interpretation has been around as long as the record has. It seems plausible to me.
  24. 905

    905 Senior Member

    Midwest USA
    They are just stoner pictures, if he is meaning the Beatles or John/Sean/Yoko they are still just stoner pictures. Nothing much to read into it.
  25. celtic1

    celtic1 New Member

    United States
    Yeah, even Paul is not that much of a Dick.
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