Krell SACD Standard "Mark II": Impressions & Review. Pics!

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by markl, Aug 8, 2006.

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  1. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    No magic. If it doesn't have that, it may not interest some audiophiles.
  2. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    If I were considering the Krell for $4500, I would also take a serious look at the Cary CD-306 for $6000 (CD/stereo SACD player). It got an excellent review in the current issue of The Absolute Sound. Even at $6000, Robert Harley called it a "stone cold bargain."
  3. markl

    markl Senior Member Thread Starter

    It sold on audiogon.

    From my POV, this is a very complex question and depends on what you want to get out of audio.

    The Krell posed a real problem for me as a reviewer and audiophile-- a dilemma. My guess, FWIW, is that the Krell's digital section is superior to my modified Sony 555ES. However, my gut tells me that the reason I prefer the modified Sony overall, is due to its superior analog output section (based on the fantastic LC Audio ZapFilter 2).

    For me, I always have an Angel and a Devil on my shoulder when it comes to audio. The Angel always insists on the better-behaved, more sensible unit, that is more even and balanced on the majority of audiophile criteria. "It's neutral dammit, it MUST be right." Right?

    The Devil says-- "forget what you are SUPPOSED to like, and actually listen with your own EARS". The Devil is chiefly concerned with what moves you in the gut, emotionally. What gets your head bobbing, your foot tapping, and your deepest lizard-brain excited. He doesn't care one whit about "neutrality", he wants to CONNECT.

    I am almost always inclined to listen to the Devil, sorry. :D To me, he has a more convincing argument. He's all about MY enjoyment, not about the *potential* enjoyment someone else might obtain. He sanctions my most evil whims and desires, and gives me permission to like what I like, regardless of whether it's "right" or not.

    On that criteria, I recognize the Krell is closer to most people's ideal, but even if it's "wrong" I would rather hear the glorious sounds of the sacdmods 555ES.

    Intellectually, you can KNOW you are "RIGHT", but your lowly GUT is always gonna trump your brain every time. The heart wants what it wants...
  4. markl

    markl Senior Member Thread Starter

    But it should be said, that overall, I felt the $4.5K Krell was more of a lateral move than a clear step ahead of the $2.3K sacdmods 555ES. They each do things the other can't.

    My dilemma is to go ahead and invest in a player like Cary 306 SACD, which believe me, has been considered in used form, or to go with an absurdly upgraded Sony XA777ES/XA9000ES.

    I know I like the Sony 555ES with mods. It stands to reason, I'd like the even more upscale Sony XA777ES/XA9000ES with even more extensive mods.

    That's the direction I'm most likely going in. I will report back after I have the upgraded Sony.
  5. coopmv

    coopmv Newton 1/30/2001 - 8/31/2011

    CT, USA
    I think the Cary is only 2-channel while the Krell is multi-channel.
  6. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Yes, I said in my post that the Cary is a stereo SACD player. For me, that would not be a problem. I suspect that would not be a problem for a lot of people shopping in that price range.
  7. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Mark, in all of this, I am surprised that you do not appear to be bothered more by the Krell choking on hybrid multi-channel SACDs. That is inexcusable for any player, especially one costing $4500. Regardless of the sound, it would have been out the door for that reason alone had I been in your shoes. Had I really liked the sound, I would have looked into an exchange for another unit or I would have been calling Krell to find out what was going on.
  8. markl

    markl Senior Member Thread Starter

    Hi Keith, I know EXACTLY where you're coming from. However, my experience with (and research into) "high-end" CD players tells me that most high-end players lack even the basic functionality we've come to expect from $200 models. That seems WRONG, I agree, and SUCKS, but it appears to be the price you have to be willing to pay for "High-End" sound.
  9. coopmv

    coopmv Newton 1/30/2001 - 8/31/2011

    CT, USA
    I will be going for a multi-channel SACD player, as I see little reason for me to start from almost no SACD title at the beginning of the year to almost 50 titles now and end up playing the collection in stereo mode.
  10. Black Elk

    Black Elk Music Lover

    Bay Area, U.S.A.
    Whether it stands to reason depends on a number of factors. Most obviously, it will depend on whether you are using the same modder for the XA777/XA9000 as for the 555, and how much of the guts of the models the modder uses. If you are having the units modded by two different people, it is quite likely that the sonic signatures of the analogue-stages will be very different (especially if one modder uses a tube ouput stage, and the other does not, for example). So, you need to take that into account.

    What I can tell you is that the XA777/XA9000 are both very robustly built machines, with pretty fast, silent transports that can load discs much faster than the reference SCD-1/SCD-777ES players. While they are not quite as good at tracking problem discs as the SCD-1/SCD-777ES, they are very close in terms of measured performance at the players' outputs (in stock form), and are low jitter units.

    Depending on the form of the modifications, you may still be able to make use of the selectable filters for CD (only two choices in the case of the XA777/XA9000 compared to the five for the SCD-1/SCD-777ES). Some mods. I read about when the XA777 first appeared ruled out using the player in M-ch mode, so watch for that if M-ch is going to be important to you at any point (whether in your own future or for re-sale at some point).

    You can be assured that either model will do an excellent job of extracting the data from disc and presenting it correctly to either the on-board or added DACs, and will form the basis of an excellent player with a suitably spiffy analogue output stage (I believe you'll be able to choose between tubed/SS, single-ended/balanced, etc.).

    What ever you decide on, enjoy it!
  11. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Well, I don't have as much hands-on experience with the high-end SACD players as you do. The lack of functionality is most disappointing. Should I ever seek an upgrade from my SCD-777ES, I will keep this in mind.
  12. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I appreciate that point of view. For me, stereo comes first. I have a Sony SCD-777ES for serious listening in stereo and an SCD-C555ES for less critical listening in stereo and for listening in multi-channel. That works fine for me.

    If I were in the market for a high end SACD player, I would have no problem buying a stereo-only model. First, I listen in stereo 99% of the time. Second, all SACDs have stereo programs. For me, multi-channel is a fun option, but not vital.
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