Jimi Hendrix-West Coast Seattle Boy: The Jimi Hendrix Anthology

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by shepherdfan, Aug 6, 2010.

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  1. Held back what? Would you be more comfortable if they released a 100 cd boxset in 2000? Put everything out at once? Maybe I'm just misreading your post.

    No one is forced to buy anything. As far as I'm concerned they can keep releasing cds forever.

    And let's be honest, how is this hurting his legacy? Is Are You Experienced any less a powerful debut because they've released a bunch of outtakes? Jimi's legacy is intact and rock solid no matter what they release.
    Natural E and SpinningInfinity like this.

  2. So, will that make the BBC set "complete"?? Or are there any other BBC tracks that are 'floating about' that should have been included, but haven't as yet?? (Or "won't have been" (to get my verb tenses right).)

    Good to have another version of "...Midnight Lamp", always a favorite of mine. I might well repurchase this (with the DVD), if I can find it at a really good "loss-leader" price.

    Edit: Simply cannot wait for the track-listing of this new set (thread topic).
  3. copen

    copen New Member

    carmel, usa
    May this be love

    this is the barclay version.
  4. PacificOceanBlue

    PacificOceanBlue Senior Member

    The Southwest
    Agreed. It is a disgrace. We all have the Universal pressings - why would EH expect the devoted fanbase to repurchase simply because they (EH) decided on a new long-term, lucrative distribution deal with Sony? Good for them, but release some new material instead of rehashing previous releases from the past decade. I'd love to have the new track from the BBC Sessions, but I shouldn't have to repurchase the entire project. I supported every EH/MCA/Dagger release the past 13 years, I have certainly shown my support and commitment to Hendrix and the company managing his music. Perhaps they can show a little respect to his fans and devoted consumers by not going down this road. But that would be too much to expect from Janie Hendrix.

    And who at EH thinks these DVD combo releases are of any true value? They had a golden opportunity to release AYE, Axis, and EL as "Legacy Editions" with bonus discs of mono mixes, rarities, alternates, demos, etc. -- but they chose to do straight reissues of the '97 masters with short, lame DVD documentaries. EH also had a chance to correct the audio issues plaguing the BBC release, expand the Blues release (and also getting rid of the edits and composite versions of songs), and EH could have issued a new, more historically accurate First Rays release. But hey, they offered fans bonus DVDs!

    I find it very aggravating. I look forward to seeing the content of this upcoming anthology project, but it gets harder and harder to tolerate Experience Hendrix.
  5. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member

    Maybe some TV appearances might be hidden away in private collections.

    I'm actually quite curious about how may pre-UK tracks will be included. EH has to license those track, pay publishing etc.... Then there's the enormous can of worms that is the Chalpin recordings......

    I would think Mercy Mercy and Testify are musts.
  6. Javimulder

    Javimulder New Member

    You hit the nail right on the head...

    It has been my long-time fantasy that, whenever one of this things happen with a reissue, you could hand in your old copy at the local store and walk away with the new one... I'd be happy to pay the difference for the new bonus track :agree:
  7. quicksrt

    quicksrt Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    Listen people, I don't think the Jimi Family expect anyone to buy them again. They might hope some do, but most likely they want to get the new fans hooked, the ones who are not about to croak dead in a year or three.

    So they are gearing up with new issues for the new generation of fans. And they don't care about us who bought everything in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, etc. They got our money, and time for them to hit up the young kids now.

    But we migtht see Royal Albert Hall on DVD one day in the next 5 or 10 years.
  8. Javimulder

    Javimulder New Member

    Ah, then they sure won't mind when we go the illegal-download route... good to know! :righton:
  9. Serenity Now

    Serenity Now Forum Resident

    Yorks, UK
    If it's from Top of the Pops am I right in thinking it will be a live vocal over the standard backing? If so they should also include the live vocal version of Purple Haze from Top of the Pops, an improved version of which has recently surfaced on youtube.
  10. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    Also in October, Live At Woodstock will be reissued in a 2CD set, available in both digipak and brilliant box configurations, and also the EP Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year will be reissued.
  11. Wayne Hubbard

    Wayne Hubbard Forum Resident

    There's conflicting stories on whether Jimi played on Mercy Mercy.
    Don't know if EH would release that under Jimi's name without
    concrete proof he played on it. In a interview John McDermott said
    the Rosa Lee Brooks track My Diary would be on a upcoming release.
  12. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    I'd bet my entire collection that Jimi is on Mercy, Mercy. The evidence that he played on it far outweighs any uncertainty IMO. I'm not convinced he is on the b-side though.
  13. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member


    Hit recording and and audience recording of JHE doing it in early 67.

    Jimi was known for telling tall tales when he was a backing musician, but it seems odd he was still doing that after he made it in the UK.
  14. SoundAdvice

    SoundAdvice Senior Member

  15. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    Two things:

    1) There is material still unreleased that is head and shoulders above much of the posthomous releases. This material hasn't come out for a number of reasons ranging legal issues, lost/stolen tapes, and myopic catalog management.

    2) There is a fair amount of material that has been put out that I personally, as an obsessive fan, do not think was worthy of release. IMO Valleys of Neptune was a deeply flawed collection.
  16. Wayne Hubbard

    Wayne Hubbard Forum Resident

    I believe it too. Mercy Mercy and the b-side are on the CDR of Jimi's Pre-Experience recordings I have made. I was just stating there are some who don't believe Jimi is playing on it.
  17. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    Based on the title ('Anthology') and on the fact that it will include unreleased tracks (but not necessarily "only unreleased.."), it probably also contains previously released material, i.e. his hits/key songs.
    It reminds me a bit of Lifelines (key tracks and unreleased gems, albeit mostly incomplete)
  18. Gordon Johnson

    Gordon Johnson Forum Resident

    You are here
    Like Lifelines? No. That had interview material throughout, I doubt this will. If and I stress if, this release has interview material included it will not be in such an obtrusive way.
    If this up coming set is to be likened to anything previously released then look to the purple box set.
  19. mando_dan

    mando_dan Forum Resident

    Beverly, MA
  20. mando_dan

    mando_dan Forum Resident

    Beverly, MA
    Black Gold was mentioned earlier in the post. Is this a song titled Black Gold or the song cycle that was in Mitch's possession? Love to hear either but I've got admit that another batch of alternate takes doesn't do much for me.
  21. street legal

    street legal Senior Member

    west milford, nj
    Deeply flawed? I would agree that it is without question "somewhat" flawed, but not "deeply". A few tracks should not have even been included yes, but the stuff that is on there that is untampered with ....... I am very grateful to have on an official release.
  22. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    Accoording to the usually well-informed http://hendrix.guide.pagesperso-orange.fr/latest_news.htm, this antholgy might feature spoken word by Jimi (from interviews).
    I don't hope so, because it will ruin the flow of the music, although I'm sure it would be inbetween tracks, not during intro/outro of them.
  23. Gordon Johnson

    Gordon Johnson Forum Resident

    You are here
    Black Gold, far from alt' takes.
  24. Wayne Hubbard

    Wayne Hubbard Forum Resident

    This thread describes the Black Gold Tapes. It mainly pulls
    it's info from Tony Brown's visit to Mitch Mitchell's house in
    1992 for the first listening of the tapes since they were

    Natural E likes this.
  25. mando_dan

    mando_dan Forum Resident

    Beverly, MA
    Got that. Is the proposed release the actual holy grail song cycle?

    My comment about alts was mostly geared toward 'how many more versions of Lover Man can I take?'
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