Jimi Hendrix: Purple Box Disc-by-Disc

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Clarkophile, Jul 9, 2009.

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  1. Clarkophile

    Clarkophile Through the Morning, Through the Night Thread Starter

    Oakville, ON
    Do you know the yell I'm speaking about at the 3:10 point? Doesn't sound like Jimi to me.
  2. Phlo

    Phlo Formerly dave-o

    Memphis, TN
    I've never heard the studio version of 'Pepper', nor was I even aware of it. I'd LOVE to hear that. Thanks for the info, Chris.
  3. swedgin

    swedgin Forum Resident

    One of the things I enjoy about this set is that it is a very enjoyable listening experience even for the more casual fan. I expected to have to put in a good bit of work to appreciate the set but disc 2 and 3 especially are a great listen.

    Highlights on this disc for me include Little Wing, Bold as Love, Fire and as a Stills fan I must point out his fine bass playing on Somewhere.

    Great thread guys, hearing other fans thoughts on a release give you an insight into an artist you never get from linear notes (no criticism of the notes in the set). A question for the Hendrix fanatics.... Was this a satisfying release when it came out, was there enough unreleased material, any long standing holy grails? I ask as there seems to be a lot of live material that was previously released (not an issue for me as I hadn't any in my collection).
  4. PacificOceanBlue

    PacificOceanBlue Senior Member

    The Southwest
    Always have been very happy with the following from this disc:
    Little Wing
    Bold As Love
    The Wind Cries Mary
    Catfish Blues

    Thought it was odd to insert the live version of Fire on this disc since it was readily available on the Clark University Dagger release....
  5. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    Ofcourse the music on it is all great, but I was indeed disappointed by the live track already officially released and available, and also the running time of the set. They could've put 1 hour more music on these 4 discs (or lose 20 minutes of released live rec. and made it 3 discs).

    Several songs I remember missing: Peace In Mississippi (though on Voodoo Soup), Crash Landing; alternate takes of Voodoo Chile (SR), Come On pt.1, I Don't Live Today, Fire; several mono single mixes; to name a few.
  6. Clarkophile

    Clarkophile Through the Morning, Through the Night Thread Starter

    Oakville, ON
    I've always adored the demo version of 'Sweet Angel.' The lead guitar portions almost seem to presage the Allman Brothers in richness of colour and texture. The rhythm box is quaint and unobtrusive---oddly enough it does not detract from the feel, it actually seems to add to the intimate, secret feeling of the demo.
  7. Lord Summerisle

    Lord Summerisle Senior Member

    There's a sessions album there if ever there was one.
  8. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    Although Sweet Angel has the intro restored, compared to the version on South Saturn Delta, it kinda bugs me that the SSd-version starts with the 3rd line of original lyrics, but the Purple Box version starts with 4th.

    original start:
    Angel came down from heaven yesterday
    She stayed with me just long enough to rescue me

    ...SSD start (missing above because of tape damage, and this line also not 100% clear):
    And she told me a story yesterday,

    ...Purple Box start (but with instrumental intro tacked on):
    About the sweet love between the moon and the deep blue sea
  9. jymy

    jymy Senior Member

    A lot of alt. takes/rehearsals are 'out there', but VC and Come On were officially released, on Lifelines, while many other, otherwise unreleased, songs on Lifelines were only snippets. Unfortunately all long OOP.
  10. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    I'd rather discuss the music but in response to maidenpriest's assertion that most of this was already available..

    1. "Sgt. Pepper's.." – orig. released on Stages

    2. "Burning of the Midnight Lamp" – orig. released on Stages

    3. "Little Wing" – unre/unbooted performance

    4. "Little Miss Lover" – unre/unbooted alt mix

    5. "The Wind Cries Mary" – unre/unbooted performance

    6. "Catfish Blues" – unre/unbooted performance

    7. "Bold as Love" – unre/unbooted performance

    8. "Sweet Angel" – alt mix of performance orig released on SSD

    9. "Fire" – orig. released on Dagger

    10. "Somewhere" – commonly booted by unre

    11. "Have You Ever Been" – orig released on Loose Ends

    12. "Gypsy Eyes" – unre/unbooted mix w/ diff. gtr parts

    13. "Room Full of Mirrors" - unre/unbooted performance

    14. "Gloria" – new mix done for box

    15. "It’s Too Bad" – commonly booted but contains a verse missing from boots

    16. "Star Spangled Banner" - orig. released on Rainbow Bridge
    somebodywhocares likes this.
  11. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Thats great Chris thanks for that info:wave:, any idea why Gloria contained a new mix, I have not heard this version for a while, my to go version of Gloria is the Singles collection Cd version. With the Purple Velvet box mix did they delete/mix out some of Hendrixs bad language etc, is this new mix total play time longer or shorter, what are the differences and why the need for a remix?
  12. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    I think it was the other way around. IIRC the other mixes are missing bits of risque lyrics and the EH box has them all (her breath smelled like wolf p...). I don't think there are any vintage 1968 mixes of Gloria. Just mixes Alan Douglas had done in the late 70's and the EH mix Kramer did for the box.

    And while all that was happening
    I looked out the window
    And here comes the man with the groovy grass
    And here we are freakin' out, man
    You know we be gettin' into somethin' good
    And we layin' back freakin' and smokin' and jokin'
    and all of a sudden....I hear THE MAN comin'
  13. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    Oh great!!, i look forward to comparing these when i get home tonight :D

    I will have to reduce the volume on my velvet box version and put it back in my playlist replacing the Douglas one then, cheers for that Chris:righton:
  14. nail75

    nail75 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree, both versions are great. The one thing on this disc that is a little disappointing is "It's too bad". It features Larry Young, whom I hold in very high esteem and still I find it to be kind of flat and uninspiring. It was supposed to be a meeting of greats and it turned out a bit uninvolving. Too bad.
  15. Sander

    Sander Senior Member

    I must admit I'm more of a casual Hendrix fan, but this thread has wet my appetite for the Purple Box. I don't mean to thread crap, but I was wondering about the mastering on these 4 discs. Most of the EH releases I have heard are a little loud for my taste (I prefer the sound of the early Polydor releases). Is the mastering on the box set comparable to other EH releases? Thanks!
  16. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    I can't listen to it without re-burning the Cds at a reduced volume level to Cdr:shake:
  17. Lord Summerisle

    Lord Summerisle Senior Member

    I've always heard it as Wet P....y.
  18. nail75

    nail75 Well-Known Member

    I never noticed any loudness problems with this set. I have tons of CDs that are much louder. But I am not an audiophile anyways.

    By the way, is there any hope that you will change your remarkably unfunny signature any time soon or at least remove that highly irritating smiley?
  19. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    It has to volume match my 'original' Hendrix Cd's, but even then I think the soundstage is not right ie, drums too loud etc:shake:
  20. nail75

    nail75 Well-Known Member

    I will keep your comments in mind when listening to the next disc.
  21. Lord Summerisle

    Lord Summerisle Senior Member

    How about just enjoying the music?
  22. I love the version of "Axis" on this disk and used the first section to create a frankenstein version of the song. My new version now has an instrumental intro to the original album version of the song.

    I like the demo of Angel too, but for me the drum/metronome machine does detract a bit from the experience. Great Hendrix vocal on this one, perhaps one of his all time best.
  23. Clarkophile

    Clarkophile Through the Morning, Through the Night Thread Starter

    Oakville, ON
    Fantastic! I've always wanted to do that.
  24. vinyldreams

    vinyldreams Forum Resident

    Main St.
    I think it's wet not wolf. :cool:
  25. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    I've never been sure but always heard wolf but now that you say it wet does make more sense :laugh:

    Here is some footage of the Gloria recording session. Only some of it is in sync but fascinating nonetheless.

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