Jethro Tull's Thick As A Brick Stereo/5.1 remix will be released on October 15th.

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Pockets17red, Jul 3, 2012.

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  1. rtsurroundfan

    rtsurroundfan Active Member

    New Orleans, LA
    Out of my frustration for the lack of high-res 5.1 in this set, I followed in the footsteps of Paul Sinclair by writing an open letter to Ian Anderson. I've posted it here on the Jethro Tull Facebook page, and I will also email it to Ian as well.
    If you agree with what I've said, simply like the post and/or add a comment below.

    Will this change anything for this release? Probably not, but I'm still hopeful that we can change things for the better for any future releases.
    Thank you. :)
  2. ponkine

    ponkine Senior Member

    Villarrica, Chile
    Thanks so much :wave:

    Remember the ELP 5.1 DVD was changed finally to DVD-A, so anything's possible :righton:
  3. AZRunner

    AZRunner Forum Resident

    SW FL
    The pre-order price for this on Burning Shed comes out to just under $34 BEFORE shipping. Larks Tongue in Aspic and the two recent ELP releases were half that and included DVD-A. This is just wrong.
  4. Pockets17red

    Pockets17red Member Thread Starter

    Well, the 104 page hardback book will definitely help increase the price quite a bit.
  5. uffeolby

    uffeolby Senior Member

    Västerås, Sweden
    Yes, maybe the ELP's and KC's should cost more given the content and effort spent.

    Honestly I do not understand the whining regarding the price for TAAB. You get the original and a new stereo mix, a new 5.1-mix and hopefully a nice package with a 100 page book. well worth the price if you ask me. A pity there is no BD or DVD-A but we can't win them all...

    I can understand the whining regarding the Aqualung box, but not TAAB. Then again I must stress that the Aqualung BD is well worth the price I paid for the box.
  6. Pibroch

    Pibroch Active Member

    Dayton, OH
    Screw all this fuss about lossless. This album is going to sound great in DTS, at least that's an option. I agree DD would suck if it was the only option, but at least we get DTS.

    And the stereo remix is going to kick *** as well. I'm seriously geeked about this and APP.
  7. ribors

    ribors Forum Resident

    The "book" is supposedly 5.5" x 7.5"... doesn't sound like much of a deluxe package to me, a little bigger than an oversized jewel case package. Seems to me it's way overpriced given there are only two discs, nothing hi-rez, and no bonus tracks.

    As a side rant, as a Tull fan I'm amazed that practically every reissue package they've ever done is slightly different than the batch that came before it even within the same series. The basic remaster series had about three or four different formats along the way (like the horrible white borders on the first three with no lyrics; then they added lyrics; then they did picture discs, then that changed too; the spines of the artwork were all over the place along the way; some had bonus tracks, others didn't). Now with the double-dip on the multi-disc sets for This Was, Stand Up, Aqualung, and TAAB are all different too in shape and content (high rez on Aqualung, but not TAAB; different shaped packages/books; new bonus tracks on some, now nothing on TAAB). It would have been nice to have something similar to what McCartney is doing. But I digress....
  8. TommyTunes

    TommyTunes Senior Member

    Not sure what everybody is upset about, for $34 you get the remastered CD and the album in surround DTS and the Stereo 24/96, it would have been nice to have the surround in DVD-A however DTS can sound very good. When DTS music disc's came out they sold for $25. Every gold CD sells for $25.
    While the ELP CD's were a deal for three disc's, most of the KC titles are $23-$25. We are only talking $9 bucks more on this.
  9. Bronth

    Bronth Active Member

    Riga, Latvia
    I got my sealed copy of the Lizard CD/DVD-A combo for $18 - IMO, there's a huge difference. At least, in one's appetite...
  10. ribors

    ribors Forum Resident

    I guess one thing to remember is the "suggested retail price" versus what one is going to wind up paying too. So far I've only seen it on Burning Shed... I'll wait to see what Amazon lists it for (or even Best Buy, as they've had some deals lately). I can't see paying full list price for this though (but then again, who does anymore?).
  11. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    Yeah, the King Crimson sets have really set the standard in terms of value for the money (though I'm pleased with the new ELP sets too). They feature top quality lossless audio, plus a lot of really worthwhile bonus material (including some video content) at a reasonable price. By comparison, it feels a bit like Ian's been gouging us, but still, I'm glad that I'll be able to get the 5.1 mix here without having to pay an arm and a leg. As noted above, the price is likely to come down.
  12. sjaca

    sjaca Forum Resident

    Toronto ON, Canada won't ship this to Canada

    Any idea as to why? Anyone else from Canada trying to preorder this item receiving the same message? Neither or (US) are listing this item so there might be some kind of licensing problem?
  13. calgary669

    calgary669 Forum Resident

    Calgary, Canada
    Yeah... I also couldn't order the vinyl...

    I tried to order the new Hackett and it didn't work either... even though accepted the order last week...

    Is there more going on??
  14. ponkine

    ponkine Senior Member

    Villarrica, Chile
    When I first read a "100 pages BOOK" I was thinking in an actual BOOK.
    At such small size is rather a fat booklet. Just that. Nothing more

    At least it should've been bigger enough to faithfully reproduce the original newspaper
  15. dabl

    dabl Senior Member

    Indianapolis, IN
    Plan9, what are you talking about?

    You're not saying a lossless version of Steven Wilson's 5.1 mix of mix of Caravan's Land of Grey & Pink can be found on some corners of the net are you?

    I presume not since such a thing couldn't exist unless someone re-encoded the lossy original commercial release and is advertising it as lossless.

    Or of course unless Steven Wilson leaked his lossless original (hah!).
  16. ribors

    ribors Forum Resident

    Yeah, me too.

    They should have at least included a limited edition Tull magnifying glass in this 'deluxe' set :)

    It looks like the vinyl box set has a larger book the size of the one in the Aqualung box which will more accurately reproduce the newspaper.
  17. Steve O

    Steve O Forum Resident

    Well, I was able to preorder it just fine from .de for just under thirty bucks shipped (to the US).
  18. john lennonist

    john lennonist There ONCE was a NOTE, PURE and EASY...

    Agree with all points... as far as any SW re-mix projects are concerned, "Benefit" tops my list by far!
  19. sjaca

    sjaca Forum Resident

    Toronto ON, Canada
    Thanks! I went this route but didn't get it for <$30 shipped, my cost worked out to $38-39 shipped, which was $4 or $5 more expensive than it would have been had I been able to order it from .uk. At least I was able to preorder it from
  20. aoxomoxoa

    aoxomoxoa I'm an ear sitting in the sky

    Is any of this going to be availible domestically?
  21. Pockets17red

    Pockets17red Member Thread Starter

    You can get it from BurningShed, which is Jethro Tull's official webstore, for
    35 Canadian dollars shipped. Plus the artists, in this case Ian Anderson, get more money this way as well.

    Here is a link set up specifically for shipping to Canada
  22. Pockets17red

    Pockets17red Member Thread Starter

    Yes, the same as the Aqualung 40th Anniversary 2CD and boxset editions.
  23. uffeolby

    uffeolby Senior Member

    Västerås, Sweden
    Yes, I am sure that I will be able to buy this in Sweden :wave:
  24. CaptBeyond

    CaptBeyond Well-Known Member

    Above the Ozone
    Since Benefit and TAAB are my two favorite Tull albums, the admission price of $35 for this isn't going to kill me.
  25. Carserguev

    Carserguev Forum Resident

    Madrid, Spain
    I'm a bit lost at sea here, but I've searched at Amazon and could only find the 3-disc version at close to 30 pounds... Isn't there a 2-disc version?
    Since I'm really only interested in the CD, seeing as there are no extras like Aqualung (is it really possible that there's *nothing* left over from the recording sessions and subsequent tour?!?!?), I wish they'd release a 1CD version, frankly... I'd get that one in a flash, just for the remix; I have the 2CD Aqualung version and it's amazingly good and all I need...
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