I don't get Astral Weeks

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Dave D, Mar 13, 2005.

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  1. levi

    levi Can't Stand Up For Falling Down In Memoriam

    North Carolina
    Just point out the economic/political/religious contradictions that go hand-in-hand with a double-blind listening of the record on systems using different interconnects.

    That'll kill it, fer sure. :D

  2. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    Alrighty then.

    Does a good Van Morrison "best-of" CD exist? Decent mastering, and songs that a Drew Carey like me will have heard on the wireless ("Brown-Eyed Girl," "Blue Money", "Domino", "Into The Mystic", "Tupelo Honey" and the like?)
  3. Ctiger2

    Ctiger2 Senior Member

    :laugh: This place is extremely active and nuts sometimes... welcome.
  4. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    This is pretty much exactly how I see it. For me Astral Weeks is a unique masterpiece. It defies attempts at classification. The songwriting and performance are ethereal. I adore it. I love Moondance too but honestly it sounds a bit bland after a monumental achievement like AW.
  5. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    That's been my experience with music, too. My focus these days, is acquiring music that is long-lasting and timeless.

    So, I must give Astral Weeks another chance, I think. Maybe I'll "get it", after all this time.
  6. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    There's something to be said for the remarks in this thread that it's best heard on vinyl. I got into it via a US Warner LP, which sounded great. The Warner CD sounds flatter, a bit lifeless.
  7. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    Not to worry - I have a Naim CD5X w. Flatcap 2! If there's life on that CD, the 5X will find it.

    Erm, I don't have a record player anyway.
  8. RussellG

    RussellG Forum Resident

    Indeed, various digital source upgrades have helped to dig some life out of many old CD's I'd previously written off as flat, muddy, etc. I haven't listened to the AW CD for a while - I wonder what my new Havana DAC will make of it...
  9. Keith Moon

    Keith Moon Active Member

    PA, USA
    Astral Weeks takes some getting used to. I got it before Moondance but I never really liked it until after I became a fan of Moondance.
  10. bhazen

    bhazen GOO GOO GOO JOOB

    Deepest suburbia
    Can I borrow your lottery numbers?
  11. stephen@hennefer

    stephen@hennefer New Member

    UK Horwich

    Astral Weeks was my belated (75) introduction to VM, caught my attention straight away as I hadn't heard anything like this before.

    It was some months before I got round to Moondance, for a long time disapointment. This was just a normal 'pop' record none of the deep emotion on AW.

    To an exstent this is still my view BUT what an amazing 'pop' record.

    By the way some time ago I heard a 1st edition UK release and I swear my memeory says red/orange label not green. Am I just getting old?

    I seem to recall a much more medative experience that I get from my mid 70's Burbank press
  12. Dave D

    Dave D Done! Thread Starter

    Milton, Canada
    I am moist......:laugh:
  13. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member

    Northeast OH
    I've read that is a common reaction to Astral Weeks.
  14. johnnyyen

    johnnyyen Senior Member

    As a result of this thread, I bought Astral Weeks today. Thanks Dave D. ;) However, I generally agree, this album, like Pet Sounds, doesn't live up to its critical acclaim, but it has one outstanding track which is worth the price alone (£3.99 in my case) and that is Madame George, which unfortunately isn't included on his latest Best Of album because I would have bought it instead.
  15. Sneaky Pete

    Sneaky Pete Flat the 5 and That’s No Jive

    Astral Weeks will repay repeated listeinings. Don't give up too soon.
  16. dee

    dee Senior Member

    ft. lauderdale, fl
    If I might add, too, at least for me, that I find it's a great late-night listen, during twilight, or in the bewitching hours. I don't know if i've listened to it too often in the morning or in the middle of the day, if that helps any, or not. Cheers.
  17. ashulman

    ashulman Forum Resident

    Utica, NY
    This is definitely in my top 5 of the best albums of all time. For one thing, it has the greatest bass playing ever on a rock record. Richard Davis is so in tune to VMs vibe that it really goes beyond mere accompaniment. In a feature I wrote for noripcord.com on great moments in rock I commented on this:

    "Transcendence in jazz usually results from a combination of instrumental prowess and synergistic playing, so it's no surprise that one of the most transcendent albums in rock relies on the contributions and leadership of a jazz musician. Richard Davis and his upright bass were the focal point and first mate to Van Morrison's captain during the recording sessions for the classic Astral Weeks. It's nigh on impossible to pick out a single moment on this record that can represent the simply astonishing bass work on virtually every song, with Davis playing so sympathetically with Morrison that they seem to be sharing a brain. Personally, I have to vote for either the refrain of Sweet Thing, where Davis squeezes out the high notes like he's wringing a mop or performing an exorcism, or midway through the title song, where he leaps the octaves likes he's climbing a mountain."

    But there is a mystical, hypnotic quality to this album too that sets it apart from almost everything else. Lester Bangs wrote lovingly and well on this album (http://personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/~murray/astral.html), and that's a piece worth seeking out to understand why it's so great.
  18. johnnyyen

    johnnyyen Senior Member

    I'm looking forward to hearing it again, it's been a while. I didn't dislike it I just thought it fell short of the reviews I read.
  19. dee

    dee Senior Member

    ft. lauderdale, fl
    Thank you for posting that link! Speechless after reading the paragraphs by LB about AW , :righton:.
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