George Harrison,The White Album and Capitol Records

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Henry Love, Aug 19, 2002.

  1. Never thought I’d see the day when’s Beatles’ knowledge would slip.
    Bern likes this.
  2. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus

    Ugh, other peoples’ opinions.:hurlleft:
  3. NumberEight

    NumberEight Came too late and stayed too long

    The copy of the White Album I have has a rather unusual track listing, including:

    Glass Scallion
    While My Ukelele Gently Weeps
    Short, Short, Short

    Could mine be the rare compressed version?
    Lance LaSalle likes this.
  4. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus

    NumberEight likes this.
  5. Kent Gray

    Kent Gray Resident

    After reading the full story just now, it makes more sense to me and I can see Harrison getting involved (fixing what he saw as a pretty serious error).
    mBen989 likes this.
  6. bewareofchairs

    bewareofchairs Forum Resident

    Ken Mansfield was there when George remastered it and details it in his book, so unless he was hallucinating it definitely happened.
    mrgroove01 and nikh33 like this.
  7. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    yes, I've heard of it but I never got the opportunity to hear it...
    TheBeatles6 likes this.
  8. MLutthans

    MLutthans That's my spaghetti, Chewbacca! Staff

    Threads merged.
  9. Paul Gase

    Paul Gase Everything is cheaper than it looks.

    I thought this topic was feeling more compressed!:hide:
  10. MLutthans

    MLutthans That's my spaghetti, Chewbacca! Staff

    From the linked BEATLES MONTHLY article:
    "According to Eirik “The Norwegian” Wangberg, this work took place at Sound Recorders Studio on Yucca Street, which was located around the corner from the Capitol Tower. And it wasn’t done by Capitol’s engineers, but by Sound Recorders’ Armin Steiner, assisted by Carl Frisk, while George was waiting in their lounge."

    Mr. Steiner is still with us. Somebody should ask about it.
  11. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    how many here have actually heard this?

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