Exciting Rolling Stones News!!! "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out" 40th anniversary Coming in Nov.

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by MHP, Jul 2, 2009.

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  1. Gregory Earl

    Gregory Earl Senior Member

    Man, I'm in on this one. Vinyl or not.
  2. appledan

    appledan Resident Rockist

    Now that's debatable...
  3. reb

    reb Money Beats Soul

    Long Island
    xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
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    I'll ride the previous wave:shake:
  4. ponkine

    ponkine Senior Member

    Villarrica, Chile
    Get Yar Ya-Ya expanded? :righton:
    That should have been the standard for all these new Rolling Stones remasters :shh:
  5. RobertKaneda

    RobertKaneda New Member

    Paris, France
  6. Rambler

    Rambler Active Member

    Beatles remastering and Stones opening the vaults, this is too much to take in one year...
  7. fabtrick

    fabtrick New Member

    I remember reading somewhere that Mick had the original double album version at home, way back when....

    This is very cool. I do wish, however, that they restored Mick Taylor's brilliant solos on Jumping Jack Flash....
  8. Rambler

    Rambler Active Member

    There's also a rumour that the Exile bonus DVD will feature re-edited footage shot for the Ladies & Gentlemen movie because the Stones supposedly don't have the rights for that movie and also because of the bad Mick-o-centric direction... That would be too good to be true
  9. masswriter

    masswriter Minister At Large

    New England
    maybe the Robert Frank film, C&%ksucker Blues?
  10. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
  11. Rambler

    Rambler Active Member

    No, it would supposedly be a full concert compiled from the 4 shows they recorded for the Ladies & Gentlemen movie. It's all probably wishful thinking but after these recent announcements I wouldn't be surprised if we get Brussels '73 soon... :shh:
  12. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    The fact that we're getting ANYTHING at this point makes me happy. I'll take whatever extras they want to throw my way.
  13. Stan94

    Stan94 Senior Member

    Paris, France
    I'll probably pass on Get Yer, but I'm anxious to get Exile 2010. Fort Worth 72 would be great with that, and keep Brussels 73 for an upcoming Goats Head remaster...
  14. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    They're remastering A Bigger Bang? :laugh:
  15. Pdog

    Pdog Forum Resident

    Dude... that would be insane!!!
  16. jpmosu

    jpmosu a.k.a. Mr. Jones

    Ohio, USA
    It's criminal that Brussels 73 hasn't come out. I know that I'd shell out $$$ for that set in a heartbeat.

    As far as Ya-Ya's goes: I saw a used copy of the CD/SACD hybrid yesterday priced at $30. Which is just plain nutty. So I say get this back in print ASAP!
  17. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    The only SACD I don't have is Through The Past Darkly, which I didn't buy because it looked like all the tracks were duplicated elsewhere. Is there anything at all on there that I need to get? Different mixes or anything? My vinyl is the die-cut UK version, so I'm not overly familar with that US track list version that is on the CD... thanks in advance if anyone knows.
  18. Pdog

    Pdog Forum Resident

    fingers crossed for more... feed me a little and I'll keep coming back... Especially The Stones...
  19. Chris Schoen

    Chris Schoen Rock 'n Roll !!!

    Maryland, U.S.A.
    Brussels has a lot of Mick Taylor in it (he's the guy just standing there playing his
    a** off, beautifully, I might add) - Jagger probably does not want his "current"
    band to look bad, so I would be surprised if that comes out any time soon.
  20. Chris M

    Chris M Senior Member In Memoriam

    Nice post reb.
  21. drbryant

    drbryant Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    Sounds like they will put the existing GYYYO and about 30 minutes of Ike & Tina/BB King material on Disc 1, have a 5-track EP with bonus tracks and a DVD. Sounds like a pretty nice package.
  22. jpmosu

    jpmosu a.k.a. Mr. Jones

    Ohio, USA
    If you're right--and I hope you're not--then Jagger's ego is even larger than I'd imagined. It's true that Mick Taylor is a HUGE part of the reason why the Brussles show is so amazing, but the whole band cooks. Heck, if Jagger doesn't want the current version of the Stones to sound anemic in comparison, then he should attempt to delete the entire 1969-74 catalogue!
  23. Stateless

    Stateless New Member

    I'd love an an official release of the Brussels show. For some reason, this deluxe version of Ya-Ya's doesn't really excite me, & I love the regular album. It will be interesting to read the reviews here.
  24. howlinrock

    howlinrock Forum Resident In Memoriam

    SF Bay Area
    Let's see, these releases correlates with the rumor they are going on the road in 2010......as a blues band.
  25. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Is that so they'll have an excuse to play sitting down? ;)

    (I kid -- they'd get my money in a heartbeat on a tour like that)
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