ELP Catalog Now Switches Over To Razor & Tie

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by shepherdfan, Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. drSeehas

    drSeehas Forum Resident

  2. Hope you guys already had these pre-ordered because the price jumped to £13.78 (A more reasonable price)
  3. masterbucket

    masterbucket Senior Member

    Georgia US
    Glad I did......$33 and some change with shipping.:righton:

    Now $50 and some change:shake:
  4. hurple

    hurple Forum Resident

    Clinton, IL, USA
    I got all these on Rhino, and have not bothered to even look at any upgrades, yet. Unless these are vast improvements, I think that I'll keep it that way.
  5. Doctor Flang

    Doctor Flang Forum Resident

    Helsinki, Finland
    So, you are not interested in 5.1. remixes?
  6. shirtandtie

    shirtandtie Forum Resident

    I just finished grabbing all the original Atlantics. I'm not buying again.
  7. TheMaestro335

    TheMaestro335 Forum Resident

    New York NY
    Hello All,
    I do not know if this has been asked in this thread, but has it been determined yet if these remixes are going to be in Hi rez? Because the latest Tull 5.1 TB2 in reg DTS suffers greatly? I do not know if Steve W was involved in the Mastering process because it has way to much bottom end.
  8. dabl

    dabl Senior Member

    Indianapolis, IN
    Yep, this all important question has been asked and as yet we have no answer.
  9. chargrove

    chargrove Forum Resident

    Fort Worth, TX
    Does pre-ordering from amazon.uk go ahead and charge you or does it wait until the ship date to charge you?
  10. hurple

    hurple Forum Resident

    Clinton, IL, USA
    Not particularly.
  11. JETman

    JETman Forum Resident

    I buy from them often. All Amazon sites wait for shipping to charge you.
  12. JETman

    JETman Forum Resident

    I buy from them often. All Amazon sites wait for shipping to charge you.
  13. dobyblue

    dobyblue Forum Resident

    Would be awesome if they'd do a limited edition Blu-ray run. I have no problem paying more for it as would most people that would snap up 5,000 copies or so, what with the prices we're paying for audiophile SACD's and vinyl anyway.
  14. rstamberg

    rstamberg Senior Member

    Riverside, CT
    Me too.
  15. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    Why? Do 5.1 mixes sound better in Blu-Ray?
  16. drSeehas

    drSeehas Forum Resident

    If the 5.1 mix on/in the DVD is only in DD or dts and on/in BD is in a lossless format: Yes.
    But: A lossless 5.1 mix in PCM would be possible on/in DVD too! ...
  17. dobyblue

    dobyblue Forum Resident

    On Blu-ray? Sure, given that the company releasing these doesn't do DVD-A releases AFAIK.
  18. Price has increased to £14.92 on Amazon.co.uk
  19. ranasakawa

    ranasakawa Forum Resident

    I contacted the ELP website, someone who manages Greg Lake denied any knowledge of the new 3 disc issues, real good publicity isn't it. Does anyone have a track listing for these yet?
  20. ranasakawa

    ranasakawa Forum Resident

    Are you saying there won't be a DVD included in the 3 disc box set ?
  21. DesertChaos

    DesertChaos Senior Member

    No, there is a dvd, but it won't be a dvd-a (that's dvd-audio, a slightly different beat than the standard dvd-v). People are often confused by this, thinking that a dvd with audio is a dvd-a when that is not always the case.
  22. tedhead

    tedhead Forum Resident

    Space City
    That's right. DVD-A's, like the the ones from the King Crimson catalog, have MLP lossless sound included, and were the rival to SACD's. But DVD-V's are just dvd's, that may have a dts surround mix on it. I'm surprised that they aren't dvd-a's since Steve Wilson mixed it, and Greg Lake's ties to Crimson. I'm sure they could've made their money back at least as much as the Crimson catalog did.
  23. ranasakawa

    ranasakawa Forum Resident

    Unbelievable that these brilliant albums is not going to include a high res audio on the DVD included. What a huge disappointment. I still have an order. From the King Crimson releases I recall there is also video footage included, will this be the case on the ELP reissues.
  24. Tristero

    Tristero In possession of the future tense

    I'd prefer it if it was MLP lossless like the King Crimson stuff, but I also have Wilson's 5.1 remix of Caravan's The Land of Grey & Pink, which is only in dts and I think that one still sounds pretty damn good too.
  25. ranasakawa

    ranasakawa Forum Resident

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