Deep Purple - In Rock - Audio Fidelity Gold CD

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by ChrisM, Mar 3, 2009.

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  1. -Ben

    -Ben Senior Member

    Washington DC Area
    Super slick laminated cover too. :winkgrin:
  2. ChrisM

    ChrisM Reclusive Enabler Thread Starter

    SW Ontario, Canada
    All the better to repel drool! :laugh:
  3. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    I'm sure it will be enjoyable, and I'm sure it will sound great. But I would love a little less classic rock and a little more 80s stuff. The Cars disc is a great start, and I will really enjoy Billy Idol when that comes out. But I would love to hear some 80s classics from Prince, XTC, Kate Bush, The Smiths, New Order, The Replacements, Talk Talk, Stevie Nicks or Thomas Dolby. :)

    That said, I'll be buying In Rock.
  4. agentalbert

    agentalbert Senior Member

    San Antonio, TX
    This is great news. Any chance they will be able to add some of the bonus tracks that were on the 20th Anniversary Remaster? It'd be nice to get the studio Black Night and Cry Free on there.

    Some of the recordings for this album border on lo-fi. It'll be interesting to hear what AF can do with them.
  5. A.G. Pennypacker

    A.G. Pennypacker Forum Resident

    Portland, OR
    Boy, Marshall wasn't kidding when he said they'd be much more aggressive this time around. They've already announced more than twice as many gold titles as they did the last go around. Keep 'em coming!
  6. Laservampire

    Laservampire Down with this sort of thing

    Ooh, I'd buy it with "Black Night" on there :agree:
  7. Now that is amazing news! :goodie::cheers:
  8. ksmitty

    ksmitty Senior Member

    Thats Great News Indeed ! "In Rock" has never had an audiophile CD release and is certainly deserving of a great mastering job. I have allways loved the album but on CD it's never been an easy listen all the way through on my ears. Thanks for posting the good news.
  9. Tony Caldwell

    Tony Caldwell Senior Member

    Another one to look forward to!
  10. Great Deceiver

    Great Deceiver Active Member

    New Jersey

    If anyone from AF is reading this, add Black Night as a bonus track! That would be awesome. :righton:

    The current CDs sound pretty bad, we need a good release of this one
  11. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    This probably will be the best sounding 'In Rock' ever, but I doubt it's gonna be anything near a sonic marvel. The album wasn't recorded well in the first place!
  13. I think it sounds exactly the way they wanted it to sound. The sound varies quite a bit on the album. For example, I think that the slow part of Child in Time sounds absolutely wonderful, warm and full. Some low volume parts in Speed King also have that similar very warm sound.

    Most of the recording sounds very rough and not warm at all. Very distorted and overloaded (compressed, by recording way into the red area on analog tape).

    I agree, it's not going to become an audiophile demonstration record, but it has that kind of sound on purpose.

    And there is a lot of room for improvement when you listen to the existing digital versions.

    I am very excited!
  14. You mean it even beats the Beatles remasters? :laugh:
  15. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA
    Come on, man. It sounds terrible. Fact.
  16. ybe

    ybe The Lawnmower Man

    Superb news. Great album.
  17. Yup, you're right. Just like "Pet Sounds". What a mess.


    Sort of reminds me when people were first looking at paintings from famous impressionists. They were complaining that you can't make out any detail.

    The sound of "In Rock" is 100% intentional and part of the artistic statement. It has a certain "garage" sound, but not the whole album has that sound. The introduction of "Child in Time" is outstanding sounding in my opinion, so are parts of "Speed King".

    I am so excited to hear Steve's work on this one.
  18. erniebert

    erniebert Shoe-string audiophile

    Toronto area
    Yes! The UK track listing with "Black Night" stuck on the end would cover all the bases!

    Please, Steve! Please try to find some warmth and fidelity somewhere on the master tapes! The brittle sound of this album will be a no-holds-barred test - Show us what you got! :wave:
  19. motorcitydave

    motorcitydave Enlightened Rogue In Memoriam

    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    It has nothing to do with that, it just sounds muddy and indistinct. Yes, there's a few parts of it that sound ok, but that's about it.
  20. oldschool

    oldschool I love tape hiss

    Sofia, Bulgaria
  21. apileocole

    apileocole Lush Life Gort

    True it's a sonic jungle to my ears. My perspective is that it's about making a good edition of the music, not making whatever it is into something it's not. More about having the "right sound" for a given recording than having a demo disc, if that way of putting it makes any sense. Hopefully no one goes in expecting something the recording can't have, but if one buys it expecting an effective translation of the "right sound" for this recording to CD, well it's all but certain to better the other CDs of it in that way. That would make it worthwhile. :)
  22. Baron Von Talbot

    Baron Von Talbot Well-Known Member

    When I recently found a near min tcopy of a 1973 german pressing i was blown away by the superb sound of the LP. To me this sounds exactly as it has to sound -banging and with emloow clasic parts within. just think of the wailing at the beginnig of Child In Time when Ian gillan start to let loose. Thunder
    That was the first Song I can remember being played LOUD over a Disco PA in a extra large room of a normal guest house in 1970 or so and we loved thattune...everyone gig completely nuts..

    I think I have to play that right now ! Washed Deep Purple' - Purple Gold LP yesterday - that should do for the moment...Great Idea....
  23. serj

    serj Forum Resident

    Sorry, but what Billy Idol album will be issued by AF?

    PS: i will buy AF "In Rock" CD too:)
  24. Claus

    Claus Senior Member

    A a big seller for AF.

    I hope Steve will use the british master tapes (or stereo mixes).... which means: the longversion of Speed King.

    Best AF release so far (IMO)
  25. grbl

    grbl Just Lurking

    Long Island
    Yes, that would be my top Deep Purple choice as well.
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