Deep Purple - 10 Archives Concerts from the 70s to be released over next 2 years!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by ponkine, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Daniel Falaschi

    Daniel Falaschi Live detective

    The official DP facebook posted a few months ago about the Lyon 73 tapes.

    Live in Bombay 95 just arrived home. Not a Morse-era fan, but the show is pretty good and the sound too.
    JulesRules likes this.
  2. PacificOceanBlue

    PacificOceanBlue Senior Member

    The Southwest
    Hope the ‘73 tapes are commercially released sooner rather than later. A tantalizing prospect.
    Mook, kevin5brown, Pangolino and 5 others like this.
  3. Anthrax

    Anthrax Forum Resident

    They get in the zone about halfway through the show and it gets pretty good indeed.
    BluesOvertookMe likes this.
  4. Daniel Falaschi

    Daniel Falaschi Live detective

    I actually prefer the first half, but the second one is OK. I am not a Morse era fan...but this one is pretty inspired. So far I only had Live at the Olympia 96 in terms of live shows. Sorry if I upset too many with this comment, but Morse's style and tone ruin Blackmore's historical solos. Understandably suitable for Morse era tracks, but not Blackmore tracks. Th enew guy's style fits better IMO. I bought tickets for the Glasgow show in October :bdance:
    JulesRules likes this.
  5. JulesRules

    JulesRules Weaponized, Deranged Warthog Thug

    I agree that Simon McBride has the "bite" I was often missing in Steve Morse's playing.
  6. jhw59

    jhw59 Forum Resident

    Rehoboth Beach DE.
    Morse's style and tone are different from Blackmore-not better or worse. I doubt he would have lasted so long with the band if the original members weren't happy with his abilities. I have Bombay but haven't played it yet.
  7. Daniel Falaschi

    Daniel Falaschi Live detective

  8. Anthrax

    Anthrax Forum Resident

    Lovely footage! Very clear and stable. Always a joy to watch Ian Paice at the peak of his powers.
  9. Anthrax

    Anthrax Forum Resident

    Re: Paris 1975

    I was listening to this show just the other day via the 2001 2CD set. It's one I've never played much because I'm not happy with the way it sounds, so I tend to just keep it as background music, but the other day I was actually paying attention and I noticed a big change in the mix halfway through You Fool No One, more or less around the time of Ritchie's main solo - I noticed how suddenly the drums and bass sounded so much better. I reckon it's a section they lifted straight off Martin Birch's old mix.

    So. The 2012 DP(O) edition... I'm under the impression it's a reissue of the 2001 CD with a different cover and NOT an altogether new mix. Can anyone confirm/deny for sure?

    JulesRules likes this.
  10. Daniel Falaschi

    Daniel Falaschi Live detective

    Some Saarbrucken footage here
    Anthrax and PhR like this.
  11. PhR

    PhR Forum Resident

    A final proof that Glenn did not use a Rickenbacker on "Made In Europe".

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