Death to false yacht rock!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by antonkk, Jun 22, 2010.

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  1. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    You're a very silly man and I'm not going to interview you!
    notesofachord likes this.
  2. So will Loggins murder Messina in a battle for scene supremacy following a spate of lounge burnings? Stay tuned!
  3. Koptapad

    Koptapad Forum Resident


    Great thread BTW (even though I love the armadillo tank)
  4. JulesDassin

    JulesDassin Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Has anybody mentioned the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver ? I know they are from the otherside of the pond ,but I saw them open as support for Queen at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in 1975. I think they sailed there also they had albums called Slipstream & Lifeboat.

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  5. kozy814

    kozy814 Forum Resident

    Pablo Cruise
  6. dee

    dee Senior Member

    ft. lauderdale, fl
    Then we're both standing I guess, ;), :). My stance had little to do with the second remark (no, he isn't) and more to do with Tunnel of Love, Human Touch, and Lucky Town -different as they are in production values - as being lumped together, and all in this genre (a wild and wacky thread too!) and then all summarily dismissed as 'bad' albums, with which I obviously disagree with, and that's what I'm responding to.
  7. kozy814

    kozy814 Forum Resident

    I worked with Jay Ferguson on a film I co-produced for the DoD. His more recent soundtrack work is nuthin' like yacht rock. It's more industrial electronica...
  8. acdc7369

    acdc7369 Forum Resident

    United States
    Ew. I like to pretend that album doesn't exist.
  9. Matty

    Matty Senior Member

    What an odd thread.

    Interestingly, the posters who seem most concerned about what constitutes "real" or "fake" yacht rock are antonkk and Rosskolnikov, who are both in Russia. Listen, gents, since you weren't here at the time -- yacht rock doesn't exist. Or at least the term didn't, until recently. (In fact, I had never heard the phrase until this thread.) Soft rock, that was used a lot. California rock, sometimes. But no one ever claimed to be making yacht rock in the 1970s and 1980s. And whatever you call the general style, it wasn't an ideological movement such as early punk, where certain fans were obsessed over who was "real" and who was not. So lambasting ELP and Bruce Springsteen (!!!) for being false practitioners of a genre that didn't really exist and whose name was invented decades after the fact seems very strange...particularly since Bruce and ELP were never trying to compete with Pablo Cruise or Christopher Cross in the first place.

    But obviously I'm taking this waaayyy too seriously...
  10. antonkk

    antonkk Senior Member Thread Starter

    Yes, you do...;)
  11. dkmonroe

    dkmonroe A completely self-taught idiot

    In Russia, yacht rocks YOU! :laugh:
    Dudley Morris, Bananas&blow and Geee! like this.
  12. acdc7369

    acdc7369 Forum Resident

    United States
    I reject the term "yacht rock" altogether, as it was coined by people who don't have an appreciation for bands like Loggins & Messina and Jimmy Buffett. There's no such thing as "false" yacht rock. The term "yacht rock" attemps to falsify all music under it's sarcastic label.
  13. PhilBiker

    PhilBiker member number 666

    Northern VA, USA
    :laugh: That's Soviet Russia to you, pal! :righton:
  14. vpered

    vpered Forum Resident

    Los Angeles
    What do you get if you cross Yacht Rock and Black Metal? Viking Metal!
    Clipper Sylvania likes this.
  15. acdc7369

    acdc7369 Forum Resident

    United States
    You just gave me a ridiculous idea :shh:
  16. Matty

    Matty Senior Member

    Glad we're in agreement! :D
  17. Pseudonym

    Pseudonym Senior Member

    Detroit, MI
    Relevant Simpsons quote/good-natured threadcrap:

  18. Actually there is a Yacht Rock band here in Atlanta
    that fills a 1200 seater whenever they play.

    They did a Beatles-cover show called 'Please Please Rock Me' and it was a hit too.
    Bananas&blow likes this.
  19. Starting a band? When can we expect Invocation of the Margarita Frost by Impaled Boatcaptain?
  20. Hokeyboy

    Hokeyboy Nudnik of Dinobots

    This was a bit much....

  21. Cassiel

    Cassiel Sonic Reducer

    NYC, USA
    I come from the land of the ice and snow
    Rub the rim of a cocktail glass with lime juice and dip in salt
    Shake tequila, triple sec and lime juice with ice, strain into glass, and serve...
  22. vinyldoneright

    vinyldoneright pbthal

    More like great is amazing how many folks feel the need to post in threads about music they despise, I suppose it is their need to try..and I stress the word try... to feel superior, when in reality they just come off as pathetic.
  23. I played these at the store and outside on the PA yesterday:

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  24. Cassiel

    Cassiel Sonic Reducer

    NYC, USA
    Do the suit lapels on that England Dan & John Ford Coley record wrap around onto the back of the album cover?
    Bananas&blow likes this.
  25. And you didn't get drive-by'd? :D
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