Death to false yacht rock!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by antonkk, Jun 22, 2010.

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  1. I think Ian Thomas might qualify as troo kvlt yacht rock - smooth, relatively unknown (outside of Canada, anyway), and ripe for rediscovery by the hardcore yachtrockers. All together now: "Pilot, whooah Piii-yi-yi-lot...", "Whooo-hoo, feelin' fine mama, painted ladies and a bottle of wine..."
  2. Synthfreek

    Synthfreek I’m a ray of sunshine & bastion of positivity

    Here's a playlist I made for the uninitiated...smooth/yacht rock newbs got turned onto some real sweet tunage.
  3. Slokes

    Slokes Cruel But Fair

    Greenwich, CT USA
    Ian also has the "Yacht Rock"-enabling power of turning Michael McDonald into an irrelevant joke due to his SCTV connections.
    Dudley Morris likes this.
  4. curbach

    curbach Some guy on the internet

    The ATX
    Is it really possible to threadcrap in a thread entitled "Death To False Yacht Rock"? Just a philosophical question. . . :)
    Whizz Kid likes this.
  5. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    I made a cool three-CD-R set of California easy-listening rock for a buddy many years ago, and I need to create one for myself.
  6. antonkk

    antonkk Senior Member Thread Starter

    The truest of the true!:righton:
  7. antonkk

    antonkk Senior Member Thread Starter

    Thanx! I'll check him out. The truth is that you don't need to be californian to be a true yacht rocker, if you're smooth enough California is in your head!:righton:
    Bananas&blow likes this.
  8. ChristianL

    ChristianL Senior Member

    Berlin, Germany
    Just 4 fun, these covers remind me of Yacht Rock.

    Attached Files:

  9. Yovra

    Yovra Collector of Beatles Threads


    I think that's a great list; at last some concrete evidence this catogory exists and it makes for a nice compilation! :righton:
    I could add:
    *What A Fool Believes-Doobie Brothers
    *Sailing- Christopher Cross (very obvious, but there you are)
    *Theme from Miami Vice-Jan Hammer and/or Crockett's Theme

    But I still would like to know some more of the false kind of Yacht Rock!
  10. Cassius

    Cassius On The Beach

    Lafayette, Co
    Escape by Rupert Holmes the last #1 of the 70s

    The musical equivalent of an untucked Lacoste, Khaki pants and boat shoes with no socks
  11. keef00

    keef00 Senior Member

    Yet I'm sure Jimmy has spent more time on boats than any of the other yachters mentioned here.
  12. jhw59

    jhw59 Forum Resident

    Rehoboth Beach DE.
    Duran Duran
  13. nosticker

    nosticker Forum Guy

    Ringwood, NJ
    This is the opportunity to bring up Ambrosia, arguably.

    I must say, though: that last sentence is easily Post of the Month.

  14. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    I have no response to that other than :hurl:...
  15. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    I'm not sure it's POSSIBLE to crap on a thread called "death to false yacht rock". It's a thread inspired by one of the most derided album covers ever!
  16. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Which is because it was MEANT to be derogatory. Kinda surprising yacht rock fans have embraced it - maybe they don't get the intention...
  17. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Well, we're gonna lock you in a room, fully bound and gagged, and play Carpenters music in your ears at high volume!:D You're gonna love soft rock or else!
  18. dmt

    dmt Forum Resident

    Cypress, CA
    Haircut 100 - Pelican West

    Yacht Wave!
  19. Slokes

    Slokes Cruel But Fair

    Greenwich, CT USA
    I'm not sure I understand the methodology, but Buffett is really piled on in the "Yacht Rock" series as a kind of false figure, and spoken of with profane derision. All sails may look alike when viewed from far away, but inside the marina its another matter...
    Bananas&blow likes this.
  20. Oatsdad

    Oatsdad Oat, Biscuits, Abbie & Mitzi: Best Dogs Ever

    Alexandria VA
    Oh, despite all the allegations that I'm "rockist", I like some softer rock: Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan. I can even tolerate some Doobies.

    But overall, "yacht rock" is just God-awful to me. The Carps aren't yacht rock, but obviously they're an act whose music doesn't work for me...
  21. camrock

    camrock Active Member

    But what about when Madonna makes a faux yacht rock record? Bound to come, I should have thought. :)
  22. camrock

    camrock Active Member

    I worry that the amount of irony being generated in the 21st century will make the world too massive and it will implode.
  23. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Heh! The Carpenters are from California!

    We agree on something for a change! I love th e artists you mentioned, and can listen to the late-70s top 40 stuff all day!
  24. Slokes

    Slokes Cruel But Fair

    Greenwich, CT USA
    You must realize your own comment is full of irony and thus part of the problem you describe.
  25. camrock

    camrock Active Member

    It's like being strapped to a sled, Bill.
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