Classical artists blind comparison #3

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Scott Wheeler, Feb 26, 2012.

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  1. drh

    drh Talking Machine

    I ran this idea past Scott, and he liked it, but he also sensibly suggested posing it to everybody else for comment before acting on it. So:

    "On which subject, here's a thought: I'm wondering if we might generate more interest (and let you be a player in the game instead of always being stuck with administration) if the various participants could take voluntary turns supplying the anonymous selections and managing the thread? I could get things rolling right away by putting up a group of the last mvt. of Beethoven's op. 31 no. 2 ("Tempest") piano sonata; all I'd need to do at this point is compress the selctions to FLAC. The sonata mvt. runs around 5 to 7 minutes, as opposed to the 3-4-ish that we've had to date, so I'd propose limiting the choices to five."

    Any thoughts? If nobody objects, I'm thinking I might start a new thread tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, others could hash out who would be next and get started on their selections.
  2. George P

    George P Notable Member

    I think it's a great idea, though I suggest that we do 10 samples, so more people could get a chance to provide samples. Also, I think the discussion of the upcoming thread should take place in the current one, as you did here. Finally, while I adore Beethoven, I'd suggest a Brahms or Schumann work next, for variety. Like a late Brahms work (one of the works from Op. 116-119), or a movement from Carnaval or Scenes From Childhood from Schumann.
  3. drh

    drh Talking Machine

    Mornin', George! Well, what I was thinking was that each group would come from a single member--just the way Scott has done, except that the contributor for a given round would rotate. In other words, I'd do all X recordings for thread 4, you might do all Y for thread 5, somebody else all Z for thread 6, etc., etc., until everyone interested in taking a shot at it has had a turn, and then we could start over with Scott again. I used to attend a vocal collectors' group that worked along those lines, with members taking turns presenting programs in their homes, and it worked pretty well. If you want to take the lead for 4 and do a Schumann or Brahms work, go for it, and I'll hold off until later; I've already got the "Tempest" cuts ready to go, or at least very nearly so, and I know that I won't have time to go back and assemble something else this week. If the work is short enough, I don't have a big problem with more versions, although I think 8 is plenty and more than plenty for at least several of our "regulars"; for works running more than the 3-4 minutes we've had so far, however, I'm inclined to think that we should compensate by holding down the number of examples.
  4. George P

    George P Notable Member

    Oh, OK. That sounds fine. You should do the next one, though, as I am going to be busy tonight.

    8 is fine with me, I just wanted to have more than 5 or 6.
  5. John DeAngelis

    John DeAngelis Senior Member

    New York, NY
    Great work! But I personally find 8 examples to be a bit overwhelming.
  6. drh

    drh Talking Machine

    With a certain lady friend? ;) If so, here's hoping it's a pleasant evening. Pending further discussion, I'll aim to get a set of samples up tomorrow.
  7. George P

    George P Notable Member

    That is correct, and I am certain it will be, thanks! :wave:
  8. Scott Wheeler

    Scott Wheeler Forum Resident Thread Starter

    tough call on the number of selections. I like the idea of sharing the hosting. I mean really anybody can do it. each thread is it's own beast. I think whoever is hosting a new comparison can decide the number of selections. No reason to make eight a hard rule. Let each person do it the way they think will work best. That way the idea will progress and evolve and we can learn what works and what doesn't work.

    So I would vote that drh host the next one and that drh simply does it the way he feels will work best. If after that there is no one ready to step in I have several comparisons set up and ready to launch. If someone else has another one ready to go I am in no hurry.

    Actually if we rotate we all get to put our own personal twist on them. That might be really cool.
  9. testikoff

    testikoff Seasoned n00b

    May I ask what the point of doing these shoot-outs is?
  10. drh

    drh Talking Machine

    Er, because it's more fun than cleaning the bathtub?
  11. Scott Wheeler

    Scott Wheeler Forum Resident Thread Starter

    i suppose the point is that we enjoy classical music and are interested in different interpretations of classical music. Doing the comparisons blind offers an interesting variation of exploring different interpretations and different artists.
  12. John DeAngelis

    John DeAngelis Senior Member

    New York, NY
    Well said!
  13. testikoff

    testikoff Seasoned n00b

    However, the correct answer is this ^ ;)
  14. Scott Wheeler

    Scott Wheeler Forum Resident Thread Starter

    depends on how you clean the bathtub and with whom :angel:
  15. drh

    drh Talking Machine

  16. George P

    George P Notable Member

    If you have a few ready and want to go next, no problem. Or, if you want me to go next, no problem as well.
  17. Scott Wheeler

    Scott Wheeler Forum Resident Thread Starter

    You first. I think the variety of hosts will spice things up
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