CBS Mastersound Gold CD's

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by househippie, Jan 5, 2005.

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  1. househippie

    househippie Forum Resident Thread Starter

    San Diego
    I have avoided the CBS Mastersound CD's ever since reading the July 2001 interview with Gregg Schnitzer (formerly of MFSL) where he said that CBS cut their Mastersound LP's at half-speed, but "didn't adjust their EQ or Dolby systems down an octave" and instead used "their real time mastering notes for processing." He said "it sounded like watermelon seeds shooting out the speakers."

    I did a search on this subject, but couldn't find if it was ever determined or agreed that this problem was corrected for the Mastersound Gold CD titles. Is it safe to buy these? Any recommendations on the "better" mastered ones?
  2. 93curr

    93curr Senior Member

    I still think the CBS Mastersound gold CD of Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here' sounds better than the common 94 EMI remaster, despite them both being mastered by Doug Sax. it MIGHT be my imagination or it might not.

    too bad the packaging is so cruddy, though.
  3. bartels76

    bartels76 Forum Hall Of Fame

    Our own SH says in an old thread that this is the best version of the album. I'm not sure if he has heard the 1998 remaster though.

    Maybe he'll post his thoughts here.
  4. Geoman076

    Geoman076 Sealed vinyl is Fun!!

    Yep, that's the version of WYWH to get, the gold mastersound. That's the only one that I remember as being done correctly.
  5. CardinalFang

    CardinalFang New Member

    "Blonde on Blonde" practically made my ears bleed.
  6. pdenny

    pdenny 22-Year SHTV Participation Trophy Recipient

    Hawthorne CA
    I listened to it just last night...smooooooooth!
  7. Runt

    Runt Senior Member

    Motor City
    Same with B,S&T's "Child Is Father To The Man"...painful. :shake:
  8. grbl

    grbl Just Lurking

    Long Island

    Yup...that is the one to get, one of my favorite cd's.
  9. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    I like Sly & The Family Stone - STAND in this series.
  10. taxman150

    taxman150 Forum Resident

    I Like Bridge Over Troubled Water. I have the longbox, Japanese made version.

    If you search through the archive, I think you'll find that this is usually one of the more well regarded Mastersounds.
  11. Tim Lyman

    Tim Lyman New Member

    The self-titled Boston gold Mastersound disc is another ear-bleeder. Much too bright. :sigh:
  12. Jeffrey

    Jeffrey Forum Hall Of Fame

    South Texas

    I also like the Van Morrison.

    Take care,
  13. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Boy, I agree. That one went right out my window. The original commercial as crappy as it sounds is almost audiophile quality compared to the Gold version. Urggh...
  14. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    Gotta make sure the dogs have plenty of chew toys! :D

    Attached Files:

  15. hamburgerpimp

    hamburgerpimp New Member

    Kent, OH
  16. Larpy

    Larpy Active Member

    House Hippie,

    To answer your original question, Mastersound LPs and Mastersound CDs are apples and oranges. Many of the CDs do sound crappy (as some of the replies point out), but the LPs (out least the first pressings) sounded bad for an entirely different reason. I'm no engineer, but I'll see if I can explain:

    OK, the Mastersound LP mastering engineers cued up the tape and EQ'ed things until it all sounded just right and then cut a lacquer. The only problem is that in mimicing MoFi's half-speed mastering, they forgot to take into account the fact that the EQ was set for full speed but applied to the signal at half speed. The effect was that the resulting LPs sounded nothing like what the engineers intended (EQ moves all moved up an octave).

    What I can't understand is how the test pressings got approved. You'd think someone would have noticed.

    Making CDs is completely different. You can still make bad EQ choices, but not inadvertently the way those early Mastersound LPs did. Springsteen's Born to Run was one of the resulting "masterpieces," and the copy I have sounds terrible. Imagine a murky, shrill recording treated to random EQ. It's a soundtrack the Devil himself might choose to pump through the sound system in Hell.
    Anton888 likes this.
  17. eelkiller

    eelkiller One of the great unwashed

    Northern Ontario
    Another vote for the Van Morrison!
  18. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member

    Northeast OH
    I have Bridge Over Troubled Water. Sounds great to me :thumbsup:

    DJ WILBUR The Cappuccino Kid

    how is the Springsteen Born On The Run? I spotted it recently but didnt grab it.
  20. Dave

    Dave Esoteric Audio Research Specialistâ„¢

    IMNSHO I do not agree with the Pink Floyd WYWH being the best. It falls short when compared against the Japanese first pressing, but it is the 2nd best version that I've heard with much consistency.

    The good ones that I've found that are the best in their fields are as follows, but also keep in mind that I haven't heard the 1st pressings of these, except for Journey. FWIW I've heard almost everyone of these Mastersounds except for around 8 of them.

    Roger Waters: Amused To Death
    Journey: Infinity
    Van Morrison: Blowin' Your Mind

    There are others that stand up fairly well...until you compare against their 1st pressing counterparts.
  21. Dave

    Dave Esoteric Audio Research Specialistâ„¢

  22. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    Haven't heard the Mastersound CD but this is one I have on MasterSound vinyl and it was not impressive. I'd avoid it.
  23. Chris C

    Chris C Music was my first love and it will be my last!

    Hi Dave...

    Is the disc that your referring to the Japanese pressing on Harvest # CDP 7 46035 2
    Black Label with silver writing and the CD booklet is black with a 4 triangle drawing in the middle? That's the one that I have and I think it sounds pretty darn smooth too! :righton:

    Chris C
  24. gd0

    gd0 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies

    Golden Gate
    I've not done extensive comparisons, but I've always been content with the Mastersound Gold Santana (1st album).

    I've done the comparisons with Jeff Beck Blow by Blow... to me MS Gold sounds the best of the 2-ch choices (old vinyl, half-speed vinyl, Japanese vinyl, original CD, current remaster (which is pretty good))... the clarity on the SACD surpasses all others, but the mix is funny (old Quad, I guess)... I'd kill to hear the master tapes of this album... it's one of those works whose full production potential never seems fully realized.

    Case-by-case assessment as usual, it would seem.
  25. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    That Mastersound Gold CD of the first SANTANA album rocks! It's amazing sounding.
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