Best Buy's CD Clearance Bin... You Might Want To Dig Through

Discussion in 'Coupons, Discounts & Sales' started by filper, Nov 7, 2009.

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  1. J.September

    J.September Forum Resident

    I have not seen a Best Buy bin either.... this is crazy.....
  2. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Perhaps when BB in the States starts unloading you will be. :righton:
  3. bru87tr

    bru87tr 80’s rule

    Ya, even when the local stores were at peak of SACD, the selection was not very large. What they did have usually was one copy of whatever they had.
  4. Blair G.

    Blair G. Senior Member

    Delta, BC, Canada
    The US Best Buys may not even introduce these clearance bins.

    There aren't any in BC, that's for sure.

    The moral of the story: sometimes there is a pot of gold...if the rainbow happens to land on a Best Buy near filper's house ;)
  5. dbmay75

    dbmay75 Funk & Guitar Junkie

    Great job Phil! Way to go! :edthumbs:
  6. bru87tr

    bru87tr 80’s rule

    So lucky!!! :(
  7. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Hey Blair,

    I wouldn't be surprised if the tides turn west...

    PS; What I find is no where near my home.

    Gentlemen, here is the big poser. The $64,000.00 question... What do I do ? Grab any HiRes title I find in the bin ? Or, leave it (if I already have it, or don't see a trader value) for someone else to pick up and eBay it back to you for a handsome markup... or leave it knowing it will be 'disposed of' at a later date (assuming they have more to clear out some day) ?

    Thoughts ?
  8. bru87tr

    bru87tr 80’s rule

    I would buy the good ones. good for trading or selling to make up other purchases you want.
  9. live evil

    live evil Senior Member

    I would buy all of the valuable ones and sell them to raise money to buy discs for your own collection.
  10. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Thanks for the input. :righton:

    Another thought... at $4 a pop, it's a pretty cheap way to pick up narrow hinge DVD-A and SA-CD cases, slipcases, trays etc.
  11. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Good thought as well, but I have never had to sell a disc. I have only traded, and I now have more titles than I ever dreamed of owning... in fact, I have trouble making a 'wish list'.

    I am fortunate.
  12. Best Buy stores in my area had a pretty good selection of SACD and DVD-A to start with around 2003 and 2004, sales were pathetic and the sections got smaller and disappeared. Circuit City had a huge eBay liquidation around the same time. I haven't lucked into many SACD and DVD-A deals in Best Buy or Wal-Mart clearance bins but I look each time I visit the stores.

    It may be a regional management decision to carry the clearance stock but I think what is at play is the remaining inventory worldwide is not much for titles that aren't being made and if you live close to a store that carries some high resolution bargains, you are lucky. The claims the discs are out there, just look harder is nonsense. Nobody looks harder than I do and there is nothing to find near me. Some areas in Canada seemed to get more clearance priced high resolution discs for whatever reason. I can state emphatically, Little Rock, AR didn't get diddly when the discs got dumped on the market. No stores want to try to carry the titles for sale at close to MSRP because there is no demand at close to MSRP. My only SACD and DVD-A acquisitions in the last year have been clearance priced, from Concord Music Group or online liquidators.

  13. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I was in Best Buy on Saturday and saw no clearance CDs. Nothing. On the other hand, Borders these days has a nice selection of CDs priced $7.99 or less. They are in a special rack and alphabetized. I've picked up quite a few CDs there over the past couple of weeks.
  14. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I found these today... and a few others

    I've never seen the James Carter disc before.

    Attached Files:

  15. beatlesfan68

    beatlesfan68 Forum Resident

    Detroit, MI USA
    I would be more than happy to take that Vince Guaraldi disc off of your hands!!!!!
  16. Blair G.

    Blair G. Senior Member

    Delta, BC, Canada
    The Peter White disc is very good.

    The James Carter used to be available at for $6.99 but I never did pick up a copy. I should have.

    Yet another nice haul Phil :righton:
  17. Marty Milton

    Marty Milton Senior Member

    Urbana, Illinois
    The best bargain I have gotten at BB was the soundtrack to Radio Flyer for FREE. I think it had been in the bargain bin so long they just wanted to get rid of the copy. I remember asking at the checkout what the price was, since there was none listed on the CD. When it was scanned, the clerk said it comes up $0.00. I didn't question him and just took the CD home.
  18. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    I bought the Carter SACD from a couple of years ago. It's a good disc.

    This isn't the first time you've found the Celine Dion SACD in the clearance bin. I still get a kick out of it being cheaper than the rest of them. Fitting. :D Then again, I paid full price for it a few years ago. :sigh:

    I wonder where Best Buy in Canada is getting all of these SACDs. As in the U.S., I have to believe Best Buy stopped stocking SACDs in Canada a long time ago. Maybe this is overstock from If so, then why have they only shown up in eastern Canada?
  19. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    I'm pretty sure it's BB Canada stock 'called back' a few years ago...

    As I recall 2/3'rds of Canada's population is within this area, so doing the math, I'm guessing they want to dump physical media quickly. I saw a couple of U2, Stones and Annie Lennox CD's as I rifled through the bin (current stuff). If fact the cutie clerk I mentioned earlier basically told me that's what was happennig.

    Thanks for the nod on the Carter disc... if I wasn't so tired right now I'd fire it up. :righton:
  20. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    Just got back from BB in my area and found Deep Purples Machine Head on DVD-A for $3.99. It's not in the larger DVD-A cases though...most jewel case sized. Is there a difference between the two besides the packaging?
  21. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Only the packaging differs. Wow, you got a great, great deal. As you probably know, that disc is long out of print and sells for $50+.

    I didn't know that Best Buy stores in Canada were also blowing out DVD-Audio discs. Definitely a good time to live in Canada. ;)
  22. noname74

    noname74 Allegedly Canadian

    Good to know that its the same content....I think I'll keep it for myself. At least until AF's version of it comes out then I can compare and see which is the better and keep that one.
  23. filper

    filper Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Nice find 'noname74'. I'm glad somebody else is finding stuff in the bins. :righton:

    I found a few more today myself. I couldn't resist 'Eve'...

    Attached Files:

  24. KeithH

    KeithH Success With Honor...then and now

    Beaver Stadium
    Nice job on Cheap Thrills. It's getting hard to find, so it's getting expensive. I lucked out and grabbed a copy for $15 from Elusive Disc about a month ago. Otherwise, I would have had to pay $40+.
  25. Blair G.

    Blair G. Senior Member

    Delta, BC, Canada
    Let us know how Cheap Thrills sounds.

    Have been tempted by that one a few times.
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