Beatles Remasters on Vinyl, part 3, etc.

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Larry Johnson, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    15 ips quarter inch masters.

    Like I said (about six months ago), can't use those anymore. G-d knows why.
  2. PhilBiker

    PhilBiker member number 666

    Northern VA, USA
    :righton:Or the Target 45s. I have two of the four 45rpm singles that were released last year at Target and they sound terrific to my ears, but my system is very modest.
  3. vintage_tube

    vintage_tube Enjoying Life & Music

    East Coast
    Roger (Waters) knows? :D Maybe we should ask him in an email?

    Best Steve,

  4. dasacco

    dasacco Senior Member

    OK - totally WILD guess, but I assume those tapes are insured for a gazillion dollars - maybe two gazillion. Is it possible that there would be considerable insurance premiums to pay when they are used? Thus the digital safeties?
  5. PostalBlowfish75

    PostalBlowfish75 Senior Member

    I'm going to get a few for sure, looks like the SH forum discount works at Soundstage Direct. At least on the individual titles.
  6. Thesmellofvinyl

    Thesmellofvinyl Senior Member

    Cohoes, NY USA
    Could this have been cut and pasted from the CD box set description or...?
  7. Thurenity

    Thurenity Listening to some tunes

    Cut and pasted. I also noticed that the listing for Past Masters had one long stretch and not broken down by LP (the White Album does, but there were two CD's for that as well. Not the case for Past Masters).

    Honestly, it looks like they took the Stereo CD Boxed set description, changed "CD" to LP and nothing else except the first paragraph which looks tacked on. It even states extra liner notes and packaging, but until the dust settles I don't trust that description yet.
  8. ledsox

    ledsox Senior Member

    San Diego, CA
    Not that excited here. Will keep waiting for the monos as I have a blue box. Could be a long time I guess.
  9. tubesandvinyl

    tubesandvinyl Forum Resident

    Would have loved all analog LPs...

    Oh well. Might buy LIB to join the party. I don't have a UK 1st pressing.
  10. ShawnMcCann

    ShawnMcCann A Still Tongue Makes A Happy Life

    The Village

    (sorry, couldn't resist)
  11. Jack White

    Jack White Senior Member


    The McCartney re-issued vinyl of the past couple years might be a better example of what to expect. I believe it's the same team of mastering engineers and the same process. FWIW, I happen to (surprisingly) like the sound of the McCartney re-issued LPs I purchased.
  12. jamesmaya

    jamesmaya Senior Member

    Los Angeles
    For about $400, I would think you can score a pretty nice BC-13 Blue Box.
  13. levi

    levi Can't Stand Up For Falling Down In Memoriam

    North Carolina
    Pretty cool news for vinyl fetishists who still haven't jumped for a Blue Box, I guess. I play the cd mono remasters every now and then, but they'll never be my go-to choices. We'll have to see how the new records stack up against the BC-13s. (Or my versions of them, anyway).

  14. Randy W

    Randy W Original Member

    I'll buy Sgt. Pepper since that's the one remastered Beatles stereo CD I do like. Will skip the rest and hope for a Mono box.
  15. UncleHalsey

    UncleHalsey Forum Resident

    Seattle, WA, USA
    I read that comment and was puzzled as well. Is the commenter inferring that the source was 22/44.1 up-sampled to 24/192, or was the commenter calling out the claim that the vinyl transfers were sourced from 24/192 as bogus?
  16. Bill

    Bill Senior Member

    Eastern Shore
    I will wait for the reviews (and shipping updates) and for the price on the box to drop to under $300.
  17. celticbob

    celticbob Forum Resident

    I asked my contact at EMI last evening and it was news to them. I sent them the Elusive Disc email saying the LP's are coming and up for pre-order to which they replied with "Interesting". Hopefully there will be an official announcement/Press Release today.
  18. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
    The description sounds like the process used for the CD's. A big no no then unless they have dumped the no noise and compression. Probably will wait for the mono box !
  19. moon unit

    moon unit Forum Resident

    A buyer should expect a discount for buying the box set, not to pay $50+ more vs. buying them separately.

    Is the box and book worth more than $100+ extra when buying at the list price (or $50+ at the pre-order price)?
  20. john lennonist

    john lennonist There ONCE was a NOTE, PURE and EASY...

    Though I'm going to pass (I can't believe Digital Transfers to Vinyl are going to come close to nice original [or 70's represses]) of UK, German, etc., pressings), the price is pretty good considering I paid $300 or $320 (I think) for my MFSL Box when new in 1982.
  21. drbryant

    drbryant Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    This sounds like it will be a beautiful product. But like most other EMI Beatles-related vinyl reissues, I would expect it to sound highly detailed, but ultimately less satisfying than the original vinyl. Don't sell your first press Parlophones (or your blue boxes, for that matter). At least not yet.
  22. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
    They got out the analogue tapes to transfer them to digital for the CD's. No insurance problem if they remain at Abbey Road. There is no good reason not to cut from analogue as they have the capabilities. Hi-Res can sound great but it didn't improve the sound of the recent PF Lp's and they were rather disappointing against original pressings.

    They will have to have uped their game and removed any or most of the sound tweaking applied to the CD mastering for these to work. They will have to be up to the standard of the recent Ziggy and Fog On The Tyne, but that would probably mean Air and Ray Staff being employed.
  23. Espen R

    Espen R Senior Member

    So the Lp's will be cut from the 24/192 digital files. When transferd and pressed to Lp's, added distortion is what you get.

    It's a strange world we live in. They offer no customers to listen to those 24/192 digital files, neither as downloads, blu-ray, SACD or whatever. But they do offer Lp's from these digital files. Silly.

    I'm one of those who did not like the re-masteres stereo CD's. It's clean and clear, but it's like listen to the music thru a thin glass, the "organic" feeling and the emotional feeling is not there. Imo. But I really want to listen to these 24/192 raw files.
  24. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
  25. Espen R

    Espen R Senior Member

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