Beatles Remasters - Announcement ?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by adm62, Aug 28, 2008.

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  1. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    I have to respectfully disagree with you on this...they are horrible!
  2. TWZ

    TWZ Forum Resident

    Yes, in the September MOJO she said, "When The White Album comes out again,
    I will buy a couple, keep one for myself, and send one to my musician son."
  3. tootull

    tootull I tried to catch my eye but I looked the other way

    ..."Beatles' remasters" threads like this would seem to be a bad rash caught from some other forum devoted to the Beatles. :laugh:

    Yeah! :D Yeah! Yeah!
  4. brainwashed

    brainwashed Forum Hall Of Fame

    Boston, MA
    Nah... The first four are the original mono mixes and not futzed with. We all know the mastering itself isn't great, but they are the original mixes that most people back in 1987 didn't have. Now the next two, the digital remixes of Help and Rubber Soul ARE pretty bad. Needless remixes. The sound is too bright, bass-shy and obviously not original. Revolver sounds ok, not great, but certainly not bad. Pepper, MMT and White Album are all very nice. Abbey Road is decent, not great, but not bad. Let It Be is better than one would expect, far better than any US pressing for sure. For US fans, the early CDs (except Help and RS) are all better than the old Capitol LPs. Now if one was lucky to have certain imports back then that's another matter... but the CDs were definitely authentic. The two Past Masters CDs were better than expected, and in some cases, quite good indeed. The EP and Singles sets are, for the most part, authentic to the original mixes. Most were transferred well with no futzing (yes we know the first four songs have azimuth issues) but they are original stereo and mono mixes. The one truly horrible CD is Beatles 1. The epitomy of poor mastering, with a dollop of noise reduction smothered on top. But there's very few here who would consider the Beatles CDs en masse as horrible. Check out the current thread for further discussion. Ron
  5. Glenn Christense

    Glenn Christense Foremost Beatles expert... on my block

    It would make marketing sense to kick off the remasters/downloads project starting with a 40th anniversary release of The Beatles. It's one of their best selling albums, and maybe their BEST selling album, if memory serves me.

    So they would have a popular record to start the promo hoopla with and the release date would be almost perfect for the Christmas season ( Originally released November 22nd.)
    But that's assuming that Apple approaches things logically, which they seldom do I'm afraid.

    We'll get 'em...when we get 'em.
  6. brainwashed

    brainwashed Forum Hall Of Fame

    Boston, MA
    We know Apple didn't go the yearly anniversary route for Pepper... could it be this will be a 40th APPLE Anniversary project? Every remastered CD with a 40th Anniversary of Apple banner on it? We shall see. Ron
  7. vince

    vince Stan Ricker's son-in-law

    As opposed to her 'plumber' son????
    "No 'White Album' for you!":winkgrin:
  8. Glenn Christense

    Glenn Christense Foremost Beatles expert... on my block

    Yep. They missed the anniversary for Pepper, so this one is logical release date- wise and popularity- wise . It's a good second choice to launch the remasters project.

    They add "Hey Jude" and "Revolution" and who knows what else on a bonus disc to help strengthen the promo value . By using these tracks throughout the reissues where they logically should be, they get rid of Past Masters 1 and 2 , which were kind of schizo listens and hodge podges in the first place.
  9. Gerbaby

    Gerbaby Forum Resident

    San Francisco
    Your spot on !

    MOJO has a way of marketing that is very deceptive,to say the least . They seem to avoid using the Beatles own material at all costs and it is usually bad cover songs of the Beatles catalog .

    You made a good point too in suggesting that it would have a little more cover space than the alotted pix of a disc . Someone should start a gaming pool and take bets on whether there is actually going to be any Beatles tracks on the forthcoming CD as pictured on the cover.

    I just got a copy of the UK UNCUT mag and it has a Harrison CD called While My Guitar Gently Weeps ... It is all songs that they contenc inspired Georges writing and playing .Typical ...

    Buyer beware ...
  10. Dave D

    Dave D Done!

    Milton, Canada
    It's NOT a Beatles cd pictured on the cover. It's a tribute to The WHite Album (Part 2) by a bunch of C list bands.
  11. Stan94

    Stan94 Senior Member

    Paris, France
    Yeah, like Sean needs his mum to get a copy of this...
  12. tootull

    tootull I tried to catch my eye but I looked the other way

    Beatles Remasters - Announcement ?
    :shh: ...they will be louder...

    Attached Files:

  13. Javimulder

    Javimulder New Member

  14. Andreas

    Andreas Senior Member

    Frankfurt, Germany
    In 2008?
  15. noladaoh

    noladaoh Retired

    Maybe it's the iTunes downloads announcement. Apple is strongly rumored to be announcing new iPods in early September and a new version of iTunes. Maybe a Beatles iPod to boot.
  16. Veech

    Veech Space In Sounds

    Los Angeles, CA
    What is on the CD? :confused:
  17. Veech

    Veech Space In Sounds

    Los Angeles, CA
  18. eelkiller

    eelkiller One of the great unwashed

    Northern Ontario
    The Second Coming of Queen, David Gilmour & the Last Shadow Puppets, thanks for posting this.
  19. Pawnmower

    Pawnmower Senior Member

    Dearborn, MI
    I don't think Apple would leave that for MOJO.
  20. vinylman

    vinylman Senior Member

    Leeds, U.K.

    I'm sure Mojo could run an article on the remasters without announcing a release date. No such thing as bad publicity.
  21. John Carsell

    John Carsell Forum Resident

    Northwest Illinois
    Or....."I think we pretty much resolved everything with Apple, the accountants, lawyers and internal auditors, so the remasters might be out in 2010." :D
  22. PhilCohen

    PhilCohen Forum Resident

  23. wildstar

    wildstar Senior Member

    ontario, canada
  24. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)

    They logically should remain as singles and on Past Masters and Greatest Hits/Singles comps IMO, I wouild hate to have Hey Jude added to the White Album!:shake::wave:
  25. Maidenpriest

    Maidenpriest Setting the controls for the heart of the sun :)


    I hope not!!
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