Ban the Band - Let us put down this group now, before they contaminate our youth

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by tootull, Feb 2, 2009.

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  1. seed_drill

    seed_drill Senior Member

    Tryon, NC, USA
    Jethro Tull has many songs attacking religion, and the occasional ode to S&M and dirty old men. In addition to Ian's phallic flute gestures in front of his protruding leather cod piece.
  2. 80sjunkie

    80sjunkie Forum Resident

    Dallas, Texas
    I'm going to start a band named Manufactured Outrage so we can have that banned.
  3. Dr Faustus

    Dr Faustus A younger man now getting old

    I'm opposed to censoring or banning any music. Always have been - even lyrics (it's always the lyrics for me) that I find personally offensive. That being said, people who want to ban certain music have one thing right - music has a lot of power. It can affect how people feel (and thereby how they think). Music is a force to be reckoned with to be sure. I've always thought it would be interesting (I'm sure its been done) to look at the influence of music on the civil rights movement. Or other movements that have come and gone that maybe lacked the kind of musical backing that the civil rights movement had.
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