American Idol Season/Series 10, 2011 discussion - ***possible spoilers***

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by ivan_wemple, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. gfong

    gfong Forum Resident

    Ontario, Canada
    Sure she looks great, but she needs to get a personality of her own on the show. to date, Steven Tyler has sung, flirted, teased, hugged, laughed, added some umph to the show.
    What has Jlo done other then sit there and look good? (not that it's a bad thing) I thought for sure she would have join in on a song or two or at least offered some expertise or some construtive thoughts to the contestants.

    Tyler has a personality and you can't teach someone that!

    We will see how tonight's show goes.
  2. JohnG

    JohnG PROG now in Dolby ATMOS!

    Long Island NY
    The show does have a lighter air since Simon went bye-bye. Tyler has been great and JLO has been sweet. The Dawg has been the real critic at this point.

    I'm enjoying the season so far.
  3. Hot Ptah

    Hot Ptah Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Kansas City, MO
    The show is fun this year. Can you imagine last year's judges bursting into song with the contestants, or dancing around with the last contestant in Austin as he played his melodica--that would have been at best, awkward.

    Tyler and Lopez seem to know music, much more obviously than some of the judges of the past. I loved Tyler's reference to Vanilla Fudge's "Eleanor Rigby" last week. Simon really didn't know his music history that well--he criticized Lee Dewyze's performance of "The Letter" as lounge, without realizing that it was a note for note recreation of the version on Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs and Englishmen". I think that Tyler knows his pop and rock music history.
  4. JohnG

    JohnG PROG now in Dolby ATMOS!

    Long Island NY
    Loved that opening last night when a kid walked in and is name was Bob Puck, so Tyler says guess what that ryhmes with? and the kid says "duck"? And Tyler says......"read my lips". :D
  5. gfong

    gfong Forum Resident

    Ontario, Canada
    Another good episode last night, Jlo is starting to loosen up a bit.
  6. Vinyl-Addict

    Vinyl-Addict Groovetracer Manufacturer

    Newsflash: She can't sing. ;)
  7. eddiel

    eddiel Senior Member

    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah I think Simon only really knew popular pop stuff or really obvious famous artists that might not have been pop say Ella Fitzgerald but he would not really had known the version of a song or what have you. His knowledge was limited.

  8. Hot Ptah

    Hot Ptah Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Kansas City, MO
    I loved Steven Tyler's response to the first contestant in Los Angeles: "You're going to Siberia!" I laughed out loud.

    Tyler is smarter, more spontaneous and more humorous than many of the past judges. I had wondered how he would fit into the show, but he's a natural at this.
  9. lv70smusic

    lv70smusic Senior Member

    San Francisco, CA
    I'm actually finding myself getting bored this season. There have been a couple of good singers who've made it through, but most of the ones they've given screen time to and highly praised haven't impressed me much. The relative paucity of embarrassingly awful auditions doesn't help since there's little comic relief to help make it through all of the mediocre talent getting through based on sob stories or, in some cases, literally sobbing in front of the judges.
  10. Hot Ptah

    Hot Ptah Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Kansas City, MO
    The contestants on the Los Angeles audition show were particularly dull as a group, I thought--except for the guy who was an independent music producer. He was weird enough to be interesting.

    Well, also the 59 year old guy from Arkansas, but he was so out there that I wondered if he was a fake weirdo conceived for television, or at least coached on how to act weird in front of the camera.
  11. Hot Ptah

    Hot Ptah Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Kansas City, MO
    Re the auditions in San Francisco: Did anyone identify the old blues song which the young woman with the old timey style played on her guitar? It was familiar but over so quickly that I could not figure out which song it was.

    I don't think that she will get very far, but I enjoyed hearing a blues song from the late 1920s/early 1930s played on an acoustic guitar on American Idol.
  12. zen

    zen Senior Member

    I'm bored with all these sob stories. :o

    I'm not absolutely sure, but when Kelly Clarkson won American Idol, nobody knew her apartment had just burned down and she was living out of her car prior to winning. She won it, based on singing, not cause people felt sorry for her.
  13. shokhead

    shokhead Head shok and you still don't what it is. HA!

    SoCal, Long Beach
  14. zen

    zen Senior Member

    Good tip. My wife does that trick, but she still likes some of these sob some extent.
  15. Texastoyz

    Texastoyz Forum Resident

    Texas, USA
  16. full moon

    full moon Forum Resident

    There seems to zero buzz this year....I hear noone talking about it in public, on tv, or radio ...In years past, you could never get away from the hype..
  17. That was Emily Anne Reed and I think the last song with the guitar was the beginning of her version of Honey Babe Blues.
  18. lv70smusic

    lv70smusic Senior Member

    San Francisco, CA
    Not only have ratings declined year after year for the past few seasons, but I personally know many people who used to watch the show who no longer do. Five seasons ago there were many people where I work who watched the show and talked about it the following morning. As far as I know, I'm the only one who still watches.

  19. phish

    phish Jack Your Body

    Biloxi, MS, USA
    i'm watching. no opinon yet.
  20. Vinyl-Addict

    Vinyl-Addict Groovetracer Manufacturer

    They don't show a lot of the better singers. They reveal them in Hollywood week. A lot of these contestants already sing better than Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. :laugh:
  21. Hot Ptah

    Hot Ptah Forum Resident In Memoriam

    Kansas City, MO
    This has not been my experience. The people I know are more excited about the show than they have been in years.

    Of course, this is all anecdotal information, from both of us, based on small numbers of people.
  22. Veech

    Veech Space In Sounds

    Los Angeles, CA
  23. eddiel

    eddiel Senior Member

    Toronto, Canada
    True. But he is correct in that the ratings have been declining year on year.
  24. Vinyl-Addict

    Vinyl-Addict Groovetracer Manufacturer

  25. lv70smusic

    lv70smusic Senior Member

    San Francisco, CA
    Another sob story.

    If that's the best she can sing, call me unimpressed. Too affected. I also agree with Steven Tyler -- she was too far off melody and needs more work.

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