Amazon's Cloud music storage is here..

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by MikeyH, Mar 29, 2011.

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  1. ridernyc

    ridernyc Forum Resident

    Florida, USA
    I'll gladly keep my vinyl and upload all my needle drops to the cloud so I can have my vinyl anywhere.
  2. Taxman

    Taxman Senior Member

    Fayetteville, NY
    I've looked at clouds from both sides thanks. I imagine Amazon would access my information, and sell it to those who would market to me. I'm not handing Amazon that much information.
  3. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    I've jumped on the digital downloading bandwagon. Downloading is not the only way that I buy music, but it's become a big part of the way I buy music. Cloud storage of my digital music is a bridge too far for me, though. I want my digital music on my hard drive, not on Amazon's server. If cloud storage works for other listeners, great. I've got no problem with that.

    But I don't think that any of these companies - Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, whoever - have our best interests at heart when they push us toward the cloud storage model. The Amazon "terms of service" quoted above pretty conclusively demonstrate to me that Amazon doesn't.
  4. sgtmono

    sgtmono Seasoned Member

    LOL. So true. I understand that some people do a lot of traveling, but the storage capacity of a typical iPod is already in the "digital gluttony" zone for me personally.
  5. nojmplease

    nojmplease Host, You Can't Unhear This

    New York, NY
    More information about your identity, habits and tastes is already out "there" than you could ever imagine. And despite everyone's collective whining about privacy and whatnot, I have yet to see one concrete instance in which the end result is actually a bad thing.
  6. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    You're absolutely correct. So the solution is to give away more of that information?
  7. ridernyc

    ridernyc Forum Resident

    Florida, USA
    I'm not sure hwy everyone thinks companies having information about you is so horrible. So amazon figures out you like some band and use that information to serve you an ad for products that it thinks you might want.

    The paranoia strikes me as rather silly. Out of millions of data points what is anyone ever going to do with my tiny little piece of it.
  8. MikeyH

    MikeyH Stamper King Thread Starter

    Berkeley, CA
    You might want to put that tin foil hat on again and sneak a peek at your ISP's terms of service.....
  9. ridernyc

    ridernyc Forum Resident

    Florida, USA
    Also never use a search engine, credit/debit card, discount card, metropass, ezpass, cell phone.....
  10. Driver 8

    Driver 8 Senior Member

    I'm not concerned that Amazon might figure out that I like R.E.M. - they already know that from the CDs and DVDs I've bought from them. What would concern me is the possibility that, for whatever reason, my files stored on the could get deleted. Maybe that's a foolish concern, I'm sure they have better backup procedures than I do. But buying music and storing it on Amazon's server crosses a line for me that downloading music from Amazon to my computer doesn't. Maybe I'll change my mind in the future if this concept is proven to actually work.
  11. MikeyH

    MikeyH Stamper King Thread Starter

    Berkeley, CA

    Even just looking at items on Amazon lets this happen.
  12. nbakid2000

    nbakid2000 On Indie's Cutting Edge

    Springfield, MO
    Yeah, I'm not sure why all the hate for this except it's coming from paranoid Luddites.

    This can only be a GOOD thing as other services will come along to compete and drop prices and improve service. Why would you not want your music at your fingertips anywhere you go? Regardless of where it's coming from....

    And you don't "have" to keep your music on it. It's an option if you don't have the space on your mobile device. This whole "they can delete my information and see what I'm doing" is ridiculous. Keep back up copies and nothing will happen. No one is saying use this as an exclusive backup option. They're not going to go into your music files and poke around and tell you what you can or can't have.

    It's just a legal thing. Stop freaking out.
  13. Gloi

    Gloi Forum Resident

    All very good in principle. The thing I don't like is that at the moment, if times were hard, I could sell some records/CDs. If all my music were on the cloud and times were hard and couldn't afford broadband I'd end up having to listen to the radio. I don't like the thought of having to pay forever for something I've already bought
  14. onlyconnect

    onlyconnect The prose and the passion

    Winchester, UK
    It is a concern, but you can easily keep your own backup copy as well.

  15. MikeyH

    MikeyH Stamper King Thread Starter

    Berkeley, CA
  16. F1nut

    F1nut Forum Resident

    The Mars Hotel
    Since you asked.....

    Because my home rigs are so much better than any type of mobile device. I have no desire to downgrade my listening experience just for the sake of having music playing.
  17. nbakid2000

    nbakid2000 On Indie's Cutting Edge

    Springfield, MO

    Have fun listening to your equipment then. The rest of us will be enjoying, y'know, the music.
  18. jukin

    jukin Forum Resident

    Lancaster, PA, USA
  19. jukin

    jukin Forum Resident

    Lancaster, PA, USA
    You see the world in very black and white terms, don't you? The record store was waging war on you; folks that don't answer the phone are morons, people that have suspicions about the integrity of their data on the cloud are paranoid Luddites.

    Do you read a lot of comics?
  20. full moon

    full moon Forum Resident

    I gave it a whirl last night...I will use it in certain instances....
  21. ridernyc

    ridernyc Forum Resident

    Florida, USA
    Why do so many people have trouble realizing YOU CAN STILL KEEP A SET OF FILES ON YOUR HARD DRIVE.
  22. ridernyc

    ridernyc Forum Resident

    Florida, USA
  23. bluesbro

    bluesbro Forum Hall of Shame

    Just like it was with photo storage and unlimited e-mails, I'll probably jump into this cloud in 5 years time when its free.

    Paying this amount of money a year its just as as crazy as jumping off a bridge.

    Which reminds me, any of you interested in buying a bridge? I still got a couple left...
  24. sirmikael

    sirmikael Forum Resident

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Some people aren't going to read the details, because their minds have been made up before facts get involved. Much like the people in the Record Store Day thread who complain about exclusives being exclusive.

    You and I are in agreement on both topics.
  25. Feisal K

    Feisal K Forum Resident

    I don't get why the music industry thinks Amazon needs a license to provide storage space? or was it for the player application? does WMP, iTunes, WinAmp need a license to play music?

    Perhaps they want you to pay a license for a second copy of the digital file
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