Album covers that say "Buy me", or, why I miss 12" LP artwork!

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Steve Hoffman, Jun 7, 2003.

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  1. Rafter242

    Rafter242 Active Member

    Portland, OR
    Another vote for Hipgnosis / Roger Dean stuff.

    Mark P.
  2. John Buchanan

    John Buchanan I'm just a headphone kind of fellow. Stax Sigma

    Some of the albums that I thought had very eye-catching covers were:
    Ginger Baker's Air Force - S/T
    Wheels of Fire - Cream - thanks Steve for redoing this so accurately.
    Disraeli Gears - Cream
    Stand Up - Jethro Tull
    White Album - Beatles
    Brain Salad Surgery - ELP
    Faust 1st album - Faust
    Band Of Gypsys - S/T
    Iron Butterfly Live - Iron Butterfly
    USA - King Crimson
    Physical Graffiti - Led Zeppelin
    Moonflower - Santana
    Live at Leeds - The Who
    Tales From Topographic Oceans - Yes
  3. Charger

    Charger Forum Resident

    I've always loved the cover of Santana's Caravanserai.

    Mike D.
  4. -=Rudy=-

    -=Rudy=- ♪♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♪♪ Staff

    Re: Album covers that say "buy me"!

    I don't know about speaking to me, but a lot of times, those nice large covers just evoke a certain mood that is mostly lost on a CD package. There are still some covers that give me goosebumps when I see them, partially due to the music inside. That orange/yellow Albizu cover, surrounded by the black border, is a classic piece of album art on that Getz/Gilberto album. Steely Dan's Aja is probably one of the most unique...very simple, a bit elegant, and even abstract to a point until you see exactly what you're looking at. Phil Collins, in the Classic Albums installment for his Face Value album, mentions that he used an extreme close-up photo because he felt it was the closest he could get to a listener "seeing inside". Covers like Songs The Lord Taught Us (The Cramps) speak volumes for the type of music inside.


    I miss those big ol' covers.
  5. poweragemk

    poweragemk Old Member

    The Getz/Francy Boland Big Band _Change Of Scenes_ CD, with the two peppers on it....I bought it out of a cutout bin and loved it.

    My favorite LP covers, the ones I have on my wall, are AC/DC's For Those About To Rock, The Beatles' Blue and Red, and Tull's Thick As A Brick.

  6. GP

    GP Senior Member

    Lynbrook, NY
    Anyone remember the album art by Paul Whitehead?

    I wasn't into Roxy Music, but that cover for Country Life always got my attention. Hard to contain an earth-mamma-muff back in the seventies, even with heavily laced panties.
  7. Re: Album covers that say "buy me"!

    It's picture of Russian writer Edward Limonov 's wife Natalya Medvedeva
  8. StrawberryFields

    StrawberryFields Active Member

    New Jersey
    In Search of the Lost Chord - Moody Blues (Beautiful, mysterious cover)
    Forever Changes - Love (Classy psychedelic portraits)
    Steppenwolf 7 (Those skulls are scary!)
    Evolution - Hollies (psychedelia all the way)
    Clouds - Joni Mitchell (you can tell it's a self-portrait by a major talent)
    All the above, IMO, make you take a good, long look at art which tends to be representative of the music that's inside.....intriguing
  9. teaser5

    teaser5 Cool Rockin' Daddy

    The DMV
    The one I remember the most was Them Changes by Buddy Miles.
    It was 1970. I was fifteen. I hadn't gotten Band Of Gypsys yet; they came out pretty close together as I recall. I didn't know his earlier work with Mike Bloomfield and The Electric Flag yet.

    I saw this album in the store with a picture of this big black dude with a monster Afro sitting behind this cool stars and stripes drum kit with his name painted on it and knew I had to hear it. To this day it remains one of my favorite albums. I flipping love this record! It's not easy to get either. I have three vinyl copies and a recently released Japanese CD (with Obi!).
    If you only know Buddy Miles from his stuff with Hendrix let me tell you: this album is rockin' soul at it's very best.


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