AC/DC "Bonfire" 2011 reissue

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by D Schnozzman, May 18, 2011.

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  1. aroney

    aroney Who really gives a...?

  2. Matthew Tate

    Matthew Tate Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia

    what? its like including bullets in a nirvana boxset
  3. marcfeld69

    marcfeld69 Forum Resident

    Indisputably, but wasn't that his whole raison d'ĂȘtre? What do you think about the 'Back In Black', in that case?
    Matthew Tate likes this.
  4. Matthew Tate

    Matthew Tate Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia

    i do agree though bon would probably have loved the idea and ironically the music to "have a drink on me" was one of the last things worked on while he was still alive
    marcfeld69 likes this.
  5. aroney

    aroney Who really gives a...?

    Hardly. A bottle opener is actually used for far more than just opening a bottle of beer. Bullets are only useful in guns. That said, if Cobain really wanted to die, and it certainly seems that he did, he could have found a number of other ways to kill himself.

    I digress.

    It's also highly unlikely that Bon died from drinking too much beer. A bit more too it than that...

    The band has also been playing "Have a Drink on Me" among numerous other songs about "misadventure" for years.

    I'm not even really sure why I'm arguing about why AC/DC has never been and never will be a PC band. :D
  6. aroney

    aroney Who really gives a...?

    I'd like to see a reliable source on this.
  7. Matthew Tate

    Matthew Tate Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia

    is this book reliable?

    AC/DC: Hell Aint a Bad Place to Be. London: Orion Publishing group
  8. aroney

    aroney Who really gives a...?

    No idea. Is there a quote from any of the band members that mention Bon working on the Back in Black album?

    I've heard talk for years that Bon wrote this, or wrote that, for BiB, but never any real proof, including from the band itself, specifically Brian Johnson, Angus and Malcolm, who have always maintained that he didn't have anything to do with the actual lyrics or music on the album (outside of being an inspiration for some of the tunes).
  9. Matthew Tate

    Matthew Tate Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia
    the book doesn't say he wrote anything. it says the band was working on the music to what became "have a drink on me" , lyrics written after he passed, and bon was laying down a time keeping drum beat during the session while the others worked out the music
  10. aroney

    aroney Who really gives a...?

    Ahh, the Mick Wall book? I'm gonna call BS on that one. A lot of what he wrote has been disputed by the band among others...

    Since none of us were there, who knows for sure though.
    Matthew Tate likes this.
  11. Matthew Tate

    Matthew Tate Forum Resident

    Richmond, Virginia

    Oh ok. I was just going by what I read. Could be false
  12. nodeerforamonth

    nodeerforamonth Consistently misunderstood

    San Diego,CA USA
    Isn't that the book that said the band was planning on firing Bon Scott? Hard to believe/trust that one...
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