Interesting piece from todays SF Chronicle

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by sberger, Jan 31, 2005.

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  1. sberger

    sberger Dream Baby Dream Thread Starter

    Lp's to have never made it to CD, and CD's which now go for big Ebay bucks...Chronicle story
  2. John B Good

    John B Good Forum Hall Of Fame

    NS, Canada
    Very interesting.

    Tho I'll bet all the posters here could come up with well over a 1000 or so albums that haven't seen cd release yet :)
  3. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me!

    OMG! Some of those OOP CDs can be found in cutout bins for under $10!
  4. BradOlson

    BradOlson Country/Christian Music Maven

    I did e-mail Joel saying that "Introspect" is out on CD as part of a twofer with "Don't It Make You Want To Go Home" on Raven in Australia.
  5. floyd

    floyd Senior Member

    Spring Green, WI
    too bad they didn't mention that some of the titles are bringing the higher bucks because they sound better than the no noised compressed rereleases, the Bowies would have been a good one to bring up as they don't have the Ryco bonus tracks and go for even more money.
  6. Metralla

    Metralla Joined Jan 13, 2002

    San Jose, CA
    I read the article with my morning coffee. It was nice to see something along those lines in print, and although Mobile Fidelity was mentioned, no mention of DCC.
  7. Anders B

    Anders B Forum Resident

    Boz Scaggs "Moments" CD are available, if only as a Japanese import.
  8. Anders B

    Anders B Forum Resident

    Although very rare, I didn't expect to see Carl Wilson's "Youngblood" CD on that list . The favorite pick for these kind of lists is usually brother Dennis Wilson's "Ocean Pacific Blue". How could they fail to mention that one?
  9. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca

    It's being released there yet again as a DSD remastered CD and several of his other 70's albums are getting same treatment. It P's me off that they're not SA-CD's, and available in Boz's home country too!
  10. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA
    The reason the RCAs bring more than the Rykos has nothing to do with sound quality and everything to do with scarcity. The RCAs were issue in the early days of CDs, and weren't pressed in very large quantities. The Rykos were issued in the late '80s and were available for years. None of them is very scarce. Bowie completists are the ones who have driven up the price of the RCA titles, not people searching for better sound quality.

    Regardless of what you might take away from the general atmosphere on this group, the world at large is not very critical about CD sound and will happily feast on whatever is presented as the newest and "greatest". Most music collectors are not very critical when it comes to the relative sound qualities of different CD masterings, either.

  11. Jeff H.

    Jeff H. Senior Member

    Northern, OR

    I beg to differ about those RCA Bowie CD's. Although you're correct that they weren't pressed in as great of quantities as the Ryko or Virgin issues, there's another reason why they're in demand. Those original CD's sound closer to the original vinyl LP's, and haven't had No-noise processing or overt EQing and compression applied to them. The RCA's are basically flat transfers of the original masters with little additional processing.
  12. Jeff H.

    Jeff H. Senior Member

    Northern, OR

    Time to go shopping!! :D
  13. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Martin Briley-One Night With A Stranger...$250+ was up to 500+ a few years ago!
  14. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    ...please list some...I'd like to go hunting for them around here. :winkgrin:
  15. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    Good! Hopefully they won't find out, some are still a bargain on ebay...
  16. cdash99

    cdash99 Senior Member

    Meanwhile, the article shows a definite West Coast bias. Peter Wolf's Lights Out seems to consistently sell in the $30-75 range when available.
  17. Jimbo

    Jimbo Forum Hall Of Fame

    Zero/Zero Island
    I have it on good authority that Hip-O Select is working on a Martin Briley package. That $250 price range may bottom out before long.
  18. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    It's been unobtainable at a reasonable price for the moment, the price is the lowest hovering at the $250.00 the Hip-O package a comp or individual album release?...Martin did a few LP's I'm aware of...I'm hoping for a complete reissue of "One Night With A Stranger".
  19. Jeff H.

    Jeff H. Senior Member

    Northern, OR

    There's actually a copy of that Martin Briley CD listed on eBay right now. It's right around $60, with about 2 1/2 days left to go on it. Had almost forgotten about him. I did like that song "The Salt In My Tears". Good pop record.
  20. Mark

    Mark I Am Gort, Hear Me Roar Staff

    And, is it just me, or is Mr. Selvin quite a bit over the top on the price for the Dave Clark (I paid $16 new) and the FBB MoFi (I got it for $10 a year ago)?
  21. Todd E

    Todd E Forum Resident


    What exactly is that "obsolete" piece of equipment used in mastering the Neil Young record, and why can't an old one be located/used?
  22. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    ...seem's to be doing well on ebay...

    Completed! Yikes!
  23. Todd E

    Todd E Forum Resident

    Lenny Payton will play at your bar mitzvah for less than that!
  24. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA

    Geez...If I had the slightest idea where in my archives my CD of this album was, it would be heading right to eBay...Sigh...

  25. Rachael Bee

    Rachael Bee Miembra muy loca

    From the oft' quoted file:

    I know somebody who clings to a low paying job at the City's largest trader in used media. Of course, he sits there in the CD department and gets much of what's worth something for himself. E-bay, what'd ya think, he's a seller by all means! My odds of finding intresting or valuabe stuff in this store are exceedingly low. Stille, I love shopping used, the thrill of the hunt, I suppose...
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